Prove to me this isn't the best Let's Play channel ever.
Protip: you can't
Prove to me this isn't the best Let's Play channel ever.
Protip: you can't
literally who
calm the fuck down it's just funny boys doing coughs
i like the part where dingdong whines like a little fucking crybaby bitch about meanie youtuber commenters on every episode
I don't care for the pokemon playthrough
it was a late one night on a halloween
a man run in and he funny scream
I like the part where you watch every episode despite these complaints
with friends
I don't like watching ones with multiple people because a lot of the time it just devolves into screaming.
Spike and Barley play. Boom
It's alright. I mean there's no real baseline for a "good" Let's Plays, it's just trash tier entertainment you throw on because Spyro 1's music is really repetitive and doesn't loop properly and shit like that.
If nothing else, I feel like it disqualifies me from criticizing anyone who watches soap operas ever again.
Anyway I've been going through some of Ding Dong's archived streams, archived by people other than himself. Listening to him and Julian lose their fucking minds at Night in the Woods is pretty funny.
a real big bash
hello, I'm chris and I have the attention span of a goldfish and I'm a lazy hypocrite that never fully understands the topics I'm discussing
hello, I'm **** (dingdong) and I'm a speedrunner autist that can't take criticism except from myself, which I do constantly
hello, I'm julian and I'm such a boring unfunny fuck that I have to follow every fetish imaginable just to have something to talk about
hello, I'm matt and I have several developmental coordination disorders which makes me terrible at games as even the slightest breeze ruins my concentration. I like to pretend I don't care, but I'm actually the most tryhard of them all
hello, I'm ryan and I don't want to do this
I'm sad that these are things that Sup Forums enjoys now.
tbfp is better than this reddit tier thing
I swear TBFP just sanded off their personality over time. It's hard to sit through nowadays, it's all painted on smiles and nervous enthusiasm.
It is but we should stop making threads. We went almost a week without daily threads.
It doesn't bring in new fans sadly, it just pisses people on Sup Forums off because people come in and scream about eceleb threads.
Then the discussion devolves into arguing about that and then a handful of people discussing bullshit theories.
If anyone wants to know more about the mysterious DingDong, go watch his twitch streams. They are late night US time and early morning EU time.
He's surprisingly open about discussing himself.
Sage goes in the options field.
I'll tell you what it isn't.
you mean the ones he keeps deleting in shame the next day?
ye it's bretty gud
Mr. Man with the good taste
It's shit.
Didn't Chris say let's play channels were dumb despite now having to rely on one to make money?
It's not Sips
wow that was easy
you mean Chris is a childish hypocrite?
Don't criticize them. You wouldn't want them to offhandedly point that out in their videos, do you?
Ha ha, so crazy and random. Random just like me!
There's no such thing as a good let's play channel
lol oh man yes these threads are the best lol everyone post your favorite meme
mm some gossip too hehe i love the drama hehe
which is your favorute?
>they shout something loud (my favorit haha LOUD!!! haha)
>totally random noises (also good haha)
>a reference to something you know
its hard to pick but please try your best hahae
Fuck him for changing his mind about something, am I right?
tbfp is super reddit tier though
Because lets play is cancer. Youre praising the best cancer like a mongaloid.
fuck off, fanboy.
Blame Youtube policy changes for animators etc.
not an argument.
he didn't even change his mind on it at all.
I pretty much hate let's plays, but I can enjoy a couple vids from oney or dunkey once in a while.
I still like the Achievement Hunters, but I don't care too much for the side guys. If there's like 2 of Matt, Trevor, or Lindsay, and the game isn't too interesting, I probably won't watch.
God forbid he get a real job.
did you know that saying not an argument ISN'T AN ARGUMENT?
>Prove to me this isn't the best pile of feces ever.
Kill yourself.
he's still getting paid, isn't he? a job is something you do for pay
>i dont like vido gam man becaus he get monye for playing game and i have to go do labor to get much less than he does
cry about it
not an argument.
not an argument.
screaming like an autist is sure gonna look good on his resume. he must have some great references.
>ve to me this isn't the best Let's Play channel ever.
Matt is in it, stopped watching a long time ago.
an argument.
Funnily enough he's a fantastic composer.
Take a few minutes to listen to some of the music uploads of his oneyplays channel.
I think he could do very well composing for movie or game studios.
Forbidden Streak and Fulpstation are great examples.
the second his channel stops being relevant and the game he's working on inevitably fails miserably, he'll be nothing and homeless. no amount of passive aggressiveness towards his fans will ever change that.
do not reply to me any more, or else.
How dare you respond to me
gg 2ez
is he making anything worth a shit on it?
oh look a creepy cult leader that got BTFO by the drunken peasants multiple times.
I'm going to assume they use a face cam and/or speak over the video. That alone proves they're tied for worst with every other LPer that does that.
>assuming the game even gets released at all.
he tried patreon but then he realized he actually had to make shit.
I loved seeing DingDangs mind break streaming that
Would have been a good LP
wow it's almost like relying on ad revenue and pursuing a career in garbage tier animation was a really retarded idea. he has nobody to blame but himself.
They aren't even popular enough for an ED page. There's you proof.
Let's Players that take donations from children shouldn't be allowed to livestream.
he still hates them, retard.
>first 7 episodes are completely silent because they forgot to plug their fucking mics in
ok oney
HAHA you guys in the comments are stupid for quoting us even though that's literally all we say: the channel
DingDong is such an autist when it comes to playing games. He recently was streaming on Twitch trying to get an S-rank on a Mischief Makers level for over 5 hours until finally giving up.
Oh look! An even shittier version of game grumps, which is an even shittier version of 2bestfriends, which sucks balls.
I can't believe he gave up, the pussy.
i can't wait for him to make an offhanded comment about people that call him out on it. that'll show them.
Wasn't that the stream where Julian got high? That was funny.
are you one of stefan's creepy stalkers?
Do new ED pages even happen these days? There are many more new, creative ways to fuck with someone instead of giving them a page. ED pages these days look like they were done by a single person that got pissed off because someone disagreed with them.
The Night in the Woods playthrough is the best thing they've done. Ding Dong's slowly whittled away patience with the game was just so fun to watch.
How much does he make with the videos? They have a shitton of them with a reasonable amount of views, but still not enough views to make this that profitable, right?
no thanks
>As if Arin won't set him up in his office as a live-in editor or some shit.
Except Chris doesn't edit. Rodrigo (El-Cid) does the editing for OneyPlays. Even before him, it was Matt, Ryan, or Ding Dong. The only thing Chris does is go in, do some monkey sounds for a few hours, and go home.
when chris had his own website there was a chat room built into it and he ended up adding me on msn from there, I was 14 at the time and he asked me to jerk my wee wee on webcam for him
Wait, Spyro 1's OST is fucked? I just thought my disc was scratched.
Yeah it's weird, happens even if you emulate it.
Not like it's their first game, they don't have much in the way of excuses. Oh well, pretty good game anyway.
I know, but I know Arin won't let Oney go homeless, he'll be the second coming of Kevin, shit edits hardly ever.
Ding Dong stopped stating his opinions on games and stopped talking about them from a programmer's perspective, which was always a treat. Blame reddit.
I think Oney makes the most since it's his channel, Ding Dong and Julian make much less which is why they have to ask for donations on twitch, and Matt does it for free.
did you do it?
He still has his own website
My issue with Ding Dong is I can't fucking tell him apart from Oney.
they're not funny
*makes a reference to some reddit shit*
*force laugh*
every episode.
jongrumps is the only solitary acceptable LP channel because they were basically just doing improv while playing games. there was no forced anger and fake "AH-HA HA HA HA" laughter where they were pretending something was genuinely hilarious that wasn't. Oneyplays isn't funny. You're 9 year olds.
He's the nasally depressed 14 year old, while Oney is the potato retard 14 year old.
>basically the same thing except with a different tone of autistic screeching
One semi decent animator and his fat nasally voiced hanger-ons? No they're not very good.
not even close