Why didn't you pick the best Pokemon of this gen?

Why didn't you pick the best Pokemon of this gen?

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i'd let him pick me, if you know what i mean.

I hate everything about it, it's the first and only pokémon to make me feel this way, I'm usually not too picky at all but
>sausage fingers
>that disgusting flashy red
>those fucking stripes
>shoots fire from its dick
>that jaw
>way too fucking cartoony
>that horrendous grey chest
also wrestling is utter dogshit fuck you

I'd throw him in the trash and pick Decidueye instead, if you catch my drift.


bad taste

I did, though
>box the starter
>complete the first part of the tutorial on the first island and catch the best Pokémon on the second island as soon as possible

I might have, if this gen hadn't also had seal wife as a choice

I feel exactly the same way and I love gay bara furshit. Inciniroar looks terrible.

Popplio is cute
Primarina is not

Because I didn't even play this shitty game. Fuck nu-Pokemon.

I'm not dumb enough to still be playing pokemon, but all of the Sun/Moon starters are a combination of memes and retarded design.

The wrestling shtick didn't work with Machamp and it's somehow even worse here.

But I did.


But I did


He needs a hug and a warm smile

What are you talking about? I certainly did. And he was a bitch to find.


Not into cats and his body proportions are weird


鳥本 - Torihon

Primarina a best

This, Decidueye is the best choice

Ghost type starter? Thank you very much

I'd fuck her/him.

But I did.




Not him, but mine was a female. Sucks to be you I guess. :^)

100% chance of being perfect.

>There are people who DIDN'T roll with Macho Man Randy Savage

Plebeians, truly.

My Decidueye was a female too and she could kick your wife's ass.

Sure senpai, I loved my qt seal husband, I'm just not delusional

>implying that 87,5%=100%

But I did pick Decidueye.

Would you? Would you prefer the pinniped?

It depends, Deci kinda sucks in UU right now. It would win in 1v1 most of the time because of the type advantage, though.
That's okay

Passimian is a qt

Wouldn't cheat on mai seal waifu with that abomination if that's what you mean.

Post his dick

Kept him as Torracat for a few extra levels because cute as heck.


no lewds!!!

>Try to start pokemon moon
>Three hours later I think I can finally go do shit

I can't believe people actually paid for this

why is /vp/ invading Sup Forums

Araquanid is awesome. Definitely my favorite Pokemon from S/M.

barafags are the worst


actually, lolifags are, then shotafags, futafags and finally barafags.


Cute, what's the name of the artist?

/vp/ is dead until the next gen rolls around.

neither futa nor traps are anywhere near as bad as bara, go choke to death on a cock

Would you wrestle with your Pokemon?

cotton_nottoc on twitter

Naw they are having fun with Magikarp Jump
It's oddly cute for something kind of depressing

Oob is the best

That's just your opinion man

>futa/trapfag thinking his opinion matter

This is not Primarina

Because owl bro is cooler

After having literally just beat it last night. I can say pokemon s&m are terrible.

Thanks user


That's not wrestling!!!! THAT'S GAY SEX!!!!!!!!!

the list should go in terms of annoyance

>barafag thinking his opinion matter

i'm not saying scatfags making thread about their fetish everyday though
wait- actually yes they do, we have Makoto Niijima threads everyday.


What's that in his underwear?


There's a difference?

>implying i'm a barafag
nice try buddy but i'm actually into twinks bara don't do much to me.
just because you don't like bara doesn't mean they are the most annoying people on Sup Forums. you just don't like what they jerk off to.

100% with hacks, casual.

Something for boys only

Yeah. His stuff is great.

They're just roughhousing

Just Inject lol

post the sequel


This has to be the most accurate webm.
Normies always overreact like this

Here you go

because i want him to be a girl

Whatever happened to Launch?

But Dragonball has lots of furry characters now



I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay I'm not gay

>Launch chucks krillin miles away
god i love this webm

He should've been Fire/Fighting

It's not gay to let your oversized bodybuilder cat give you a titjob between his pecs user.

yeah you are

Dragon Ball always had furries. Z took most away. Hell the Dragon Ball Earth had way more interesting character design than pretty much anything Z had outside of maybe Cell.

that comes way too close to being a gay infernape clone

I'd rather have a male titjob from my Machoke.

that sounds like the most homo thing in existance

As long as they have Beerus they can get rid of all the other furries

I meant that the furries came back
Feels good

Still never watched Battle of the Gods and most likely never will.

Nah bro, there's nothing gay about touching your best bro's body.
It's only gay if you kiss.