Have you played one of the Best Roguelikes, Elona yet?

Have you played one of the Best Roguelikes, Elona yet?


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cause i'm a dirty casul

No, but I've heard about it, only real rogue like i've tried out is CDDA, unless you can count DF adventure mode, is it more entertaining then either those two?

Yes. Behead those who insult Kumiromi.

I tried but I can't get into it
Sum tips?

Beat it many times already
Wasn't Noa developing a new game? Is it alive?

Focus on one thing at a time
Don't feel bad about checking the wiki
Farm the puppy dungeon for scrolls of oracle/name and other high value items
Go to Derphy and sell your little girl to the slave trader, then buy another pet. The stats will be better.
If you get a wish, type in Seven League or if you already have that then Happy Bed is the best choices. The bed is heavier (31s) so you'll have to drag it back to your house.

-Read every unknown scroll and drink every unknown potion you acquire at the beginning of the game. By unknown, I mean things with a descriptor instead of a name, like "Old Scroll" or "Brown Potion" Even if most of them hurt you, or you'll lose a few valuable ones, after consuming them, you automatically have them identified for the rest of the game and you'll always be able to avoid drinking sulfuric acid and reading a scroll of curse.
-Identify monster eyes, bones, hearts, and other chunks. They sell for a portion of their max value when unidentified later, but you need to have each part category ID'd to sell them
-If you want some insane money, start farming. Farmers make an obscene degree of capital.
-Start in Puppy Cave and run about until you find a few things you want. It's pretty much a constantly warping random dungeon with a very wide variance of random shit to be found in it.
-Don't be afraid to die early on. There's literally zero penalty other than losing a portion of your inventory. Just explore more and figure out what things can do to you.

I played a bit. I love the amount of details and ridiculous stuff you can do in the game. The simple graphics of roguelikes allow them to be stuffed with content to the brim

Oh yeah, go north of the capital and choose a god immediately, earning favor as soon as you can could get you a nice bonus.