Fires a scatter arrow within the generic vicinity of your feet

>fires a scatter arrow within the generic vicinity of your feet
heh. simple geometry

>fires my dick within the general vicinity of your mom

>not dad

Gotta hit him where it hurts.

>when I fire a scatter arrow
Every fucking projectile misses.

>when the enemy Hanzo fires a scatter arrow
Instant death.

>when i do thing
>fail and die

>when enemy does thing
>succeed with perfect results (usually meaning i get OHK'd)

>game is called ovarywatch
>testes are still more attractive than the ovaries
dead game

>When the sniper panics and whiffs their shot when you jump in and zap them to death.

>Another Overeddiit thread
How many of these you need to make a day? Give this pleb kids his own board already, they literally play nothing else.

i cant use hanzo for shit but
>fire fully charged arrow as somones head
>so close only a blind downsyndrome child could miss
>they don't die

>see enemy hanzo
>same scenario

How dare people talk about games on Sup Forums.