Why is there no porn?

Why is there no porn?

No self-inserts, children, or marriage means fewer degenerates, who are the primary people who make such content.

A majority of the artists that started caring about FE with the last two games don't give a shit about this one

Fan artists can't get popular drawing Echoes girls like they can drawing Tharja or Camilla, that's why.
You have to start thinking of people that draw fan art not as people, but as walking memes. Is is super popular, with one or two super popular characters that can help them get exposed? Those characters get the art, nobody else.

What porn is there to even do? Desaix X Mathilda?

The game is kinda lacking in interesting pairings for porn.

No self-inserts for degenerated to obsess over

>no faye raping alm doujin
just fuck me up

This is pretty true. A lot of popular artists draw "what's in" in order to retain their popularity.

Wether Echoes "is in" or not is another discussion

Characters lack the distinct designs and vibrant charisma of the past 3DS entries, hence a general disinterest compared to how much people were invested in the last two casts.

Who gives a shit about shitty fanart porn?
Stop being underages.