>kill Everquest when it was king with a literally who game called World of Warcraft, slowly rising to the top over 2 years
>currently killing Dota 2 and LoL, Dota 2 making a grave misstep with 7.0, accelerating the process, AFTER 2 YEARS
What the fuck is happening
Why didn't we stop it
Joshua Sanchez
The only fate of this game is to be cannibalized by Overwatch and Hearthstone
Brandon Moore
>cannibalized >by 2 different player bases Sure.
Jace Long
because you're a nobody and you have no power.
Jaxon White
yeah nice try but no one is playing this game unless they are incentivized to do so because of cross-game loot promotions like they just now had with Overwatch
Bentley Hernandez
Wrong, kiddo. The 2.0 nuke hit. Now valve is slowly dying from the fallout.
Brayden Barnes
it's legit so fucking boring you're only able to play max 2 games a day.
Caleb Adams
What are you even talking about?
Julian Bell
7.0 made dota great again
Luke Anderson
I just got done playing their anniversary quests. I had to force myself to complete the 3 games one. Shit's so boring lol
It was me and 4 noobs vs 4 noobs and some raging shitlord playing genji or valeera every time.