>spam r1 to win
>ayylmao twist
>mentor is the final boss (how original)
>can be platinumed in 10 days
>nonsensical story
>NPC's mouth don't move when talking
Why did this game garnish so much praise?
>spam r1 to win
>ayylmao twist
>mentor is the final boss (how original)
>can be platinumed in 10 days
>nonsensical story
>NPC's mouth don't move when talking
Why did this game garnish so much praise?
you forgot
>every environment looks the same as the last
>no variation in playstyles, no choice but to jump around like a monkey and r1 spam
also there are like ~10 weapons
Cause it's good with it's presentation
Pretty much the reason I dropped this game after the third boss fight, don't forget the choppy framerate and the farming for health items (Dark Souls 1 and 2 had a great health system why change it?)
>why did this game garnish so much praise?
Because it's PS4 exclusive and don't forget "muh kino"
Try three days
If it honestly takes you 10 days to plat this I honestly have no clue what the fuck you did with your time.
>spam r1 to win
More like "hug the enemy's ass and THEN spam R1". Not a huge fan of BB's core mechanics to be honest.
>ayylmao twist
I thought it was interesting.
>mentor is the final boss (how original)
Did you not get the umblical chord thirds or something?
>can be platinumed in 10 days
This meme makes no sense to me.
>nonsensical story
In some ways this makes the game interesting but I do agree that the game's plot is a bit too muddled for my tastes. There's very little motivation or explanation for you to do anything except "kill the beasts because reasons". DeS and DaS had much clearer goals.
>NPC's mouth don't move when talking
From is just lazy as fuck.
For me personally, DaS > BB > DeS
/10 DAYS/
What did you do with that time? Jerk off to the doll for 7?
Because it takes three, and that's easy as fuck.
You can do it in one if you wanted.
it's fun. I'm sorry you're so bitter ;(
Lol someone did a platinum speedrun in 6 hours, up your game 10 day user
when will you filth ever realise that throwing mud wont dirt the undisputed game of the decade (atleast).your punny attempts are laughable and cant hurt this masterpiece
For real
This game is baby easy to plat
I respect your opinion but I had fun with the game! It's too bad you didn't have fun, but that's the difference in taste between people I guess. Have a happy day and be safe OP.
If this game was undisputed game of the decade then it would've sold more than 2 million copies
>punny attempts are laughable
Jesus Christ...
Unlike your English.
Not my first language sorry
Ludwig is overrated as fuck, Orphan of Kos is way better, even Lady Maria is better because she doesn't fall into the "autistic flailing beast, hug ass to win" trope. Also Laurence is offensively bad, clone of an already mediocre boss, doesn't even remotely hold a candle to Kalameet. Overall Artorias of the Abyss is a better DLC than The Old Hunters.
Were you playing with a fucking broken arm or something? It only takes 20 minutes and that's IF you do the lame ass side quests
Pleb, I can beat Bloodborne just by blinking.
your English is fine
I can jerk off while playing BB and when I'm done platting it I still have time to watch my fav porn mag before finishing
Don't forget that the "kino" moments of this game according to Sup Forums are:
>some guy we know nothing about saying random stuff about his sword
>some alien we know nothing about looking at the sun for some reason
>Sony fans vigorously deny the "Sony Games are just movies" meme
>They then literally start insisting their games are "kino" which is just German for "Cinema"
Ludwig fell a bit flat for me but come on, Orphan of Kos's lore is thrown right in your face. Literally, there's an unkillable NPC at the start of the final area that spells it all out.
>>They then literally start insisting their games are "kino" which is just German for "Cinema"
kino is Russian for cinema
yeah dude the game sucks xD
Кинo is Russian for Cinema
>some guy we know nothing about saying random stuff about his sword
Made me laugh
I understand it, I just don't give a flying fuck. Boo hoo, your mom was a god who died protecting backwater idiots.
>I understand it
You clearly don't though/
Educate me pcbro
26 weapons
>>can be platinumed in 10 days
What? I got it in 3 days. Took me a day to beat the DLC and main game my first time through and then I just had to grind out the other shit.
Game was easy as fuck and way way way too short.
holy fucking shit did they even play test these motherfuckers?
>stuns you with bugged projectile spam
>stuns you fucking AGAIN while you are on the ground and cant move
>1500hp healthbar lost in one SUCC
Im fuming right now lads. Lost 200k echos
>Dodge Ludwigs tackle early
>He tracks me and flys to the left
He is overrated. His second form is easy and his jump attack is inconsistent