Easy is so easy it's boring

>easy is so easy it's boring
>normal anal rapes me

Ok I just started it, so I'm obviously really shitty, but jesus christ, within the first two minutes of the game the AI swarms me with troops, and I barely have the time to create one squad.
How do I git gud?

Install DoWPro

which version?

>play orks
>get dakka

The latest one for dark crusade, dunno been years since I last played it. Makes it a million times better though, increases pop size, can zoom camera waay out and other nice shit.

Also, maybe go Easy but use a hard race like Necrons or Tau?

I'm trying Tau as first rave. On Easy I steamroll the AI, there's no match at all, but on Normal it's already very difficult even to hold the line.

>catcha: extra bull st
couldn't agree more

DoW is fun but it gets more shit the longer the game drags on. play a scbw or wc3 op, you'll have more fun

I never play the campaign with these games, just do the tutorial and always go for the skirmish right off the bat. I never got into Warhammer but a fiend gifted this one to me so I wanted to give it a try. If I like it I'll consider moving to something else.

yeah i was talking about skirmish games not the campaign. late game balance is dumb in DoW because it takes forever to kill le elite hero unitz. the game itself is cool and thematic, and credit to them because there are like 12 races, but still.