Morgana or Makoto

The great debate, which healslut is better?

Makoto is the better character, Morgana is better as a healslut

I stuck with Morgana because of an endless need to be contrarian.

morgana sucks

I used morgana because after 6 months of being told I was sleepy I couldn't figure out whether or not i was when he left for a couple days. I require him at all times now

Makoto for healing during battle. Morgana only ever felt useful to me as a bench healer between battles.

Makoto doesn't learn a multi-target heal spell until L41 or so? Morgana is invaluable prior to that point, but just gets left behind after that. More so when Makoto gets her BS-tier endgame weapons.

>Not using church and tae healing items
>Keeping status healing spells when items do that for you
>Using healers in general instead of raw magic or strength party

how many of you are this bad at optamizing

Neither. Use Harry if you really need a full mass heal. Beyond that, Tae is the better healer and Haru is better for negating damage.

>waifud Makoto so used her
>used Mona too since he was my favourite character