is it safe to update ps4? if you updated is it working good for you?
Is it safe to update ps4? if you updated is it working good for you?
I never update in case this shit ever gets cfw
Wait what's wrong, I updated it and watched something fine about 8 hours ago.
Updayed this morning and watched sone youtube on it while drinking coffee.
Wife has been on it all day without any issues.
Took about a minute to download and install
normal ps4 or pro?
Have Pro and Slim. Played Gravity Rush 2 on the slim early today and playing Horizon on the Pro right now.
No issues here.
updated earlier, Playstation Store logo changed but aside from that I don't see a difference.
couldn't you just by a new updated one?
After an update (in rest mode)
A game on disc that was in the system said Corrupted Data please remove disc or update game
removed disc, put it back in seemed to work perfectly with no update required
only thing I noticed
Update again?
Important info here
OG PS4 updated fine
>updating you ps4 when an exploit has been discovered
I have Pro. I played Parappa (downloaded) and Yooka Laylee (physical) without any crashes so I think it's fine.
Bro if you dont update how do you go online for cod multiplayer?
i hate cod tho
I have Persona in my console hope it doesnt happen
works fine for me, PS4 Pro
Who would make an image like this for a thread?
its at the top of r/ps4
Unironically this
Why? Nothing to do with save data. 105 hours into P5 myself and it happened to me. Just take the disc out and put it back in if it happens.
It's fine m80.
wtf PT demo has a lock
wtf guys=!!?!?!?!?!??!
did I lose the rarest game
seriously what the fuck
>wtf PT demo has a lock
Well its finally time for me to play it, before I update. Been too much of a pussy to play it before.
>Not having two consoles
do it at night with headphones go all out
prove it
>Been too much of a pussy to play it before
>tfw you share a board with people too scared to play a video game
Umm its a very scary one ok
I'm literally shaking right now
Grow a pair, it's a fucking video game.
wtf I don't want to update now.
Still sitting on 1.76. Took it out of the box once to verify the firmware and sealed it back afterwards.
Consoles aren't worth using until ext. HDD loading gets added.
That's actually a nice move. I'm sure that 1.76 CFW will be incredibely easy to install.
I'll tell my friends, PT is more important than playing online.
This desu. Thankfully I can use it as a netflix/amazon prime box w/o updating.
I never play it much anyway besides exclusives like P5 & Horizon. Everything else is just PC
How is this even allowed
They can just lock content I rightfully downloaded?
My PT's fine for now.
Hope yours decides to unfuck itself.
Settings > PSN/account management > restore licenses
That should work, if not you're fucked.
Shit gotta check mine. If this is true it's finally time to upgrade my hdd.
digital is the future, they said
should have just bought a roku
This is why you never go full digital.
Well I've had my PS4 since launch, so initially it was minly for games, & I already had a 360 for streaming anyway.
I built my PC during one of the dry years afterward
>Consoles aren't worth using until ext. HDD loading gets added.
ps4 got that feature in an update a while ago
Why do you have 2 ps4?
Definitely just you, I checked my PS4
Do you seriously think real consumers think that? I cant help but think of "Real" People from infomertials when i see people going out of their way to act like digital is the second coming. Especially since theres no physical manufacturing costs but prices are the same