I'm actually enjoying das2 more than 3

I'm actually enjoying das2 more than 3

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Dark Souls 2 is an amazing game.
Dark Souls 3 too, but it was too safe, while 2 tried many new things.

>I'm actually enjoying das2 more than 3
So am I.

Dark Souls 2 is a great video game, but a mediocre souls game
Dark Souls 3 is a great souls game, but a mediocre video game


that's because it's better

That makes no sense.

Dark Souls 2 doesn't play anything like you'd expect from a Souls game, but if you can get over that bump you'll realize it's a really good fucking video game

Dark Souls 3 plays exactly how a Souls game should play, but that's all it has really.

Dark Souls 2 is trash

But DS2 is shit

>90% of bosses are utter garbage
>worst level design ever
>worst art design ever
>worst animations ever
>worst hitboxes ever

On top of that, everything about that game is uninspired

DS3 might not be super original, but holy shit it's tremendously better than DS2
DS2 was a mistake

% of bosses are utter garbage
>>worst level design ever
>>worst art design ever
>>worst animations ever
>>worst hitboxes ever
You just described every souls game that isn't Bloodborne

>On top of that, everything about that game is uninspired
Nah, that would be das3
It's impossible to call das2 uninspired
>90% of bosses are utter garbage
>worst level design ever
>worst art design ever
>worst animations ever
>worst hitboxes ever
Feels like every souls game

>but if you can get over that bump you'll realize it's a really good fucking video game

No it isn't.

>90% of bosses are utter garbage
Main game? Yeah. Especially Nashandra (fuck Nashandra, seriously). DLC? They're some of the best bosses in the series

>worst level design ever
More of a mixed bag. Some levels are Lost Izalith-tier, but other levels are pretty great. A castle where you can't put a feet inside because a billion kanana-wielding knights rush to wreck your ass, a death course involving poison-spitting statues, a castle hall where if you kill too many enemies you're going to be ambushed by giant armor dudes, it's just great.

>worst art design ever

>worst animations ever

>worst hitboxes ever
Not any worse than your average Soulsborne

>everything about that game is uninspired
Ahahaha nope
>Covenant of champions
>Lifegems being an alternate to cestus with its own risks
>Motherfucking Power stance
>Seed of giants
>Bonfire aescetics (one of the best ideas in that game)
>Being able to respec your character
>Loot drops for phantoms, even if they're just lifegems (something Dark Souls 3 failed to do while Bloodborne or even fucking Nioh does it)
>NG+ having new enemies
>Weird weapon infusions like mundane
>Hexes being its own magic path
>Being able to skip a considerable chunk of the game if you have enough SM (before you start whining, I managed to get them on NG only by engaging in co-op)
>Fist being viable and lethal as fuck
>The best DLC of the Soulsborne games (to be fair I haven't played the Ringed City yet so my opinion can change).

If there is an uninspired game in the series, that's 3. Bloodborne did enough things to feel fresh.

Ok this is my first time back on Sup Forums in about a year, but man you guys are full of contrarian shitlords.
I also prefer DaS2 to 3, but when I was saying that a year ago everyone says that not only is DaS2 the worst souls game, it's a bad game, period. I just can't buy the argument that DaS2 is a bad game, I feel like everyone who said that secretly loved it and just wanted to fit in with mainstream Sup Forums opinion.
Kind of the same way closet homos work

A year ago DS3 came out and a lot of people were still on the high you get from a first completion. It felt "souls" like to them, so they liked it. It wasn't until many months later people started to express their thoughts about how shallow, unoriginal and boring it actually was. If you were expecting praise for DS2 last year you're not very bright, DS3 was what was in the now if you even brought up DS2 you'd get shitted on.

DS2 was the same way, most hated it because it was different; but found out that besides from not playing like your traditional souls game the game was really good. But because of the vocal minority and certain e-celebs shilling their video anytime you mention anything positive about DS2 you get shitted on and sadly people still do that, even if they never touch the game. You had people in the last thread saying that ADP effected your weapon swings and shit like that.

And I disliked das2 before it was even released because some changes reminded me of des
But hey, now I fucking love it thanks to the game being more dungeon exploration type than style over substance like das3(and 1)

I cant get past the character creator on DaS2

They made the right decision, fired the B team

I like it a lot, specially since I prefer Demon's souls to Dark souls

>And all those beautiful-looking levels... are just lineal corridors with a couple enemies every now and then, not unlike your average Call of Duty

Style over substance indeed.

>using Blank is a great game, but not a good blank game to make your point
Hooooooo Boy

Can somebody explain to me why my character has butt creases?


Three, despite being a superior game to Two, missed the point of what made dark souls good.

>missed the point of what made dark souls good
I'm curious, what exactly are those points?

Why would you post concept art from DaS1 and label it as art from DaS2?

Not really, Dark Souls 3 has far better level design than Dark Souls 2, and the boss battles are way better too.

>Why would you post concept art from DaS1
Wow, history revisionism in full power
des/das2 = god tier concept art and and god tier artbooks
das/das3 = shit tierconcept art and shit tier artbooks

Harvest Valley is the worst area out of all those pictured, easily.