>"Sombra is shit!" >People trying to play her like Tracer because of muh go fast >People not using her health packs and being thankful that the enemy can't use them, forcing the enemy to go a different route because of this allowing you to control the map >People not initiating after she pops her ult but instead stare blankly or run off to waste an ult on one character on their own
>multiple translocator bugs don't exist >hack bug doesn't exist >smg louder than bastion's minigun, with worse spread than bastion's minigun doesn't exist
She bad fampai.
Ryan Hernandez
envy us uses her pretty often so she must be good :^)
Matthew Wood
Pharah is cute
Cooper Phillips
People tell me names like this all the time and someone named seagull or something but I've no idea who these people are
Charles Davis
its the well known 'pro' team/players/streamers. seagull is some fat nerd that plays genji/hanzo/zarya.
Juan Turner
Don't bother, op. They want more characters who basically play themselves like Ana or Rein.
Caleb Collins
Ahh, I don't watch the pros or streamers.
Jordan Hughes
Why do Defense heroes all suck?
Caleb Turner
They don't???
Adrian Morales
It's the same with most characters, go for low risk high reward because their skills are shit
Benjamin Sullivan
Post Sombra
Aiden Brown
>Sombra will never BOOP your dick
Aaron Sullivan
>Sombra will never hack your device and show you your entire shit-posting history and threaten to blackmail you with poating it if you don't fuck her in her tight and slightly smelly asshole
Camden Scott
>playing overwatch >playing objectively one of the worst characters in overwatch
So glad I uninstalled this trash
Juan Russell
>bronze to gold friendo likes to use her >Didn't get anything done, always makes fight 5v6 >Barely use her outside brawl >Always get 10+ kill streaks teleporting behind their healer
I'm kinda scared she is getting more popular because you know more often than not she's just going to be a liability
Xavier Jackson
They do
Anthony Watson
It's the players more than the characters though. People think picking Rein, S76 etc instantly means that they are instantly a better player even though they still have shit aim, positioning, game awareness
Carson Rivera
The problem with Sombra is that they have her listed as defense.
She's isn't defense. Sombra isn't defense. Do you fucking understand me? Do you see these words? Sombra isn't a fucking defense character.
Your team gets slaughtered because they are constantly outnumbered because your team has the front liners and a healer and then they have... Sombra.
When you pick Sombra, your team is missing a player because Sombra is always off running around doing whatever the fucking cyber-beaners do.
Sombra is a bad support character. When you pick Sombra, you are actively choosing not to back up your team in any meaningful way. She can't stop the advance like Torb or Sym. She can't heal as well as real healers. She can't kill like a defense or offense. She just runs around los invisible and sorta kinda picks off low health enemies (ay caramba ese). She literally only helps out when she can use her ult and even then it's probably too late to save her poor, outnumbered team.
Fuck Sombra. Build wall.
Matthew Lopez
how would you know shes one of the worst characters if you uninstalled
Joshua Lewis
>Sombra >Defense wut
Juan Gomez
You typed all that and you couldn't bother verifying that she's listed under "Attack," not Defense
Julian Evans
>he fell for the overwatch meme
Daniel Hughes
>10th sombra thread in 4 days What's going on
Cameron Reed
>attack No such thing
Logan Gray
Offense, damage, whatever you want to call it, I don't care
Cooper Jackson
Envyus uses her quite often, to great effect. She actually has a very useful kit, it's just that shitters who are bad at the game want an easymode character like 76 so they can run around pretending it's CoD. A properly played Sombra can be a nightmare for the other team.
That being said I still feel she could use some buffs. What I would do is make it so damage doesn't knock her out of invisibility or prevent it from activating, and make it so she doesn't scream a loud ass voice line when she comes out of stealth. Reduce the time between coming out of stealth and being able to perform an action. The stealth character needs to have better, more effective stealth. Maybe make it so damage doesn't stop Hack either
Jordan King
Tracer, Reaper and Genji also run off on their own to flank the enemy so I guess they are useless too.
James Clark
>She's isn't defense. >Sombra isn't defense. >Do you fucking understand me? Do you see these words? >Sombra isn't a fucking defense character
Blizz agrees with you
Bentley Sanders
They kill things and can keep pressure on the other team. Sombra can pea shoot people who are already hurt but cannot keep any sort of pressure on the other team. Learn2play
Chase Murphy
Pros play Sombra I guess they need to learn2play :^))))))))))
Jeremiah Wilson
Why are there two egyptian characters in this game if egyptians hates the fuck out of americans? Why pander to that ethnicity when there are plenty others who don't hate americans?
Nathaniel Carter
Sombra does more damage than you think,she's great against tanks and they are great for building her meter which in turn allows to fuck the enemies shit up. Plus the passive to allow you to see who is weak and who you can prey on is great for your team in general. Try actually playing her instead of talking out of your ass.
Charles Gomez
>b-but sombra is good if she's played by an insanely good player against shit players!
this argument is so dumb, but it shows up every time somebody points out what a bad character sombra is.
Yeah, a guy with a pointy stick can beat a guy with a machine gun if he's just way better and smarter and sneakier, but that doesn't mean a pointy stick is as good of a weapon as a machinegun. Sure, maybe you can manage to annoy people to death with Sombra if you way outskill them but she's still a shit character.
She has the lowest win rate in both competitive and quickplay. She is objectively the worst character in Overwatch.
Samuel Evans
I'm not insanely good and I do great with her. You're just shit with her. Also the reason your team loses with her is because you don't take advantage of the huge openings you make, the openings are almost as huge as your gaping asshole.
Adrian Sanchez
Nobody said this. She's good in the hands of a good player, regardless of the skill of the opposing player. Pros use her to great effect. >qp >competitive Hahahahahahahahahahaha nobody gives a fuck about the stats of shitters and low-rank cucks. Tell me Sombra's win rate in Diamond+
David Wood
Sombra is the newest hero. She's also the de facto thrower hero so her overall win percentage will be skewed.
I guarantee in a year people will have figured out how to play her and she'll be as viable as any other off-meta pick.
t. GM Sombra
Chase Hernandez
>most ultimates in the game have the potential to straight up KILL an entire team or save your entire team by itself
>somehow people think Sombras is super strong when all it can do is mildly inconvenience the enemy team
Why do people pretend her mediocre ultimate is amazing? It's like a shittier version of Death Blossom or Rip Tire. Hell, if you kill literally nobody except for the enemy healer with Rip Tier or Death Blossom then it was already more effective than EMP
If the idea is to combo it with your team mates, its not even the best for that. Graviton Surge and Mei's Blizzard and Hammer Down are more powerful for allowing your party to run in and get a team wipe following your AoE ultimate
Caleb Scott
Lmfao detected the goldcuck. Get better at the game and learn about synergy, then you'll realize the game is more about UNGA BUNGA ME KILL ENEMY
Hudson Sanders
>mildly inconvenience the enemy team >completely removes skill/ult/barries/turrets >mildly t.silver
Nicholas Lopez
>Mildly inconvenience
Shutting down all abilities and ults in a team fight. Ok.
Ethan Davis
diamond: 44% win rate (worst of any hero) master: 44% win rate (worst of any hero) grandmaster: 46% win rate (worst of any hero)
Cameron Campbell
Source: your obese ass
Connor Thomas
>Sombra is bad because numbers on a screen tell me so! Imagine being this cucked lmao
Adam Collins
>being this delusional this shit lasts 6 seconds. By comparison, dying, respawning, and walking back from the spawn room to the objective takes much more than 6 seconds. It's not too hard to find cover if you have good positioning to stay alive for the 6 seconds, too. At worst the EMP is just going to mess up positioning, but a bunch of other ults are better at doing that anyway
Symmetra and Torb have the highest win rates in Grandmaster competitive, and both are useless low-tier heros in professional play. This list is absolutely meaningless, discarded.
Jordan Brooks
>Zarya's ultimate cannot kill and needs to be comboed >Reinheart's ultimate barely tickles and needs to be comboed >Zenyatta's ultimate cannot kill and needs to be comboed >Roadhog's ultimate cannot kill and needs to be comboed >Ana's ultimate literally needs to be comboed otherwise its completely wasted >Orisa's ultimate needs to be comboed or it as well is completely wasted
>Sombra's ultimate is bad tho
Kayden Kelly
>torb >usesless in pro play spotted the clueless cuck
Mason Carter
They have 1% pick rate or less. They're only being used on defense in unusual situations where they're a good counterpick to the enemies specific heroes.
Juan Butler
The problem is sombra players don't fucking switch off sombra when it's not working. I've seen her win games solo and i've seen sombras constantly run in and die over and over. Please just switch if you suck.
Brody Watson
>used on one specific point of one specific map on defense >h-he's good!
Thomas Young
Orisa is newer
Samuel Nelson
This topic shows the problem with Overwatch, if you aren't getting kills then you're bad. This is the mentality that we have to work with, never mind helping the team in a team based game. Jesus Christ.
Gavin Garcia
I'm not saying Sombras ultimate is bad. I'm saying it's average or mediocre. People frequently try to justify that Sombra isn't a bad character by saying her ultimate is so amazingly good, which is a lie. Her ultimate is just average.
Evan Walker
Christopher Martinez
It's the best fight initater in the game. Prove me wrong.
Isaiah King
Well, I just get one thing playing Symmetra: If your team scream on you, then it works
Daniel Lee
More like if you don't get kills, or you don't prevent your team from getting killed then you are bad. Sombra does neither. Every other character can either kill the enemy or protect their allies and keep them safe. Sombra can hypothetically get kills and heal with her med kit but ultimately she has no impact on either front.
Sebastian Evans
44% win rate
there i proved you wrong
Jace Ross
>She's bad Git gud
Michael Sullivan
>there are STILL anti-OW shills in here
didn't your employers learn that your work here is worthless?
Elijah Reyes
reminder that if you play anything below C tier you are probably bad and not helping your team at all to win.
Jaxon Sanchez
That's because YOU want your team to get the kills for you. YOU want the healers to come to you because you can't be fucked running to them yet you need their help. Sombra needs good team mates and you're obviously just a huge cunt.
Again,shit teammates
Lincoln Anderson
How embarrassing
Carter Hernandez
why don't Sombra mains just admit that she's a bad character and feel good about themselves for managing to win games with the Dan Hibiki of Overwatch?
Jayden Roberts
Your reasons for her being bad are 1) there's a couple of bugs, and 2) her SMG is loud and scawwy
Jonathan Green
Where can I buy that Snoo hat?
Hunter Collins
The reasons she is bad are a lot of various small things which culminate in the objective truth that if you have a sombra on your team, you are objectively less likely to win
Caleb Morris
Brody Gray
I'd love to see some stats to back that opinion up
James Thomas
It's a classic issue that is present in modern day stat based games. Good at DnD, largely it operates on the same principals as Overwatch. Team based combat where players can take a multitude of roles. But the reality is unless your characters abilties 100% cripple or lock down the opponents, you are always better off to just deal as much damage as possible.
I didn't say she's the reason I lost. I said that if you have a Sombra on your team, then you are statistically less likely to win. The numbers back that up.
What's amazing is that this "sombra makes you lose" trend is true at every level of play, from bronze to grandmaster. She is truly a shit character
Jaxson Lewis
I don't think you understand what a shill is. It must be summer.
Dominic Ward
I play Pharah and Zenyatta so it looks like I'm ok.
Xavier Perry
>Winston and Dva above Rein Ex fucking cuse me
Colton Rodriguez
Pro meta is shifting towards dive comps. Rein doesn't work in dive comps.
Gavin Green
the meta has transitioned from hiding behind rein shield to diving into the other team
Charles Diaz
People actually play this garbage?
The porn is free ffs
Cooper Jones
What is charge
Ayden Nelson
An easy way to get instakilled? You don't dive into another team with Rein, he doesn't have tools for that like Winston and D.Va
Evan Campbell
Found the weebcuckold
Christopher Howard
>An easy way to get instakilled? That's why you always run Zarya with him
Jason Foster
>hack bug doesn't exist what hack bug? The only bugs I've found so far is that if you use an ability right when the hack goes off strange shit happens. Mei will still get her iceblock, but Reaper will be unable to fire if you go into wraith form during it.
Ryder Foster
>>That's why you always run Zarya with him >I'm with a rein and he always tells me when he's charging so I know when to barrier him. >As everyone turns to him I jump in after >mfw the enemy team is stuck between a flailing hammer man and my 100% energy laser light show.
Jace James
>it must be summer
it is, retard, if you left your basement from time to time you would know
and I don't think you understand that Overwatch is hugely popular and critically acclaimed game played by fuckton of people and only people hating on it are pathetic losers like you that can only shit up this board
Josiah Wilson
Reminder that if you get influenced by such a pathetic bait and care what this literal nobody says, you need a thicker skin
Reminder that this shit is taken just from tournaments and in no way showcases an actual use of characters
Reminder that you can play Tier 5 character well and be more useful for you team than Lucio or Soldier
Reminder that Overwatch is about having fun
Juan Martin
people thankfully got tired of standing behind a rein doing shield wars with other teams until it broke and a hook/pick happened. dive comps make the game so much more fun/hectic/faster.
Anthony Smith
I've been saying it for a long time now. If the defending team has a Rein the attackers should have 2 tanks that can bypass him. Having 2 Reins dance in front of each other while no one does damage just wastes all your time, and time is on the defender's side.
Ryder Green
>it is, retard, if you left your basement from time to time you would know 100% summer child confirmed
Hunter Campbell
do people forget that this is literally the same shit that happened when tf2 came out? everyone said spy was shit because they played him like a rushdown character. Sombra isn't some tracer bitch, she needs to decloak behind enemy lines in a safe place so she goes unnoticed, and then go behind the enemy and hack them and shit. it's not fucking rocket science
Gavin Nelson
Who cares about the game, I am here for the waifus. Post the fucking waifus.
Adam Murphy
>I am here for the waifus this isn't fuck off and make a thread there