Only mobile game worth playing besides Crash Fever

Only mobile game worth playing besides Crash Fever
Prove me wrong
(can we please have a mobile gamer thread)

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Post Battlecats

is pixel dungeon the best roguelike I can stick on my phone? And what variants should I check out? My friend told me to go for Shattered but there's quite a few.

>console shitpost wars
>mobile gamer threads are fun but never take off
its not fair

try siralim 2. not free but pretty fucking good. also on pc.

Redungeon by Nitrome is pretty fun. Endless """"runnner"""" game, difference is you aren't always moving and you have skills and such to mess with the dungeon.

I've always wanted to play Crash Fever. Should I know anything about starting it off? Good pulls, should I even re-roll etc;

you missed out by missing the Battle Cats crossover
tons of good units, amazing leveling cats, and free polygons
right now I can't recommend crash fever because I literally can't live without my "turn all green/blue panels into red crash panels + boost red damage for 3 turns" Swordmaster Cat
the epitome of a good collab is when they are all OP
right now I'd recommend trying to find units with Venom because it stacks as long as its from a different source

Post you're
>Fav cat

>Pic related, stared have TF
>Done with 1 star sol, trying to get all the Lil's tfs. Already have dark, macho, and jamiera