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Denmark confirmed for Brawl!


If they wanted to put a shitskin in, why not just use the usa.

what's better you poser fuck?

I think the implication is supposed to be that they've acquired and are playing back Nintendo's official E3 video, no way to prove it though.

Jesus Christ can smash just die already? The game itself has always been a terrible button mashing autist's wet dream. Just pass the toarch on to ARMS (which takes actual skill) and call it a day

Upload the video or it's fake


Sure it is now. But can it play broken files like VLC can?

Timestamp only.

I don't know what this is supposed to mean. That you're op and you're only uploading the timestamp? Or that you're not op and they should only upload the tinestamp? I want the whole thing, dammit.


why dont you just do it

get on my level you fucking untermenschen


1min 15sec

Are you thinking of sweden?

Malmo is in denmark, no wonders breivik killed the spawn of the kikes.
The only good thing to have come out of that shithole is the spurdo meme.





This can't possibly be 1:15 in, the bar is almost all the way at the end of the video and the title of the file ends in FULL.MP4. that would make the entire E3 presentation less than two minutes long.

There won't be any new characters, or if there are, it won't be anyone that someone actually wanted.

I'd expect Jibanyan (the orange cat mascot from Yo-kai Watch) an ARMS character or an Inkling.

Stop trying to deflect Mads.

Oh my fuck, just imagine it.

>Nintendo's E3 video leaks
>Sonyfolks have 2 whole weeks to bitch about it early

It's like Christmas.

Am I the only person on Sup Forums who genuinely wants a new Smash game, rather than the third port of a game we've had since 2014 with just a few 'improvements'?

I'd rather wait until 2018/9 for a game built from the ground up desu

i want me some fucking ICE CLIMBERS
i dont even care if theyre trash. i just want to play ice climbers. they're so fun, even without their broken grab mechanics

He said "only timestamp" when someone asked for video, I ask him to show me the picture at 1min 15sec

People want Inklings or Arms characters.

Why wouldn't there be any new characters? MK8D added a bunch of new characters and specifically added the most requested ones.

And "rodgrod med flode" to you to OP

Ah, that clears it up. Thanks user.

>Why wouldn't there be any new characters?
Because it's Smash. Disappointment is part of the fun.

>He thinks button mashing is effective and won't lead to him SDing off the stage

We're getting Ice Climbers, Inkling, Arms, and Bomberman.

Malmo is in Sweden, though.

Nah. Brawl would have been a better game if just added content on top of Melee's engine. Demanding more than 50 characters for a game from scratch is too much even for Nintendo + Namco. Of course they could settle for fewer characters instead but why not just stick with Smash 4 instead?

This sentenceis wrong.
Just plain wrong

not that user but it's a hell of a lot easier to add characters to mk where the only difference between characters is weight(i think) than it is to add them to smash where you have to create an entire movelist and make sure it's balanced.

Melee is broken as fuck

This is the funniest post I've ever read

why does smash bros have more fake news than the mainsteam media


They can't be itching to plug the Switch game THAT much.

Ashley wouldn't surprise me since Nintendo Japan knows she's popular and is fine embracing that with many menu themes and badges.

And Breivik is from Norway and spurdo is finnish

I don't understand why you posted this. What is this supposed to prove?

bc sakurai never delivers so we have to come up with our own shit

one of the most autistic gaming communities is a tantalizing target for attention hungry internet faggots

>that one guy who did that video of Rayman in the SM4SH roster completely in Photoshop
You gotta give it to them, they work real hard.

>New Smash is Denmark exclusive

My guess is, that if Sm4sh Switch is real, they'll add three new characters to fill up the rows. If so, they'll probably bring back the Ice Climbers and add an Inkling as well as a new third-party character. Probably someone who's been requested a lot like Bomberman.

>Fake leaks

Is it that time already?

I've always wanted to play as Mads Mikkelsen, what sort of fighter will he be and what is his introduction?

My brother owns a Nintendo and he said smash will be released in Denmark first.

Heard you the first time

Can we all collectively agree that Denmark doesn't a good place?

why cant you niggers just wait for e3? stop worrying about leaks BITCH

you out cold all of yesterday or something?

>Implying the Switch version will have anything new or extra and won't just be a sloppy port that has a combination of all the features between the last ports of Smash 4.

>Probably someone who's been requested a lot like Bomberman.
It'll be another Fire Emblem character nobodies heard of.

I wish 4 wasn't boring as fuck to play. Maybe it's because no one I personally wanted was in it and it's depressing, but I can't play it for more than a match or two and I'm fucking bored.

Not sure how adding a character I wanted would change that though.

If they don't put Snake in, i'm selling my switch.

Then visit Craigslist and make a dangerous new black friend, user.

>We already have Mii clothes of her
>Merch, music themes, skin themes and badges everywhere
>Meanwhile, everything that isn't Ashley gets trashed

Jesus fucking christ, haven't you guys had enough ruining the Wario and WarioWare franchise with your obsession?


Not better than mpc actually. You probably just hate yourself that's why you memed yourself into using mpv. Enjoy not being able to use linked OPs/Eds

>they add quiet instead
Would you still play her

>tfw when you just want Saki from Sin and Punishment in Smash
>tfw no one played his game even though its one of the best on the 64
>tfw doomed to be an assist trophy forever

feels bad

That'd be tight.

I dunno, I got fucking Bayonetta and I can make her fight Ryu and Cloud, so I'm happy.

I've loved WarioWare and Land before she was a thing, but I like her a lot. It doesn't RUIN anything.

Anyone who "trashes" Wario stuff she isn't in is just trolling, user.

It'll be


Are you shitting on the character select screen design? Did you not know Samurai's wife with autism made that? have you ever made a game?

If you have video game taste patrician enough to play Treasure shit you should've grown out of smash a long time ago

>new smash has a "Make your own character" feature using other fighters assets and different color schemes
>no miis

Donut steel

Nintendo doesn't have the balls to do that.
Possibly as a trophy if Snake gets in?

>all these iconic, amazing characters from different companies
>and corrin


what would be the context of this screenshot? the presentation starts with the Nintendo logo and then this happens? Usually the Smash logo comes in on a black screen. This look weird

What did he mean by this?

We'll get Venom snake instead, but same thing amirite

It's towards the end. Best I can figure is that after the presentation they fade out to the red nintendo logo and, after a moment or two of stillness, surprise Smash flourish happens and there's a new trailer.

stop trying to kiss everyone faggot.

Sakurai here, this is the only new character you'll be getting in Super Smash Switch. Never ask me for anything ever again.

That's the filename.

nintendo is declaring war on denmark

Calling right now

Ice Climbers
Paper Mario

>Paper Mario
kek as if

>more skill than Smash
So we played a different demo.

Or you are just mentally disabled.

>Paper Mario

Everything apart from ARM's has 0 to no possibility.

nobody asked for your shitty fanlist champ

>yet another smash leak thread.

Is there a way to bann these assholes?

Every time a new smash gets teased, this shit happens and frankly its pissing me off!


Except that time smash 4 leaked.

>that time when a SM4SH leak actually happened and everyone called it fake and gay
Can't take anymore chances buddy.

>implying they'd ever put bowser jr and duck hunt dog in smash
screencapping your post so i can add it to the compilation of people who believe this shitty and obvious fake

You're worse than tarofags who want 2B to be in sm5sh.

Leaked new smash character list:

>Spring Man
>Ice Climbers
>New FE Protagonist

You're welcome.

Ok, you got me there.

But still, having to tolerate day after day of LOL GEMATSU, LOL BLURRY IMAGES, LOL RIDLEY, LOL LIES filling up the board is beyond irritating

Plugging this into the official nintendo website switch preview database ....

I never played Splatoon, but it would be really weird if the Inkling wasn't a character in the next Smash.