What is the video game equivalent of pic related?
What is the video game equivalent of pic related?
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puyo puyo tetris
That movie is insanely boring
Fallout new Vegas? I'm not sure I follow you user. Explain.
Fun game but not clint Eastwood material.
You shut your filthy fucking mouth you mouth breather.
Not bad a man of culture I see.
Yess, I agree bro! I'm also looking forward to the new Rick and Morty xDDD! WUBLDUB PICKLES
I feel so very, very sorry for you son
doubt most of nu-Sup Forums have seen the dollars trilogy
>that scene where he shares his cigar with the mortally wounded soldier
so good
I agree, just watching the final "duel" is the best way to experience most of the entertainment that movie had to offer.
new vegas has a strong cowboy motif
I like all three movies, but I think each entry got significantly better (FoD was just a glorified Yojimbo remake which wasn't as good).
It's definitely pure cinema.
Yeah ok I guess I can see that.
Pic related for you buddy
i never saw Yojimbo, is it good?
is this a rare varg picture
yeah, but hipsters are gonna act like it's watchable to seem special. It was an average movie when it came out and it hasn't aged well. The duels were kinda fun but you can just watch that shit on youtube.
A little dated but it does hold up.
Call of Juarez Gunslinger
>For A Few Dollars More
>Fistful Of Dollars
>That Guy That Buttfucked Ultima
Nah that last one is, the good the bad and the ugly. Pretty good movie.
what's your favorite movie user?
Fuck me, thats the one of the two that I have seen and my favorite. The movies do have a slow pacing, so if a person doesn't know what they're getting into, they're going to be disappointed even if they expected nothing.
i tried to watch High Plains Drifter but holy shit that rape scene turned me off for good
>inb4 woman, sjw, etc
citizen kane
The good the bad and the ugly is one of the more entertaining western films. Great directing, music and actors, don't get the hate desu.
weird how common rape was in this era of film making
you're forgetting this masterpiece
Also Ace Attorney Trilogy I guess? sans circus case
is this the movie with the harmonica man?
if so yeah it was good but i find the dollars trilogy more memorable
is just an easy way to get some nudity into the movie and make a bad guy seem bad at the same time
its also weird when its the protagonist thats doing it
>not kino
There is hope yet for Sup Forums
yes. I find the dollars trilogy really good, especially TGTBATU. Every time I rewatch it I appreciate it more.
But OUATITW is the culmination of Leone's work on Spaghetti Westerns which leads to a spectacle that most movies these days can't compare
>He hasn't watched every single movie on this list
Ever watched Duck, You Sucker?
It's pretty great.
I've been meaning to, but I've been fucking spoiled by Leone's work. I should've watched his movies last. FUCK
>duck you sucker THAT low
>django THAT high
i'll have to rewatch it then
maybe itll grow on me more
CoJ gunslinger is what you want op
It has so many references to other spaghetti westerns including the ones that he didn't make. It really is an ode to the genre and farewell as well.
>Critical acclaim
>Long sweeping vistas
>Lots of action
>Memorable soundtrack
>Morally ambiguous
Shadow of the Colossus, maybe?
I never really got the Django love either. Maybe it's because it's so similar to Fistful of Dollars that I can't think of it as its own thing but it never really ranked that highly with me.
I'll give it to you.
For me, it's just how little substance there is.
For A Few Dollars More feels like the dress rehearsal for The Good The Bad And The Ugly