Space Games

I'm glad I didn't pay for this. This game is still shit even with the updates. What the fuck happened to Egosoft? Not that they were anything special, the flight system of their games are abysmal.

Anyone know of any worthwhile space game came out recently?

I just wish Space Engine had simple game mechanics like mining, trading, etc

Yes, but only with like a billion caveats.
So, good luck I guess.
I mean, if you specifically just mean Space I guess anything goes.

I'm desperate. Rebirth simply has too many flaws.

If you liked a bit of Starpoint Gemini 2, then Warlords managed to fix a lot of the complaints from 2. Just came out of EA. You can even take over parts of the map and build your own fleet to follow you around.

I'm actually playing Warlords too. I don't like how the combat range is limited to knife fights even with the sniper class.

I wish the planned Nexus 2 happened.

The small things like being able to mark a target for your turrets and allies to focus on is a nice thing. 2 was annoying at how you had to be hugging your target in a group fight for Fire At Will to work.

But I'm almost always hugging my target even now. 3-4k max distance for weapons is stupid. I'm hoping the Proxima's cannon would triple that at least.

>What the fuck happened to Egosoft?
Don't know how true this is, but I remember hearing people finding stuff in game files alluding to Xbox 360, and then coming up with a theory that X: Rebirth was originally supposed to be a completely unrelated space sim aimed at more casual audiences, but got scrapped and later turned into full-fledged X-game.

They at least seem to be getting on track. Put some support lately for the X3 games and I believe X4 is going to be more akin to the older ones judging by feedback.