*blocks your path*

*blocks your path*

has there literally EVER been a boss fight tougher than fune knight in the Hx. of video games?

who the fuck is that I dont recall seeing him in any souls game

Jamal, stop. We dont like your shitty souls ripoff here.

Ds2 DLC Boss

He's in dark souls 2 DLC. He has a ridiculously high hit damage and speed. You have to basically keep rolling in the correct direction for the entire boss fight and if you fuck up once for even a split second you're done.

It's Fune Knight silly, the best boss in the Hx. of Dark Souls 2, part of the Crown of the Iron King DLC or SotFS

More like:
>horrible hitboxes in your path
The fight was pretty easy otherwise. Multiple BB bosses took me longer to kill.

He was definitely the toughest souls boss but hardest in all games is pushing it.

Many many MANY Ys bosses are harder. He took me maybe 10 attempts while Gildias and Galbalan's stupid asses took me over five times that.

It's Fume Knight, not fune