who are you
Who are you
The Mario description literally describes me.
We need an updated one for the new games
Always Wario if Waluigi isn't present, then Boo, then Luigi. This is my formula for every game.
>It's actually 100% true.
I always pick Larry or Jr. sometimes Iggy since his name rhymes with mine
All wario all the time
But if it's a later one waluigi
Fuck garbage tier taste. I would honestly kill you if I could.
This has consistently been the most accurate chart for any game. I've seen threads fill up with people agreeing.
I picked Toad, and yes, I am the most try hard.
This meme got pretty stale quickly because in every single game it applied to the analysis just copied this i.e. Wario is "cool", Yoshi is "gay", Mario is "I don't know how to play" etc
Toad. The thirst is for challenge though, not victory.
Someone post the MK8 one.
Those are all wrong.
I bet you main Luigi.
I pick wario because this chart told me he is cool. Now I'm the cool one for playing him
>tfw i always picked yoshi as a child
I agree dude Wario is so BASED thank you based JEW it makes me cool automatically, everyone else is gay or a stoner or a retard
Go to bed, McMiggy, I know it's you.
Donkey Kong main, but I'm a le straight edge gaymer so it doesn't match.
The one with the chode picks toad, and i love toad, so there.
Off your meds?
I main DK not because I'm a stoner but because I'm black.
I don't know, make one for Crash Team Racing
i'm yoshi and except for the fact that i'm not gay it totally describes me tho. Everything else seems spot on too.
I just like the Koopalings m8
Nigger lips can eat a gun tho.
Yoshi and occasionally Wario
Pre-Warioware Wario is my favorite Mario universe character, so him.
>niggers literally identify with gorillas
you can't make this shit up
Oh, i just know a Michael McMiggy. I though he might have posted.
>except for the fact that i'm not gay it totally describes me tho
Whatever you say homo ;)
Donkey Chong
Also I've only smoked weed like four times
sure, have a nice day
I always pick Mario, me being boring sounds about right to me.
I always played domkey kong, until pic related came along.
Why do you think they gave DK hip hop style themes
I played Yoshi because I always thought he was the fastest car.
Still straight.
You better be riding the Flame Rider fag.
This would make for a good album cover.
>not mr scooty
I use Mr.Scooty with the standard tires for my Bowser Jr.
No idea why its so underused.
>implying anyone who picks Bowser doesn't do it because he wants to be fucking by him
The "dwagon" argument doesn't work anymore, it's not 199X.
There was a really good MK8D chart that actually talked about the people picking the MK64 roster characters like the same people but older, and it made that joke.
Shame nobody has it, though.
Remember seeing this one a while ago, can't find the updated one for deluxe though.
Donkey Kong, only without the stoner bits.
wario or bowser because I'm a wacky asshole
>Sacred off by the personality of other koopas
he has personality as well
>Carry much presence
Im good at getting 3rd place like every match
>Will quit if they lose a lot
Most do that tb.h
I'm a boring, contrarian, tryhard motherfucker.
My top pick is Bowser, but [expand] Dong has my favorite engine sounds.
>t. Piggy
Toad here. It's spot on.
>picked toad as a kid
>almost always won
Every one of these lists is worthless without him.
No it rhymes with the first part of my username
>Wariofags who lack self-awareness actually think they're cool
mario > toad > d.k. > luigi > wario > bowser > yoshi > peach
DK > all
also, making monkey noises during the race is pretty much mandatory
At least the Toadfags admit they're pieces of shit
You're probably joking but I do make gorilla/monkey noises during a race with friends and they all fucking hate it.
I was Toad but when I was in college this other guy picked him instead. I've been a Peachfag ever since
wouldn't this make you, dare i say... a cuck of some sorts?
Yoshi, but I'm not gay haha
i think toad is given some slight speed advantage because he's mean't to be the least interesting player
though i find his nondescript no nonsense attitude more appealing now in my adult years
Bowser, but ain't nothing like that.
Who /paratroopa/ here?
>he gives a shit what other people think about which character he pics
>being so insecure you take images like these seriously
These are just fuel for banter, you're a faggot if you take them seriously
No. I came to realize that being a tryhard that beats everyone with fucking Peach is much better. Nobody wants to play Mario Kart 64 with me now and that's perfectly fine with me.
Wario, unless I can find someone more obnoxious, like:
>Metal Mario
>Funky Kong
>Miis made to look like Master Chief
Also in Double Dash I use Wario/Birdo
>Le cool guy Wario meme
People who pick Wario are actually the obnoxious fat kid who thinks he's way funnier then he really is and is always loudly telling jokes and acting up. Most likely to grow into a meme spouter.
I picked Luigi and still do pick Luigi because green is a cool color and he has more personality than Mario.
I picked Toad, winning races with that smug piece of shit is the greatest experience on multiplayer vidya.
Now do it with Peach and you'll piss them off even more
>main Toad
>description's accurate as fuck
Victory at all costs—Victory in spite of all terror—Victory, however long and hard the road may be, for without victory there is no survival.
this one is shit compared to the MK64 list
I play as DK and the DK description describes me. I still play this game often.
I used Toad, but I don't really care that much for winning, I just think he's cute. Of course in newer games I use Toadette.
Same Bowser guy as before, 4/5 skill but no bara shit.
I don't know, I hate everything and like to wreck shit. Also main Potemkin on Guilty Gear and Zangief on SF. Slow and heavy is the way to go.
Yeah it's pretty underwhelming. Glad someone made one for the MK Wii.
I pick Bowser cuz I'm an edgy faget.
that dk is my friend, are drugs and dk popular combo?
I always throw red shells at toad players on lap 3 right before they win forcing them to 2nd
Never do it to non toads
How does that make you feel?
>half your friends, except you.
yeah and I bet she did it to you because you're so shit at grammar.
I'm dead serious, and my friends hate it too lol
good bread
I always pick Luigi.
Anyone have a bigger version of this?
Donkey Kong but with weed replaced with a strong desire to sleep or masturbate.
I mained pichu and mewtwo as a kid. Just call me the low tier king.
Ganondork or Falcon fit me most, though. Kirby when I'm fucking around with my friends.
>Friend plays Waluigi
>Is guaranteed to win every race
Fuck this is too real, the fucker wins every race with that shit eating grin on his face
Ganon, almost on point. Don't really use the c stick, tho.