Fire Emblem Heroes

What would you like to say to the person who ended your perfect run?

I hate the idea of using these brides as my units, but I have all of the perfect fodder for a decked out Cordelia if I manage to pull one. I'm conflicted.

Just do it and bask in the glory of easy wins

>Have Faye and Jaffar for Firesweep bow and Life or Death
>roll Cordelia after 80 orbs
> -atk


Lady Lyndis is my wife!

Fucking remove dancers from defense teams already jesus christ

>Took 4 of you to kill me

>Tier 18
>Only viable Bonus Hero I have is Olivia and she's 4 star and level 12
Guess I'm ranking down this season

Can I just punch him in the face?

Popping into this thread just to remind everyone that Cordelia cheats on her husband and that's why IS declared her the

>Perfect Bride

>4star level 12 Olivia
what the fuck is wrong with you, she's one of the first units you should be 5 staring

Please stop posting this. You'll trigger the Denialfag.

Don't give it (You)s.

Did you get the bride you're hoping for?

I got a -spd Cordelia. Should I spend the rest of my orbs going for a better one, or shoot for Azura?


Should I promote my +atk/-hp Roy?

Only if you don't have any other red sword at all since he's kind of a meh unit

Is bride Caeda useful?

She's like a slightly worse Linde

You should probably wait until you roll another decent red to promote, not promoting a shit tier character that you will never use again

Ayy, I got one. How do I use this shit?

Camus has some big ass hands

send home asap
unless you're a cuckold faggot

+Spd, congratulations user. Now give her a Brave Bow+, Life and Death 3 and watch people die

big hands
big dick

Maybe in like a week or something, hopefully we find out who the next few GHBs are soon

Thisbut she's better than Spring Lucina

kill yourself
What this user said, B skill Desperation or maybe Swordbreaker.

Should I promote Xander or a spare Cecilia for Xander+1 or Cecilia+1? Don't have any other units I want to promote atm and have 30k feathers.

xander for sure

>One away from a perfect streak.
>Some asshole with a dancer kills one of my units.
How does one deal with homicidal urges, Sup Forums?

And we'll keep having it as long as it updates

I play Prototype because I can murder

If you have big hands and big feet, they cancel each other out. Camus has a modest dick.

Anyone have the data mined bridal blessings lv 40 convos? Need to show to someone.

Does that mean the thundercock is actually tiny?

It's a scientifically proven fact.

rip Thunderchode

You can't tell me what to do.

Have the (You)s that (You) so desperately crave.

Lyn friendzones you

Oh, sorry. I was staring at you. You just remind me of someone I know. My husband? You're kidding, right?

No, another tactician. We helped each other out, and we traveled a long way together... That friendship means a lot to me. I'm not sure if you're that much alike, but spending time with you does make me happy.

If you feel the same, I hope we're never separated... That sounds like a proposal? Of course it isn't! Why would you even think that?

Charlotte also friendzones you, asking you to summon a nice big Bull for her:

Are you going to summon a Hero? Oh, please! Let me come too! C'mon! Picture this: Someone tall and handsome, strong yet gentle, VERY rich...and single. My destined one!

WHAT? It doesn't work that way? What is that thing even good for, then? Never mind. But even without a man like that, I do have a friend in you, don't I? Love fades, but friendship is forever.

In other words...for now, you'll do. Enough talk! It's time for action. Make way for the Bride of the Battlefield!

GHB's are always the first week of the new month and then either the third or fourth week.

Is Blárblade+ really that good on +spd Spring Lucina?

nigga i have girly hands and my dick is 7 inches, that's not true

Yes it is, it's her best setup by far

Blarblade+ is better on Olwen, Ursula, or Linde. Spring Lucina is kinda meh in comparison

>tfw only have a level 1 4* Olivia, since I only have Azura
>no motivation to level her up
I wish I had those crystals now

Cordelia however, is as cockthirsty as ever, delicately ignoring the fact that Severa is in this game, so she's either married or has a man she's meant to be with:

I've finished my patrol. I've checked our supplies, too. I've been looking for you. What? That's not a job for a bride? Don't kid around.

You know I'm a soldier. Wait.. Is it that you don't want me to spoil my dress? I'm right? Er... How embarrassing! But thanks for the compliment, all the same. Well, why not? You've been so nice to me... I'll try being a bride for you.

Ha! You're blushing! How cute. Shall we walk onto the battlefield, arm-in-arm? Maybe we do make a good couple...


Come on, if you're gonna lie on the internet, choose a better lie user.

>running a mage and dancer together
>4784 in tier 18
I hope you know you're falling back to 17 by the end of the week.

Lyn doesn't friendzone you. She's just too embarrassed about it to say anything. It only reads that way when you take it out of context.

Thanks man. You got Caeda too?


>finally get my waifu it's a neutral iv
I heard Life and death should I sacrifice a Minerva on her? but I don't have a brave bow? So what can I do with her? What skills are optimal

Nope sorry, I assume she friendzones you too, since she's married

Is Charlotte worth pulling or should I just level up Sharena to 5*?

This is the first Arena I don't have a bonus hero to use and the only unit type I don't have is a Lancer, so the only one I would give a fuck about is her, if she's any good that is...

If she's lackluster, how should I build my Sharena?

seek mental help my friend

All good. Thanks again. Couldn't find them anywhere.

Lyn is Hector's wife. Florina is too.

>My waifu

Damn user, that sucks...

>Someone tall and handsome, strong yet gentle, VERY rich

Has anyone confirmed if this dialogue is in the Japanese version? Because with as much people get their panties in a bunch over it, it would be funny if it was just something Treehouse made up because they thought it would be funny.

Fuck you, fuck your SI Tharja.

Here's Caeda's. Don't listen to that cuckold.

"What does love mean to you? Tell me, [Summoner].
As long as the person I love is safe and happy... That's really all that matters to me.
Wearing this dress got me thinking, though. When they wed, two people vow to make each other happy.
If I were to die... I'm sure that the person I love would be sad. I wonder... Is that what love is?
Love isn't as simple as it seems. And I'm sure we all feel it differently...
What does love mean to you? Please, if you would, share your thoughts with me."

I'm not sure about Charlotte but Sharena is a damn solid unit. My build is a bit unorthodox because I'm running her as a debuffer, but I'm running Fensalir, Bonfire, Fury, Seal Speed, and Fortify Def. Probably gonna slap on a Threaten Def. Alternate skills I put on her to run are Lancebreaker and Hone Speed

>my waifu
She is everyone's cocksleeve not a waifu

That's literally the entire context. I think it's dumb myself, her standard self friendzones you, you'd think her goddamn Bride outfit would be romantic at least, but nope.

It's a bridal event where none of the girls want to get married...

Why? Which part of that do you disagree with?

Don't you think it'd be wierd for Caeda to have a romantic confession, since she's canon with Marth? Why isn't it strange for Cordelia to pretend to be a bride (wedding night) for a man who didn't father Severa?

Is there any hope for a -spd +res B Cordelia

Not an argument.
Read what the all of the other brides were thinking about before they were summoned. Now remember who Lyn constantly talks about in every one of her appearances outside of FE7. She wants the self insert dick.

LnD 3, Desperation or Swordbreaker. If you don't have Brave Bow you can use Firesweep but that's suboptimal, worst comes to worst keep the Cupid bow for now.

>Pointing out that Cordelia is a whore makes you a cuckold

Denialfags still going strong I see

I'd rather have her as someone that can take a hit and buff my other units, I just want to be able to complete my deathless runs without a being a pain to keep on the team.

I just saw that Charlotte res is pretty shit, so I guess I'm really going with Sharena.

I never even married Cordelia. I married Stahl and Gaius myself in my games. Fuck off with your bullshit, I don't want any part of it.

>not an argument
>proceeds to post more mental gymnastics
That's not how not an argument work, virgin.

It literally isn't. See

why sword breaker?

Shareena will always be better in the long run because she's a recurring bonus unit.

The team I'd probably run with her is: Julia, Ninian and Snacki, or maybe swap Ninian with Reinhardt.

Why are you defending a shit character?

They'd still have to explain why the game specifically points out that she keeps staring longingly at Chrom after she gets married and why she's still got the dating book. None of those are legacy dialogue, they only happen when Severa's around.

Yeah I know, I just decided to go with her, I'm already leveling her.

I hope that in that I have one of the bonus heroes in the next 2 arenas though.

If that's your mind you can run her as a semi buffer, Rally Attack, Hone Speed or her default Fortify Def. Lancebreaker means she can go toe-to-toe with Reds and Blues easily, you can go a default Stat+ 3 if you don't like Fury.
If she wants to fight DC sword lords it stops her getting doubled if they have Vantage or QR. Granted if you go LnD there's not too many people who can double you anyways.

I'm not. Sumia is the much superior Pegasus Knight. I just hate that this getting repeated because some autistic NTR pissbaby can't keep it in his pants for a few moments. No one gives a fuck about that shit tier fetish, go to /d/, /aco/, or /h/.

Well, I don't have a horse in this race, if that's how you read it, then great. But the reveal posts were full of dissapointment, so I think most people take her at face value.

Prove me wrong faggot. Every girl tells you they were daydreaming about their ideal husbando before they got summoned except Lyn, who just acts like stuttering tsundere and compares you to Mark.

Calling each other's waifu a slut is common as fuck on boards like Sup Forums. It just so happens that this shit waifu is a canon slut.

Who /okwithbeingcucked/ here? Cordy is worth it.

What if I hate NTR and that's the reason I hate Cordelia? Why are you acting as if there's only one person that brings this stuff up.

I've seen half these threads full of it.

Fury is good enough I suppose, I don't plan to let her take many attacks, and she has a pretty good hp pool.

I suppose using 2000 feathers to get Lancebreaker 3 is gonna be annoying though...

>she said no but she means yes!

Curious. Are you okay in general, as in, you find it hot her cucking you? Or are you okay because it's her, you care about her enough to forgive her sleeping around?

What about the fact that she corrupts your daughter(s)?

>Go to team is Neutral Ryoma, +atk -def Hector, +atk -res Ninian and a +spd -res Linde
>just pulled this cutie who is +atk -hp

At least I don't need to change my strategy, I'll just give her Desperation 3 and Ardent Sacrifice.

>tfw already have Linde and have no reason to use her
It's sad

Probably leaning towards the former
I don't care about Severa, but I wouldn't mind seeing Morgan corrupted tbdesu

>220 orbs and still no bride
Why do I even bother?

The only reason to use her is the glorious thigh skindentation in her injured art.

Were you sniping, or rolling full rolls? That's a hell of a lot of orbs for nothing.

Did you at least get good fodder?
