Yfw you bought a PS4

>yfw you bought a PS4

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>mfw i'll get to play as DIANA!

LWA posters are the modern day bronies.

>implying anyone but the main 3 will be playable

It'll give me a reason to use my ps4, are we getting the LWA game localized?

This. Has the localization been confirmed?

Who's this milkworm magician?

>blue eyes
>platinum blonde hair

muh dik

>If the LWA game gets an international release and looks promising enough to be good, it would be a major reason for me to buy a PS4
>The only other exclusive that gives the PS4 value to me that currently comes to mind is Bloodborne, because I'm really not interested in most exclusives on the system
>Probably could buy a few other games but I'd likely buy a used system or Slim to make the cost of the console to games bought ratio more justifiable, so I'm not buying an entirely new console just for two games
>And if the LWA game comes to PC then I won't be buying a PS4 at all, I'll just finally upgrade my PC and play it that way
I'm certainly in an odd spot. It all comes down to "is it coming to the west", "is it going to be good", and "is it coming to PC".


Diana Cavendish. Sucy is best girl



Honestly ep20 made me like Diana a lot more. I liked her in the OVAs but she became really lukewarm for most of the anime, then ep20 where she's full of yay and actual facial expressions made me like her again.

>main 3
>Akko, Diana, Andrew
Diana playable confirmed?

Why not just play the Japanese release?

I hope they show more gameplay at e3

at least im getting some good bonding time with my brother


Its not like I d have any time to use it. Its been a year and I ve barely completed two games.

You mean Kemono Friends

What are you trying to imply?

>tfw everyone forgets best girl Ursula

>mfw I can't decide whether to buy a console or calm my tits

I just want to play some Injustice...

I know what I said.

fire pusy

>mfw the new preview

Mfw my sister paid for a ps4 in full before anything good was on it and doesn't care if I use it

>trial Unity watermark




Pasta thread do not respond.

>460$ for one game :'^)
ebin win

>>yfw you buy a Xbone

>some old hag who can't even use magic

This is the new MLP?



Yes and should be treated as such since it's not video game discussion.

>a game with 1000 hours worth of content

Yeah I agree, that's a steal.

Wromg. LWA has a video game.

Which isn't being discussed at all in these threads, thread will be pruned and deleted once that tiny gap between no mod zones comes into light.

You new or something? Do you not understand how this stuff works?

I know exactly how it works, people watch their anime of the month and make thinly veiled threads on Sup Forums to talk about it instead of going to Sup Forums It has already been pointed out in the archive.

Same with MLP, both shit

the difference is that posting mlp is against the global rules

This is the new MLP of Sup Forums. The creators of the show are fan of MLP too

You mean Kemono Friends. That's the actual Sup Forums MLP.

Ape Escape is now 18 years old, AE4 when?

I never heard about that shit. It some new anime?

That isn't the next MLP because no one talk about that in Tumblr, other Sup Forums board outside of Sup Forums

It's the one that broke BD sales records and outsold EVERYTHING during the season AND almost single highhandedly saved japanese zoos. Not to mention just the tone and overall feel (plus it's adult fans) are a dead ringer for MLP.

Go back to Sup Forums you fucking weeb scum