>A new leak from a reliable industry informant has revealed Deep Down, a long anticipated PS4 exclusive and spiritual sequel to Dragon's Dogma, has been renamed to Dragon's Dogma 2 and will be officially revealed at Sony's E3 conference. >Studio Japan has been assisting Capcom with Dragon's Dogma 2 since they finished work on Bloodborne. >Dragon's Dogma 2 will feature gameplay that is reminiscent of Bitterblack Isle. >The pawns will make a return, but this time, you will be able to replace them with other players in a series' first 4 player co-op mode. >Dragon's Dogma will be released exclusively for the Playstation 4 somewhere in 2018. Stay tuned for more E3 leaks here at Gamespot.
I honestly think with a bit of tweaking they could easily turn Deep down into a grim dark slower Monster Hunter.
Austin Nelson
is this coming to PC?
Jacob Hernandez
Deep Down has been quietly canned, Sony always announce titles they know probably won't come out to get people to buy their console
Remember Versus 13, Last Guardian & Agent on PS3?
Henry Mitchell
I wish. I'd love a Dragon's Dogma dungeon crawler instead of a shitty open world.
Dominic Nguyen
>release dd, sells like shit >release pc port, it sells like hot cakes
You really believe this?
Benjamin Powell
>exclusively for the Playstation 4
Sebastian Ortiz
But last guardian and versus 13 did come out, even if they renamed it
Kevin Davis
Source or suicide, OP. Your choice.
Charles Allen
so 2019 for pc?
Kevin Reyes
Nice things like this don't exist in this world.
Anthony Thomas
on PS4, literally 10 years after PS3
Levi Price
Fake and gay.
Ryan Thompson
Even if any of that happened you know it wouldn't actually be exclusive to PS4 but Sony would try to imply it is in the conference to trick people. Literally happens every year.
Andrew Jenkins
Good point
Andrew Ross
Aaron Johnson
incoming goldface
Mason Morgan
Dragon's Dogma sold a lot more on consoles, It sold WELL on PC too, that doesn't mean it sold MORE there though.
Christian Richardson
I got memed by Sup Forums and I bought DD during the last sale. Let's be honest Sup Forums, the game is below average, it's like an offline F2P MMO from the 2000 age, so I hope that 2 will be better
Jack Powell
literally on gamespot frontpage
Nolan Carter
Google gives me nothing, I do believe you are shitposting.
Lincoln Jones
Mystic Knight saved it for me.
Dark Arisen content is also much better than the base game.
William Brooks
more like 2025
Luis Peterson
Sony doesn't win unless they make Ape Escape 4, since the first game is now 18 years old
Nathan Moore
It's like Dragon's Dogma on XB360: 20-25 fps...
Why can't they just release it directly on PC as well. I'm so fucking done with this "next gen" bullshit lies.
Evan Lopez
>PC port revitalizes interest in series and does well >make sequel a PS4 exclusive Why
Jackson Lee
It was almost believable but you had to fuck it up with the word "exclusive".
Next time you want to bait, say that it will be shown on the PS4 panel.
Jeremiah Perry
the game would never have existed in the first place if it wasn't an exclusive you dumb nigger
Camden Gray
>ketchups still trying to pass DD as the second coming of Christ It was an ok game, but nowhere near as good as consoleturds wanted one to believe while it was still exclusive.
Because of this game I'm not even sad I don't get to play stuff like RDR and Bloodborne.
Jeremiah Gray
>No source
Jordan Thompson
Deep Down was announced as a PS4 exclusive long before Dragon's Dogma came out on PC
Joshua Cruz
One of the best recent rpgs honestly. A bit more polish and it would have been godlike.
Jeremiah Gonzalez
No one cares about Ape Escape you nigger
Oliver Jones
DD is indeed nowhere near as good as people make it out to be. However, bloodborne fucking is. It's really good.
James Allen
It had a lot of flaws, but it did some pretty cool things and honestly was probably one of the best rpgs I've played in like the last decade or so.
Cooper Bennett
The PS4 is the nigger console, of course they love Ape Escape
>inb4 triggered nyggers
Liam Price
No it's not
Josiah Butler
lolol made u look ;)
Hudson Hall
>I only scheduled off 1 day >chose sony because they always win FEELSGOODMAN
Thomas Brown
>Console exclusive >"omg best game ever ketchups will never ever experience this masterpiece" >Ported >"It's an okay game, it's not great like Bloodborne though, enjoy your shit leftovers PCbros ;)"
Ethan Allen
Nope. Deep Down is going to be revealed at Sony's E3 and it will be released the same day it is shown. Still free to play just as promised. It is Sony's ace in the hole this year.
Lincoln White
Gabriel Gonzalez
Dragon's Dogma wasn't exclusive and it sold quite a lot during the years. Calling other people dumb shows such ignorance.
You probably suck Electronic Arts' etc dick and enjoy your cinematic "experiences". Your kind of people don't take off their shoes inside your own home. People like you are too stupid to understand a difference between 20 fps and 60 fps.
Liam Bennett
fake and gay
Jordan Perez
Don't get so upset. He meant exclusive to consoles.
Jaxson Martin
can't you find it?
Matthew Harris
Nothing is coming out for anything, stop biting the bait.
Grayson Powell
like project beast aka bloodborne right?
Aaron Adams
That doesn't validate any of your bullshit, retard.
Luis Edwards
I don't believe you.
Daniel Wilson
it does though, every time a ps4 game gets leaked, people here get extremely cynical and call it fake and everytime the game gets revealed
>ace combat 7 >the last guardian >final fantasy 15 >bloodborne >shenmue 3
and many more
OP will be proven right in a few weeks like always.
Levi Jackson
That doesn't sound like the Dragon's Dogma sequel I want at all.
Dylan Martin
It doesn't, you can't make some bullshit up and pretend it's true because "muh bloodborne". Your parents clearly aren't getting the right babysitter, that bitch needs to get fired.
Samuel Baker
>make some shit up
it's not, i'm sorry you are incapable of simply googling it
Jayden Robinson
No it's not. Not even fucking close. This shit barely qualifies as an RPG with that completely fucking garbage stale world.
Robert Allen
All RPGs have garbage stale worlds. At least DD' has good gameplay and RPG mechanics unlike competitors like The Witcher and TES.
Yeah the ones you play, this is such a damage control response
Wyatt Lewis
My fucking they do, you know fuckall about the genre if you think that. And no, this shit doesn't have better gameplay than other games at all because all it has going for it is presentation. It LOOKS good and it's very flashy and dramatic, until you realize you're just spamming the exact same shit over and over because it's the most efficient way of killing anything, i.e. sorcerer with bolide/high bolide for the vast majority of the game or mystic knight spamming the every living fuck out of magic cannon regardless of the enemy. This game is a farse, it gives you the impression that you're about to go on a big adventure in a rich vast land until you realize every spawn point is fixed, the story not only is the most fucking retarded tier shit I have ever seen and also almost inexistent, every single mechanic is half-assed as fuck (i.e. the garbage romancing system that pops out of a sudden and climbing that goes absolutely nowhere) and it's repetitive as all fuck. It's an unfinished mess and it shows badly.
Austin Morales
>b-b-but you
Why don't you prove hiim otherwise, faget.
Asher Perez
All 3 of those games came out moron.
Jaxson Powell
On his very post he cited two series whose worlds are a complete order of magnitude above the garbage world of dragon's dogma. You can include fallout, gothic, planescape, baldur's gate, vampire, hell, include the entire fucking genre in there and you've got better world than the shit from dragon's dogma.
Adrian Bailey
>Take the Dragon's Dogma name and put it on an entirely different IP that plays nothing like Dragon's Dogma.
No thanks.
Thomas Nguyen
Henry Young
>>A new leak from a reliable industry informant has revealed Deep Down, a long anticipated PS4 exclusive and spiritual sequel to Dragon's Dogma, has been renamed to Dragon's Dogma 2 and will be officially revealed at Sony's E3 conference. They have been saying this for almost 5 years now.
Matthew Turner
user I know you're just baiting but put some effort in.
Lucas Bell
Yeah it does, Witcher and Skyrim combat is utter garbage.
Hudson Long
>Agent >Came out
Isaiah Thomas
>japan can announce a game within 4 years of its actual release date
Brayden Davis
>t. someone who has only played it for 5 minutes and is using memes to criticize a game
Try again without using "muh orb spam" and buzzwords.
Jaxon Cooper
sounds great. shame ill never play it since i dont have a ps4.
Asher Cox
Don't know what the fuck R* is doing.
They keep renewing the trademark.
Jackson Murphy
Hunter Young
>phoneposter opinion discarded
Christopher Bennett
You poor bastard with your shit taste. Best stick to skyrim little boy, I'm sure their subreddit is still hoppin'
Christopher Roberts
even if this turns out to be true, they hardly showed anything about deep down since its been in development hell for a long ass time so theres a possibility of them changing the way the game is played at make it more in tuned with dragons dogma.
look at FFXV and how that went through tons of drastic changes.
Wyatt Peterson
>How Dishonored Saved Arians Studios Too bad the second game sold like shit.
Eli Carter
I used a snipping tool while zoomed out retard.
Hunter Watson
Sounds fake Also didn't Deep Down had some dumb AC-style "you're actually in the future" plot element to it?
Nathaniel Fisher
screencapping this thread for those infinite goldfaces after playstation's e3 conference
Luke Murphy
yes it did. It was also going to be f2p very slow combat like dark souls on drugs. coop
Wyatt Lopez
Julian Rogers
>implying they would they scrap dragons dogma online when its so far into development
Landon Thompson
Huh....that sounds interesting.
They've been so quiet on deep down that they may have had time to change everything to a fantasy setting instead of the 'matrix' or 'animus' thing that deep down had going on.
I won't hold my breath though, I'll just wait for e3 at this point though DD is one of my favorite games.
Christian Turner
Not gonna happen, sorry OP. Deep Down is dead
Connor Lopez
DDO is for the Chinese, Japanese, and Korean markets. Deep Down (DD2) is for the Western market.
Wyatt Moore
I'd finally decide to get a PS4 if this was true it's fake and gay as shit, though
Benjamin Cook
capcom does not care about the western market. would they release DDO in the west?
At least according to this. From here it essentially sounds like they want to milk it more in the event it doesn't sell well in the states.
But I reckon 'some' interest to localize it is better than not saying anything at all
Benjamin Barnes
It doesn't really matter, I played DDO through vpn about a month ago. Spoiler alert; it's kinda shit.
Carson Howard
Blake Long
You forgot the PS4 Pro exclusive 1080p mode. PS4 will have a version that runs at 720p at "smooth 30FPS". But please buy the Dragon's Dogma Remaster that runs at 1080p 60FPS because 60FPS is life changing!
Gavin Bennett
Chase Ortiz
Man that was a fun time.
>announce that is has an animus bullshit thing going on like Assassin's Creed >universal hate, not a single person has anything positive to say about it and disinterests a ton of people >go dark for years after
Camden King
Liam Rogers
I'm not believing this until I see a proper source