MGS5, 3, and 1. What order should I play in?

MGS5, 3, and 1. What order should I play in?

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alphabetical order

Release date, and don't skip 2 and 4, you fucking chode.

Story: 3>1>5
Gameplay: 5>3>1
Characters: 1>3>5
Music: 3=1>5

this is the only right answer

Play Metal Gear Acid first.

1 2 and 4.

The rest are filler.

just play them all in order you fucking jabroni
yes every single one of them

>games have numbers next to the titles

2 is a techdemo for 3
4 is fanbait filler

>2 is a techdemo for 3
This makes no sense at all. There are no survival aspects at all in 2.

I miss /mgg/

The series doesn't need 3 or 5. 1, 2, and 4 present a story-line of some kind.

3 is insanely overrated.

Yeah an engine being updated after feedback to include stamina, geometrical landscapes instead of flat ground, and better AI, makes no sense at all.

3, PW, V , MG1, MG2 are also a story

lmao at Solid Snack dick suckers

By that logic any game before a sequel but also using the same engine are all tech demos.

That's like saying Crash 2 is a tech demo to Crash 3. That's like saying Mario Galaxy is a tech demo to Mario Galaxy 2.

You're retarded.

Except 2 has terrible characters and bosses cobbled together, with 2deep4u plot to try make it seem less obvious they just copied MGS1 template. It was a demo for 3.

>they just copied MGS1 template
They literally say this as part of the story, this isn't some huge surprise you've pulled up

Yes, a story about Anakin Skyw- I mean Naked Snake.

There is a reason people call Kojimbo the Lucas of Sup Forumsidya. He became a fanboy of his own fanfic version of a character and made 3 1/2 games for him.

3 is fine, it's not to my taste and sort of ruins the image of Big Boss by making him a (literally) autistic moron, but whatever. 4 being a sequel to 3 is where Hideo lost control, and makes 3 retroactively worse.
AND THEN HE DID IT AGAIN WITH V. Made Skullfuck and XOF and all that crap. 3/PW/V are a story, that is true. A completely unnecessary, poorly written clusterfuck that eventually ruined the original overarching plot and ultimately left the series in the red.

No shit i just said that? Saying its because of the plot doesnt get rid of its laziness, like Kojima saying Quiet's outfit had some deep meaning other than fapbait.

Release Order but end it with 4



This. Even though 4 has an insanely retarded story even by MGS standards I'm still glad it exists. You shouldn't skip it


Skip five it's not a mgs game

1 2 4 3 PO PW V
Perfect Order

If you have autism, play through the order of the story: MGS3, PW, Ground Zeroes, 5, MG1, MG2, MGS/MGS TS, MGS VR Missions, MGS2, MGS 4, MGR.

>not playing release
1 - 2 - 3 - 4 - PW - V

But, it is

Don't listen to Portable Ops is absolute dogshit and isn't really canon, unessential garbage you will not be missing out.

I feel like Kojima expected people to look at Quiet and go 'wow, what a slut', she was supposed to be a character that people judged by her appearance but instead the reaction was 'wow, these designers are sickos' so it kind of backfired. MGSV has too many abstract ideas that aren't elaborated on in general, like it's only ever showing a fraction of the bigger picture, so it's left up to fans to decide whatever the fuck is going on. It's such a horribly unsatisfying story in every sense, I'd like to think that's the point but Kojima fans are always trying to give him a free pass, it's the same as the 'MGS4 was intentionally retarded' theory, implying that he intentionally made the answers to questions people had about MGS2 the biggest ass-pulls imaginable. The difference with MGS4 though is it is filled with fanservice, people can look past how ridiculous the story is because you're piloting fucking Metal Gear Rex and fist-fighting Liquid Ocelot on top of a submarine.

The best moment in MGSV is you gunning down your own soldiers, hardly a 'feel good' moment especially when Huey of all people won't stop criticising you over the radio, as well as the lingering realisation that the real Big Boss is off somewhere doing all the shit you wish you could be doing.

>skip portable ops

3 is a great game but I agree it felt pointless. Solid Snake is a better character than Big Boss. I would like 3 more of that was the only prequel. PW was shit and 5 is fun as fuck but I don't think anyone would disagree the bare bones story is totally pointless. It honestly shouldn't have been a metal gear game. That gameplay in a unique IP would have been a hit and avoided the backlash.

>MGS4 apologists

>as well as the lingering realisation that the real Big Boss is off somewhere doing all the shit you wish you could be doing.

This is what pisses me off. Big Boss got the cool mission, got to recruit sniper wolf and the gang, kicked ass and worked in the shadows setting his doppleganger up for a suicide mission. I want to play that game. That sounds like a game with some fucking nuance to it.

4 is fucking trash and deserves to be skipped

It's game play is pathetic it's the only one i cannot play or enjoy

Theres no info whether Saladin was Venom or Big Boss. She didnt join FOXHOUND until after both were dead, most likely because of Liquid being his son.

V is fun as fuck if you go in knowing how much of a letdown it is

Story: 2>3>1>5>PW>4
Gameplay: 5>3>4>2>1>PW
Characters: 3>1>PW>2>5>4
Music: 2>1>3>4>5>PW

This. Too many people suffer from Fable-Molyneux-letdown syndrome. its still a good game, you just bought into the hype train too much

>doesn't know how to count to 5

Really makes you think.

butt user, why yu wan tu be sunekuru? fuk you, i give gayden. no likey, eh? ok, you can be haemorrhoid suneku now. oh, yu wan to be bigu boss again? ok then punished sunekā„¢ ;) did you rike it? prease buy desu stranding lol

Acid MGR Acid 2 Iphone game skip everything else.

god i hate Quiet and Chode Talker

By release date. Even if the stories are playing out of chronological order, events and people in games are expanded in the next and the next and the next. Playing them in Chronological order would rob yourself of certain experiences.


Naw son. 4 is aaight.

Playing in chronological order is more enjoyable unless it's different in metal gear

it sucks but its still fun the first couple times you play it

At what point did the series become a retarded convoluted mess?

Metal Gear 2: Solid Snake

The level design and enemy A.I. is too piss poor for the otherwise fluid gameplay.

Fucking Far Cry has better world/outpost design than this garbage.

This way

kek. put them in chronological order and it'll be perfect

>Twin Snakes
weak b8

I'm not even kidding when I say that chronological order is the best way. And it's mainly because starting off with 3 is far easier than 1, and ending it with 4 is far more satisfying conclusion than V.

Brightest one around.

But then you'd have to go back to 1 after playing MGSV.

Snake's Revenge

low sample size but a couple of my friends didn't have that much of a trouble going to 1 after starting with MGSV

4 has literally the best mechanics in the game. If you skip it, you're missing out

>octocamo is one of the greatest mechanics ever added to a stealth game

3 is the starting point in the timeline

It's different in Metal Gear. Never start with chronological order. Never.

Who are you quoting?

for now, that is.

death stranding is the cobra unit in ww2

not him but octocamo was fucking amazing. it took the camo mechanic from 3 and made it better. lets not forget that it had the best weapon mechanics for mgs to date.

>Gameplay: 5>3>1
Why do you want him to go from the most modern and polished gameplay to the most janky and awkward, outdated gameplay?
It should be the other way around.

so kojimbo is gonna use some scrapped ideas from the past? sounds about right.

literally all of them are bait you fucking idiot

>definitive version of mgs4

>NES metal gear
>NES snake's revenge
>twin snakes
>MGS2 on xbox
>MGS3 on DS
>MGS4 on youtube
>PW on PSP
>MGSV on separate last gen consoles

MGS1 and 2 form the very foundation of the series as it is today

Starting anywhere else is a mistake.