I want examples of great A.I

I want examples of great A.I

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Draggy dogma

Some retard is going to say fear despite the inb4.
Then some other retard is going to say that is doesn't count because the ai isn't really ai.
Like that makes any sense. No shit they didn't program a learning ai just for some shitty game.


Define great. Some people think the simplistic AI like in doom or quake where they follow the same path in the same general area to be great.


Bloodborne AI is by far the best AI I've ever tested.

Thäts some top tier rally english :D

They don't get stuck on the corners or fail to notice you, when you're right in front of them. Ubishit managed to drop the bar so low, that an ai in a 20+ year old games can be considered great.
And that's sad.

You can't be serious.