Why have they still done nothing to fucking stop spawn peekers? They're fucking ruining the game. Also general r6s thread. Is this going to be addressed during operation health?
R6s thread
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You are not getting spawn peeked. You are rushing as soon as you spawn you are getting punished for it. GITGUD DICKLICKER
>>>/twitch/ you fucking nigger
1. No I'm not
2. I'm not because I don't get killed by spawn peekers but that doesn't stop my shitty teammates from getting killed
And by spawn peekers I don't mean by just looking out a window I mean when they run out and come and kill you as soon as you spawn
You are generally getting punished for not getting to cover as soon as you spawn because your spawn is unsafe. There are plenty maps and spots where you can literally spawnkill people, like the frozen yacht map.
There should be harsher consequences for players getting outside, or even showing up in front of a window.
I thought you had to be level 20 to play ranked? Why do I keep getting spawned with people lower than that?
If you're queuing with other people, you don't have to be level 20.
play shield op or blackbeard if they bother you so much
Oh that's fucking retarded
Aside from a few actual bullshit spawns where you get killed immediately and have no chance to defend yourself, getting killed by a spawn peeker is entirely your fault and spawn peeking is generally disadvantageous to the defender.