Remember when FF fags were actually thinking that they could compete with Persona?
Remember when FF fags were actually thinking that they could compete with Persona?
It sold 6 million months ago
P5 just 1.5 which even Nier has reached now.
I remember when people thought Persona would outsell FF in japan, lol
persona will always be niche trash. kill yourself weeb
As opposed to final fantasy which will be just trash?
why compete? Are they not both fun games?
Nope. Final Fantasy is one of the worst games that came out this generation. I think only shit like no mans sky managed to be slightly worse.
Here's an idea. How about I play both games, then rather than judge them with scores that total strangers have supplied, I use my own tastes and values to evaluate my personal experiences. Seems like an easier and more enjoyable process than just shitposting online.
Even if one game is "worse" than the other, that doesnt mean they are bad games. I havn't played FF nor P5, but they both look like they are enjoyable.
that's retarded
your retarded
Final fantasy XV is not simply worse than P5, it's a bad game.
ff is trash, but persona is trash for creeps
I really liked the combat in ff15 desu
Everything else was eh
Remember when Persona 5 sold 1/5 of FFXV's numbers?
>Look at these two turds!
>One is slightly less shitty than the other!
>That means the slightly less shitty one isn't actually a turd after all!
No. I'm pretty sure they're both still turds.
>93 on meta critic
>second highest rated game of this year
Looks like you need a new hobby because this "turd" is among the best games to be ever created.
I swear none of you fucking "lol FFXV is terrible" fags even played it. Are you kidding me? One tiny step above No Man's Fucking Sky? Saying it's shit is one thing but comparing it to "mine things on basically the same planet for 50 hours" the game is utterly retarded. Do you even have a brain? How do you put on pants or remember to breath?
They're both good. Its a small cabinet of determined, autistic Nomura-fags who can't accept that he's an incompetent director who couldn't set a release date if his life depended on it (as we're now clearly seeing with KH3 and FFVII-R), and are desperately trying to make the game out to be a disaster.
It just so happens that some of these autists are "professional reviewers".
Well i guess FIFA is the best game ever then, also we'd have to compare their budgets
>Looks like you need a new hobby because this "turd" is among the best games to be ever created.
Because subjective Internet opinions say so? I don't patronize review sites, user. No serious person should.
>Defending the Sonic 06 of Final Fantasy
I hope Tabata pays you well.
>Persona 5 is a cinematic experience with no gameplay beyond mashing buttons
>stars a cast of whiny prepubescent manchildren and waifu bait
>story is about killing bad guy with love and friendship
>Final Fantasy XV is a cinematic experience with no gameplay beyond mashing buttons
>stars a cast of whiny prepubescent manchildren and waifu bait
>story is about killing bad guy with love and friendship
what did Japan mean by this?
>button mashing through a turn based game
>button mashing through a game where you hold a button down to perform actions
Considering you have literally 0 experience with both of those games I'd say your opinion is worthless.
Yes, it is a viable option to button mash through them. They're both lacking any skill and are just there to deliver cutscenes and CGI graphics and voice acting. Gameplay stopped mattering at about 50 minutes into them. Or do I have to remind you about which game has a 2 hour intro cutscene?
>Considering you have literally 0 experience with both of those games
That projection.
You are objectively wrong though.
Did XV-kun kill himself after all?
Am I? I'd like to remind you that in games like FFXV, for example, you can kill a boss 50 levels higher than you thanks to spamming quick time events, which aren't even that hard.
So you're basically trying to prove your button mashing theory by saying that you can do quick time events which have nothing to do with button mashing? Guess I was right in not taking you serious afterall.
I like to see you button mash against enemies like pic related then faggot.
>this entire post
lol someone is obsessed with a jap
>he's a score whore
>worst games that came out this generation
talk about hyperbole
>I swear none of you fucking "lol FFXV is terrible" fags even played it.
I did. It was so-so and then went to shit near the end.
DLC and "fixes" have not inspired me to go back and re-download it
If you don't believe me, then I ask you: why did either game receive such praise from game journos? They're casuals, remember?
If you consider the amount of money wasted in the production of each game, you can imagine which was the biggest success. Not only that but I really doubt that the FFXV team was only 4 times larger than Persona 5, meaning that Persona 5 generated much more profit for each person involved.
>if you don't believe me then watch me move the goalpost once again
What does that have to do with what I said? How well do you think button mashing against a Girmehkala will fare if they reflect physical attacks and their attacks hit hard af?
P5 budget - maybe 15 million
FF15 budget - 300 million+
Less sales is fine when you're budget is monstrous less.
Persona is the worst kind of otaku moeshit pandering, delivering literal dating sims to losers who could never hope to get a gf irl. objectifying the female characters to being 'achievements' that have to be earned. Final Fantasy XV is problematic in some regards (e.g. setting unrealistic standards of female beauty), but it's at least a title I could theoretically show my gf, friends and family without them thinking I'm a perv.
I haven't moved the goalpost once, kotaku. These games are beyond casual, made for the simplest of minds.
>How well do you think button mashing against a Girmehkala will fare if they reflect physical attacks and their attacks hit hard af?
Because their attacks don't hit hard af? You're just overexxaggerating. It's the same memery you hear about Dark Souls. "omg so hard prepare to die XD".
I mean give me a break.
Remember when FF15 had a budget 20 times that of P5?
>300 million+
Do you have any idea of what you're talking about
>you can button mash through those games
>those games have quick times events in them
>even game journos can beat those games
Makes it twice already. Three times with this post now.
Yes they do, even on normal mode. And you still haven't explained on how button mashing will win against these guys.
>Persona is the worst
stopped reading there tbqh
How about you like whatever games you like instead of relying on metacritic or seeking Sup Forums's approval? Is that so hard to do?
suck a dick, tranny
>How do you put on pants or remember to breath?
How do you misspell breathe?
Quick time events ARE button mashing. Since you're not asked to actually put in any skillful tactic, just push what's on the screen.
>Yes they do, even on normal mode
Then that makes me laugh. Considering how forgiving the game is, "hitting hard" isn't exactly the right terminology here.
Every time you think of talking to this shmuck, just remember those four words, because that's all he's going to say in response to everything you say.
>60-70% of Hp damage to party with Deathbound
>Not hitting hard
>the metacritic excuse
>coming from the board that thinks Skyrim is one of the worst games ever
if you haven't played either then keep your mouth shut
Sorry faggot, I'm not the official Sup Forums spokes person who apparently said that.
You're arguing with the guy who thinks you can kill an enemy that's literally reflecting ALL your damage to you by mashing hard enough.
>doesn't instakill
Congrats, you have less difficulty than a Final Fantasy boss.
>Implying multiple Girmehkala can't appear in one fight and have both using deathbound.
>Implying there isn't a hard mode which makes fighting just one even worse.
Dude, critic scores don't equate to quality. They tell people whether to buy day one, wait until it goes on sale, rent/borrow it or skip it altogether.
I've played FF13 for example and it was better than FF1, FF2, FF3, FF5, FF8, Ff11, FF12 and FF14. FF8 and FF12 have 90 and 92 critic scores and yet FF13 was the better game.
Well played user, well played.
>implying video games are good
>both games have a fight where you fly around and throw projectiles at giant enemy so they're the same game
>implying I'm a shill
Wow man you sure you showed me!
at work, I had to deal with someone misspelling Yield when painting it on the parking lot.
>tfw grind for over an hour and die to a low level scrub because of a bullshit mudo/hama
You know what the solution to these guys are? Press R1 to auto select one of your personas with Kouha
wow such a difficult game one extra button press not sure if my puny JRPG mind can handle it
Final Fantasy XV is a fucking travesty. It's amazing this piece of shit got released.
>press button to dodge everything
>you can use pots any time and you're invincible when you're healing
>money is also really easy to get so you'll never run out of pots
>open world full of nothing but MMO tier quests
>only 2 towns
>one of the towns is really big but you literally only spend half an hour there and never come back because theres no content
This. Boy, I'm glad the game requires TWO button presses instead of one. I guess they showed me.
Multiple ones can appear in a battle and can survive one all-out attack.
>dying in a JRPG
Is Sup Forums truly this casual?
Can someone give me a honest opinion on FFXV I was planning on buying it, but I decided not to when I played the carbuncle demo because the game played kinda stiff and awkward.
Was it just me sucking and needingb to git gud or was the game just a mess?
I heard that there were some develooment issues with Nomura being replaced and all.
Considering that they actually hate games that "don't have enough story" (the anger towards MGSV for instance) I can only assume that Sup Forums just wants cinematic movie games. Which is why I'm not surprised that they like Bayonetta and Metal Gear Solid 4, but I'm puzzled that they don't also like Uncharted with this mindset.
The game's a mess. The story is probably the worst part about it. You can get it for 20 bucks nowadays and it's not worth more.
It's a mess. If you still want to play it, don't buy it until the complete edition comes out
You might want to ask somewhere other than Sup Forums
If Final Fantasy XV completely told its story and changed its combat up a little bit then it would've been a better game than Persona 5.
>if ffxv was good and not shit it would be good
Wow user. Thanks.
That's pretty much the only way you can die in Persona. It's happened to everyone
I'd say the carbuncle demo is a little stiff for sure but honestly the main game isn't that much better, maybe not at all. I don't think the game is a mess but you can tell there were a lot of development issues. That said, I think it's actually okay-good if you take the time to do shit instead of rushing through, and go hang with your bros and do their character side missions and stuff.
Don't expect anything amazing but don't listen to Sup Forums, it's not an unfinished pile of shit with no redeeming value. If you can get it on sale or something you might actually find it worth playing.
P5 would have sold alot less if the game was worse.
Fucking meme game.
It amazes me how dumb FF fans are. 15 is terrible. It is absolutely among the worst of the generation, and 13 may very well be the worst game of all time.
grasping at straws here dude, regardless of weather or not you will admit it, FFXV didn't actually enter development until 2012, which is actually a shorter dev period than persona 5 had, get over it you absolute weeb
XV entered full development in 2011
I do plan on buying it one day if it was atleast okay since I have been waiting for it to come out since I was 10, but if there is a complete edition coming out I will probably just wait for that to come out.
I just wanted to know what the general opinion on it is.
why fight?
>That's pretty much the only way you can die in Persona
Excpet they always miss.
The only Atlus game where hama and mudo skills are dumb broken and hit you 8/10 is in digital devil saga games
>this meme again
>get in a car
>pick destination
>watch the game drive it for you.
>want to drive it myself
>literally just holding R2
>70% of game time is watching your car slowly makes its way to the destination
good game lads. not to mention THAT FUCKING PART.
What you mean slow?
it's slow in scale with how huge (and empty) the game is
>"the games have a few similar shots so they're the same game"
This is how you sound