I just got this. I played it for 5 minutes and quit out of sheer frustration. You click to attack, click to walk...

I just got this. I played it for 5 minutes and quit out of sheer frustration. You click to attack, click to walk, stop in the middle of walking so some rat can walk. Am I playing the game wrong? Or is it really that fucking slow and lame?

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The draw of the series is tge story. But yeah it's slow. Just a heads up, you can recover health in any area that isn't dangerous by opening your pipboy and hitting the be button.

hold shift

There are different speeds for combat in the settings but the game can still be slow sometimes. You either like it or you dont i guess. Once you get to the point where you are one shotting enemies the combat speed picks up.

I will now offer some sage advice.

How much Agility you have affects how much you do. 10 AGI is often a good idea.

Due to how the game handles critical hits, 10 Endurance isn't a bad idea either. Because crits go through your armor and it leads to a lot of instagibbing if your HP hasn't been getting stacked up by the level gains.

Unless playing for a diplomatic game, Charisma is largely a dump stat.


is this your first crpg?

Fallout 1 tips:

Get the Gifted Trait, gives you +1 to all your SPECIAL at the low cost of slightly less skill points.

Set Agi to 10, 6 Str should be enough, make sure you can get a bare minimum of 8 Per for the Sniper perk at level 18.

Charisma is horrible in Fallout 1, as there's only four companions and none of them are that great. Set it to 2, or at most 4. Also, never give NPCs burst weapons unless you like being shredded by your own minions.

Tag guns, it can carry you through most of the game with little issue. Later on, you may want to swap to energy weapons for the Turbo Plasma Rifle.

For super tough enemies, (Deathclaws, etc), go for eye shots, which have a chance to do very high damage.

git gud
it's 1997 ffs

Always keep an eye on your health. Since you can only save at certain points you could lose hours of progress. Remember to run away from all fights and only grind on the weakest enemies. Companions can't be trusted. Also if you press shift 6 times rapidly, your character runs faster.

Hope this helps