You better have returned his ring Sup Forums


stole it back from his stach

Of course I returned his ring. Your first day in Morrowind is a question of "can I kill the dark brotherhood sassin then sell his stuff and immediately buy game-breaking gear" anyway.

>he didn't install a mod to make sure the dark brotherhood doesn't attack until he's level 10

The one thing that stops me from replaying Morrowind is the starting town, it's so boring.

>not playing morrowind before the release of tribunal

I'd like to return my Penis to his "ring" if you sniff my drift...

This. That whole little questline at the beginning actually sets you up pretty well.

Not even an excuse. I mean you are complaining about Seyda Neen for fuck sake just get out of there nigga if it bothers you

i discovered in a recent restart that the merchant in pelagiad who's selling a shitton of weapons and armor can easily be stolen because he keeps all his shit in a box next to a little corner room, you just have to stealth in the corner room and steal everything from the box

oh hey what's that book doing on the ground there

If you, uh... if you... catch my snatch.

Ha. Nice try friend. Valiant effort, truly. But you're wrong.

G'day, gentlemen.

kek, it's hardly a difference. You can run into the ruins with the puzzle box jumping around like an idiot and get almost full dwarven gear anyways.
Light armor cucks can keep their "armor"

I remember going to mournhold and seeing tons of unique daedric weapons in display cases somewhere, is it possible to get them all?

You can bounce out of there in a few minutes?

I've played Morrowind a little bit, is constant jumping useful? I didn't really look at leveling system, but wasn't it like "if you do one thing for a long time, you're fucked, if you do multiple things at the same time, you get max points"

Your best bet is to just get one of the several mods that overhauls/replaces the levelling system outright. The default one is a counter-intuitive mess that rewards not choosing your major skills based on your build, and eventually pushes your character into becoming the same boring 100/100 jack of all trades demi-god if played long enough.

If you do what the morrowind apologist idiots say and pick your most useful skills as your prime skills (like longblade, if you're using longswords, heavy armor if you're wearing heavy armor, speed, etc.) then you'll find yourself leveling up with ultra-shitty stats. Ideally, you'll be getting 5x stat increases across the board, meaning you need to level skills 20x in targeted non-main skills, and 10x in a single main skill.

But hey, what's better? Being able to hit a fucking mudcrab at level 1 or being able to 1-shot everything at flash speed while throwing out devastating magic from your invincible shield bubble at lvl 30?

I have a some phenome ii x4 and gtx650 2gb vramYeah, i know >amd, but hey this game is from 2003, it SHOULD run good on any cpu
I have severe frame drops when i max draw distance. Like it all the time from 75 to 30 sometimes to 20. This is unplayable, very straining on the eyes. Is there a mod to fix this?
Also what about openmw, is that shit still unfinished?

The vanilla experience is done so you can play it but the mods take time tho some are available, if you're using mge that can result in severe drops on any pc due to the nature of the application and engine.

Have fun wearing paper tier light armour until level 10 then. The jump between netch/leather shit and Glass/DB is huge.

>he gets hit

Easy Pete vs Fargoth, who wins?

You don't have to do anything there at all, you can run straight to balmora and miss nothing important or interesting