Black Desert

So how is this game? I heard mixed things. I'm a big MMO guy and a friend just gifted it to me on Steam. Can I get a quick rundown?

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what kind of game is this

Judging from the last 5 threads its a P2W grindfest with a good character creator

>Black Desert Online
What do you think

I want to know how it's grindy and P2W though.

>What do you think
Is it a MUD?

Not P2W as LoL or something evil. Quick list of pearl shop items:
Cape that allows you to hide your name from players making it easier to ambush
Maids that allow you to autobid in the market for rare items.
More inventory slots
Sluty outfits with small bonuses to drops

I wish.

It really isn't p2w, probably the only mmo I played that wasn't a constant scam

So what's it like moment to moment? What do you actually do? I'm more of a WoW/XIV dude, is this just an autismic sandbox or is there real content?

i gotcha

fuck off retard

You grind.
You can build a city with the node system and use it to grind materials. You can build boats and carts to transport materials to shops.
PvE is weak as fuck. You can't trade with players. Market is regulated by devs with min price.

Can someone gift me this game? I only have 2 dollars.

We have this thread every fucking day

Anyway OP, the game is alright for a first playthrough until soft cap - good visuals, flashy and fun combat, good environments. Decent amount of side activities.
Don't bother playing after level soft cap, becomes a fucking autismo grind of grinding mindless AI for hours on end so you can grind more AI mobs faster or possibly own some noobs in world PvP who havn't grinded as much as you did.

Trade skills are a waste of time since the market has fixed price floors and ceilings, and grinding mobs nets you money faster.

PvP is decided entirely by who no-lifed the grind harder, stats matter way too much over skill.

There is no endgame PvE content. In fact, there is almost no PvE content besides some group bosses that have DPS requirements for loot but oneshot you so you might lose your chance at any payout.

The cash shop is horrid as well, some of the worst P2W in a B2P MMO.

The game's waifu creation and dress up tools are second to none. After that the entire games just feels like a shell of a reason to do something with the waifu you created.

The dress up is exceptionlly bad, what the fuck

There's only 1 outfit if you don't use costumes that "evolves" by adding more accessories on higher level equips.
The cash shop outfits are high quality, but there's only like 8 or 9 for each class.
Really the worst dress-up selection I've seen in any high budget MMO

So as far as I can see, you have a base outfit that is(for my char at least) like a dress and leggings and gear you pickup only alters your gloves, boots, and some part that covers your shoulders. Will I ever be able to get a new torso "look" without buying it with real money or am I basically forced to buy one of the sets on the shop to look different. Also dye's are impossible to get in game I assume.

>player run economy
>no direct trade between players

no, your torso armor just gets slight upgrades to make you look less like a pleb, but in the end still a pleb.
Cash shop is only alternative for combat outfits.

you get some dyes for free at some point I think

Just bought this game on steam. I'm loving every minute of it. Cool sandbox mmo with no pay2win

Too bad, I am enjoying the waifu simulation/creation and fluid combat tho.

which is fine, just don't expect much else than some decent combat, good visuals and level design

I'll send you one when the next Black Desert thread comes up

...shill-post or?

The combat is great, just as good as Tera if not better. Don't expect much armour variety though unless you're willing to spend money (something like £20 for a single outfit, no option to buy from market with silver), there's a lot of nice armour in the pearl shop, but if you're not willing to pay up, you're stuck looking like a peasant even when you reach end game.

There's not much story to the main quest line, and the translation in areas is pretty rough. Side quests are as you'd expect, only ones really worth doing are the 10 or so quests that reward you with an inventory slot.

There's a node system where you hire workers who gather resources that you then trade, it's pretty complicated.

I can't say much about pvp or playing in a party as I haven't experienced it. The best thing is the combat, the worst is the lack of armour. The game is worth the £4 it's currently priced at on Steam, and I think it will eventually be free, makes me regret having paid £30 on its initial release.

But so at the end of the day the focus isn't actually on the gameplay?

So does this have a sub-fee or an optional sub-fee for bonus shit?

I've jacked off to my female toons :D

You can buy cash shop items off the marketplace for ingame silver, it won't be easy with everyone bidding on the items but you CAN do it

literally everything you just listed is more P2W than LoL.

>I'm a big MMO
Just play it, like you have someone else to do.

he could play another, better MMO?

I just started, I don't care about outfits really as long as I can get some decent looking armor that isn't the rags I am currently wearing.

Will I be able to have fun in this game? The combat feels pretty nice, the character creator was alright but I feel like it caters towards waifus and wouldn't let me make a manly man as much as I would like.

How long does it take to get going? will enemy's ever actually fight back?

i enjoy it everyday