The Switch will flop

>The Switch will flop

Sup Forums is wrong again. Almost June and it's still selling well. If Nintendo actually keep it in stock it would sell double.

Hardware Sales (followed by last week’s sales)

Switch – 27,146 (26,114)
New 3DS LL – 14,610 (13,922)
PlayStation 4 – 13,972 (12,235)
PlayStation 4 Pro – 5,030 (4,989)
PlayStation Vita – 4,092 (4,088)
2DS – 2,667 (2,732)
New 3DS – 1,018 (1,406)
PlayStation 3 – 258 (327)
Wii U – 177 (184)
Xbox One – 121 (103)

I'd buy one if I wasn't a poorfag and my family wasn't actually keeping an eye on my savings after I bought a bunch of useless shit and sold it back for only 1/5 of what I bought it for an Xbox One and a dozen games

>Sup Forums is wrong again
Sup Forums has always been wrong.

True. I would have gotten one if I could fucking find one in stores.

Sup Forums has always been wrong.
I can't recall a single time they've been right besides when they foresaw No Man's Sky being shit.

I mean,Sup Forums has been right on ME:Andromeda, but like most things they are flukes.
Its all due to fanboy culture, those groups shout the loudest and are usually wrong.

Call everything shit and then something happens to be shit really isn't being right

Good point.



Those 3rd party images in the pic look lazy and inelegant.
Also don't omit SMTV if you want to get (you)s.