Which video game will make you buy a Switch?

Which video game will make you buy a Switch?

Be honest.

A full fledged 3D Pokémon game, where I can take all of the Pokémon I've earned over the years and bring them over with Pokémon Bank for online play/adventuring. A sequel to Pokémon Colosseum or a game in the same vein would be an instant buy as well, and brand new Pokémon to catch is always fun. What the main games are missing is a sprawling world, large areas that make the adventure feel like a long and full RPG. There are very few vidya feels comfier than having boxes full of all of your trained Pokémon on a console, in good graphics, and the journeying to find more secrets in a gigantic open world.

lol none I don't want that piece of shit

splatoon 2.
Literally the only reason I want one atm.
As long as it gets smash and another MH later I'll be good to go.

The World Ends With You 2
New Paper Mario (similar to the first two)
New Wario Land game (6? Was Shake It WL5?)

Give me Bayonetta 3 with a port of 2 and 1.
I'd buy a Switch right now

The "online access isn't subscription based anymore" video game would make me buy it.

Mainline animal crossing is pretty much the only thing.

Show me a more repulsive art style than this
I'll wait

I pre-ordered, but if I hadn't Mario Odyssey would've.