Can you just list the ways so I don't have to watch 7 minutes of explanations?
#1: Stay still
#2: Screw with your sleep
#3: Maximize screen time
#4: Use screen to stoke negative emotions
#5: Set VAPID goals, not SMART goals
#6: Pursue happiness directly (idealize happiness)
#7: Follow your instincts
lel I do all of those
There's a Nintendo Switch in the video, this is vidya related faggot.
What does any of that even mean?
those are bad goals and maximize your bad feels
this video may have convinced me to not buy a Switch when I saw that. who am I kidding, I hardly play video games during the school year and I shouldn't regress over the summer
>very yes
>not really
>not really
"Follow your instincts" refers to continuing to follow the previous steps despite knowing that it only leads to further misery
I disagree about the "follow your instincts" part. My gut has never let me down when I get a feeling I should or shouldn't do something.
>Pursue happiness directly (idealize happiness)
What the fuck? My life improved so much when I focussed on only doing things that make me happy, and ignoring everything else. Maximizing happiness is literally the meaning of life.
psh this all comes naturally to me already
My list is a bit simplified; his point is that you should set goals like what you're doing, i.e. doing things that make you happy. This is opposed to trying to attain happiness itself, as though there are some people who are attained a permanent state of happiness that you cannot reach.
First of all: the point is about persuing happiness rather than persuing activities that MAKE you happy: in other words imagining happiness as state that you acquire passively, rather than maintaining by being active. Second of all, that point in the video actually mainly focus on the problem of over-idealizing happiness and assuming that it's some kind of constant, endless state of bliss, which is of course utterly unrealistic.
As for "maximing happiness being a meaning of life", aside from that being hilariously short-sided and simplified attitude, the point is that you maximize happiness over longer stretch of time, which means that you occasionally need to sacrifice some happiness now in order to have access to it later. You can maximize immediate happiness by being a completely worthless pile of shit doing nothing but playing videogames and masturbating now, but the odds are ten years later on you'll be miserable as fuck and remain miserable as fuck because you'll be uneducated, poor, lacking friends or meaningful social life etc... Maximing happiness involves, among other, sustainable lifestyle.
I do all of these yet I'm not sad, what am I doing wrong bros?
drugs? healthy online relationships?
cgp grey a cute
literally everyone does those, useless video
godammit this is too real