>Europe has better box arts than Ameri--
Europe has better box arts than Ameri--
>europakistani now has arabic on it
Both covers are awful.
it's shopped, right?
holy fuck
fuckin lol
get fucked eurocucks
Lost it.
both are awful, but right gives a clearer image of what you're getting
kind of thing you'd expect from a collection
I'm not laughing, that's just distressing.
So good that Rise of the Tomb Raider copied it for their re release.
Nothings trumps the horrendous north American Ico cover
Bam Ham is pretty close
>kind of thing you'd expect from a collection
I prefer a cool image for my collection, so it feels more like a fan/collector item and not some shitty 3 in 1 plug n play game
Holy shit I own the game of the year edition of city and its the stupidest thing on the planet
it's actually such a clusterfuck
Oh shit!
say what you fucking want but this is one of the coolest fucking trailers for a game EVER
yes, nathan is a 'cool dude'- he loves adventure and treasure and fucking bitches and all that cool shit, but he's actually got tons of character depth that is only hinted at- yes, he's a mass murderer psychopath, but he clearly is the only person in the series who actually values friendship and companionship. even elena, she loves the 'thrill' of her job and being in the presence of the alpha male nate. the trailer becomes even sadder when you realize nate's brother doesn't actually care about him
uncharted 2 and 4 are amazing games but Sup Forums will never admit it because they're
>sony exclusive
>muh movie gaem
someone post the shop
>Bonus content includes: Batman
Which one?
Not to menton they are popular with people who actually have seen the sun
>confident, poised
>sword and shield in hand
>facing the world, ready to kick some ass
>weak posture
>shield away, sword sheathed
>facing the camera, unsure, thinking "oh jeez am I ready for this?"
Who the fuck thought that blurry bird right in your fucking face was a good idea?
Thy are both lame like most 'character facing away the camera' cover arts
left easily
well, they certainly deserve some merit, but the problem is they're just too short and have no replay value because the gameplay is usually either 'monotonous shooting' or 'monotonous climbing'. the set pieces and over the top story are fun, but after a while you just sort of roll your eyes. like wow, a thing nate is climbing starts to break apart and he does impossible jumps, oh wow this ancient impossible puzzle device, oh wow this MAGIC civilization. uncharted 4 is the best by far because its presentation and attention to detail is off the charts, it's the longest, and has some amount of replay value due to the gameplay being a bit less linear- more open areas, stealth combat,driving around, the rope, etc. the graphics and story are the best.
but when there's other games out there that offer a much higer dollar-to-content ratio, it's hard to see uncharted in such a great light, despite the product itself being generally of very high quality
I think most of the value comes from the multiplayer aspect of the game, most ND games are amazing in that area
right one nails it.
Batman why are you punching yourself?
>mfw americans pronounce it "Ayy-Co."
literally not a single person on the planet earth pronounces it Ayy-co
How tolerant.
I pronounce it EEEEE-Ko
So fuck you
Did you guys know that Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection has 3 games? someone post the shop
You're thinking of "eye-co"
>not pronouncing it "icko"
i have to say, that box art is one of the best i have ever seen
Why is it missing German? (inb4 it's arabic)
PAL games come in Multi3 (german, french, english) or Multi5(german, french, english, spanish, italian) most of the time because it's their biggest markets where a translation would be economically sound.
In rarer cases it's multi7 and more but this gen it became somewhat the norm.
But they are movies
The climbing and "platforming" is about as interactive as a cutscene and the shooting is just gears of war with jumping and boring guns
The steelbook edition at least looks like the one on the left in EU
>reddit spacing
>expecting anyone to take you seriously
lol no
fyi the art on the left was used for reprints
EU versions had the boxart on the left at the start then for some reason they changed the art on reprints
i think it because you can get each one individually at PS4 retail and they wanted to keep the boxart constant
I'm sort of mad that we never got this. It's so fucking good.
calm your tits, peasants. i got that cover art, and it's completely inappropriate because the game actually exists beyond Act 1, remember?
Im German and I only saw the left versions on the shelfs
link looks gay as hell with that pose in the euro version.
pose is better in left
background is better in right
oh dont mind me, im just an European MASTERPIECE OF PURE PERFECTION passing through.
I hope this gets the updated art for the remakes as well.
Europe has literally nothing better than America. Nothing. The food is shit. The women are hideous. And now every last one of them is a cuck.
they don't have you over there, that's one thing.
Right has better colors; Left has better pose
left gives more feel to it
No way, the right cover is garish.
Oh shit.
I have EU version and it's like the one on the left.
>EU versions had the boxart on the left at the start then for some reason they changed the art on reprints
They divided the collection and are now also selling each title individually, the new collection reprint cover is simply those three covers put together.
even clouds are piss colored
thank God it's not whole piss again
They change it to add the arabic obviously
> le my face when I wanted to replay the UC games on PS4 recently but then I remembered the tedious gameplay and unlikable characters and sold the disc instead
>unlikeable characters
kill yourself
it's like the only good thing about the games
Those are leaves retard
Did they just take the Nathan on 3's cover, shop out his scarf, and replace the rifle with a pistol?
>not liking the banter between Nate and Elena
I feel sorry for you.
I like it
It's shopped and this is probably OP samefagging.
Is this a ruse? I'm Swedish and when I bought the Nathan collection I got it with the left box art and not the right one.