That kid who activated Big Head Mode in the middle of class, pinned it on you, and got you sent to the principal

>that kid who activated Big Head Mode in the middle of class, pinned it on you, and got you sent to the principal
fuck you Cody, I know you're reading this

>that one kid who learned M-Speed
and died when he hit the school building

>that one kid who looked up hentai in class after another kid told him about it but specifically told him NOT to look it up, and ended up getting both boys in trouble
>that second kid was me

What the fuck? What kind of class was that?

>that one kid who steals your chaos emeralds
what a fuckin KIKE

>that kid who bought Xfer with your money
I told you it wouldn't work you piece of shit.

Serves you right for bringing something like that to Show and Tell.

>that one kid who hacked the principal's computer and turned all the teachers against you

>that kid who hacked your homework every single night and that's why you never turned any in
That made me so mad!!

>that kid who nocliped through a wall on the second floor

>mfw named Cody

>that kid who died by getting run over by a car while standing completely still in the middle of the road
>his last words were: "wasdsswwssawwsswwadsawssswwasdaawwsawwdsa"

Fuck that got me

lel pretty good

fuck you that got me.

>that kid who would do a full 360 spin and drop whatever he was holding if you scared him from behind

>that kid who would jolt his head inhumanly fast whenever you scared him

only true gaymen will understand

>that kid who looked down at his feet and plowed ahead at full speed when he was scared in the dark

he looks constipated

>that one kid who ended up being a squid

>that kid that didn't put any points into stealth but tried to steal yu-gi-oh cards anyway

>that chinese kid named Ping who would randomly play freeze tag with himself

>that one kid who crouchwalked everywhere

>that kid that was stuck in the T pose all lunch and started crying

>that one kid who bhopped home during lunch to play quake

fucker never taught anyone how to do it either.

>the autistic kid who tipped a desk over and got stuck in between it and the wall and wouldn't stop screaming until the teacher started class over


gd sht

>that kid that would open the console in class and type "tai" on the teacher so we didn't have to do work

>that kid we repeatedly muted during his presentation

>that kid that spawned 10 tables and got trapped against the wall

>that kid that clipped through the floor and suffocated

>that kid we teleported into the girls locker room and he got suspended


>That kid who forgot the password to his door and became homeless

>that kid who survived a school shooting by eating twenty cheese wheels after he got shot