Be me

>be me
>at work
>hear co-workers talking
>dude overwatch lmao
>dude reddit lmao
> physically cringe
> complain about normies on Sup Forums
How do I deal with normies irl without looking like a massive autist?

Hey man, I was pretty sure I clicked on the videogames board.

Let see, yup, there it stands. Sup Forums - Video Games.

Why am I in a Sup Forums thread then?

Be a jock.
>lmao playing videogames? woooooooow i didn't know i worked in a kindergarten here

Stop letting things that don't matter bother you.

>tfw too manlet

>Be me
>Le cringe
fuck off back to plebbit

its okay to like different things you autistic fuck

>>be me
Yeah fuck off underage scum

>so user, what do you do in your free time?
>I, uhh, you see, I ... REEEE

>How do I deal with normies irl without looking like a massive autist?

The fact that you care so much about what people do with their own free time already means you have incurable autism.