
>enacting difficult to enforce and wildly anti-consumer policies
>instead of realizing that scalpers only profit when demand exceeds supply and maybe shipping some more goddamn Switches and printing some more money for themselves is the real solution

Really [memes] the [memes] if you catch my drift.

>Punishing the people providing a service

Why would you that?

They're both compatible possibilities desu. I don't think scalpers would be gone even if the demand did reach the supply, there are always people selling stuff second hand on the internet and there are always places in the world where Nintendo consoles don't get to in the first place.

You do realize that a large chunk of the scalpers are Nintendo employees, right?

Here's the thing, those supercar flippers are probably only buying one or two cars from Porsche at maximum, it's expensive. Scalpers buy dozens of consoles/amiibos at a time. Putting restrictions down on how much one person can buy won't stop them, they'll just make a shit ton of amazon accounts if need be. You can't single out scalpers like you can supercar flippers.

Not to mention there's a ton of scalpers compared to supercar flippers, it would be impossible to enforce.

>car scalpers

what the fuck

Yeeah. If you're rich enough to buy ultralimited super expensive luxury cars, why would you scalper it to get more money?

My brother bought 20 Switches no joke and has sold every last one of them, he went and pre-ordered from every retailer within 20 miles. Yes it's retarded and yes it's Nintendo's fault.

Don't want scalpers to buy 20 Switches and make profit then actually make more Switches to meet demand. The recent news of them stockpiling Switches for the holiday season is good and the news of them ramping up production is also good, but they'll need to actually make more than 1 console a month if they want to keep momentum rolling.

I haven't found one Switch console since release in any store within probably 40 miles of my house.

ok Like Nintendo Porsche (POR-SHA) intentionally doesn't make enough product to satisfy demand, I get that.

but at the same time be like Microsoft and control the secondary market as well.

these cars are collectables and not for utility, if you want to stop scalpers, make more cars, if you want the cars to be valuable shut the fuck up and let free market dictate their worth. It's a Win Win for Porsche

if you force any anti-consumer thing long enough it will become normalized and then people will defend your right to do it to them, nintendo fans already do this, so it wouldn't be unusual

I tried buying one today, none within 100 fucking miles.

>Shouldn't Nintendo be doing something similar?

Not happening, most online resellers ARE from Nintendo

So people didn't learn a thing from the first run of Amiibos, right?

>Check on Target's website
"This product is unavailable within 100 miles of _____"

Beautiful Nintendo, just beautiful.

Retailer stores are scalpers.

same exact shit said here

What the fuck is Nintendo of America doing?

There is a big ass problem when there are more Switch videogames than consoles in a store.
Walmart having 12 copies of MK8 Deluxe and only got 5 switches since launch is fucking ridiculous.

The games can be manufactured and shipped in bulk a lot more quickly and easily than the consoles. There have been shortages of the parts Nintendo's using to make them, too. Apple's been buying them up.

People say this like Apple is just scooping up all the parts. No, Nintendo bids too low on the parts while Apple over bids them and wins. It's called Nintendo are too cheap to give a shit, we're probably talking within the margine of a few cents per part here.

>mfw nintendo is losing sales because people just end up losing interest in the console by the time they get restocked

>>Punishing the people providing a service

And what service would that be?

Apple can afford to overbid because they sell their hardware at a much bigger markup. Nintendo's profit margins with the Switch console are low enough that they'd be losing money if they overbid on the parts.

Half of the "resellers" on eBay and Amazon are just Nintendo getting in on the inflated price action. You're all getting bamboozled.

Bbbbbb...but Nintendo can't make money! See this totally optional second dock I never wanted to actually buy but want to complain about!

>instead of realizing that scalpers only profit when demand exceeds supply and maybe shipping some more goddamn Switches and printing some more money for themselves is the real solution
This. Nintendo is notorious for squandering insane money making potential because they don't realize this.

>NES Classic sold out everywhere
>"We are aware of the immense demand"
>Nintendo doesn't do a single thing about it
>"We are aware of the immense demand, so we're ending production of the NES Classic"

>maybe shipping some more goddamn Switches and printing some more money for themselves is the real solution
Not with Apple sucking up all the resources they need to make god damn switches.

Try Toys R Us, that's where I got mine. Go early during their restocks though, maybe an 1-2 hours before they open. When I got mine, they only had 20 total, and I got the 17th one. Ironically enough, they didn't have botw, so I went to a nearby target that had one last switch in one of their display cabinets.

difference is you're not registering with nintendo to buy products from them you retard.

Nintendo usually likes to make a profit selling their consoles, unlike Sony and Microsoft. With the Swtich they are barely making profit.

The existence of scalping means that you either didn't make enough units or you priced them too cheaply

Most stores do have a policy of one per customer on limited stock items, but it doesn't stop the scalperfags. They'll just go to a different store, they will probably hit all the stores within 50 miles.

What I and some other electronics dept people suggested to corporate (Target) was that for stuff like the Switch and other scalpable items is that we should ask people to present their ID for limited stock items just so it's easier to enforce '1 per customer' rules and make it more difficult for scalpers to do their thing and screw over all our other customers. I don't really expect a response to it but I feel like we owe it to our customers to stop scalperfaggots from making it impossible to find Switches and other limited stuff. Plus, most of us are butthurt about not being able to get a Switch ourselves because we weren't allowed to set aside any for employee reserves due to how limited it was.

Or both.

Way to go
This is the stupidest post of the day

>why more money?

did you really just ask that man? Come on

>implying scalping is limited to a poorfag hobby like video games

Aside from something notrious like NWC or other extremely limited oddities like the Elemental gearboth suit case, even the most rare/expensive/cult followed/low produced video games don't often cross the $400-$600 range in price.

Of course people collect cars

they cut off the NES Classic cause they wanted the hype to go to Switch
>and it still didn't do as well if they just trickled the Classic more

Scalping, duh!

When you think about it, they are the prime Nintendo consumers, buying a bunch at the same time, Nintendo gets their profit, the store gets its profit, the scalper gets his profit, and the hardcore fan gets fucked.

Everyone wins

It's tough.

I think the hardest thing is determining purchase reasons.

When the $99 regular sized New 3DS was finally out last fall, I got one for me and my girlfriend. The local Target only had 4 in stock. I went in the morning and there was just one other guy there getting one and the clerk didn't care and neither did I because I knew I was getting it for someone who was going to use it, not to scalp but still, how would any store know on just word of mouth

What really rustles my rickets is when you go on craigslist and see fuckers with STACKS of what ever it is being scalped and they post shit like


If I was any less sane i would have probably gone to one of these scalpers houses and robbed them of their stock or beat their shit in to teach them a lesson

Retail arbitrage is a legitimate business. Stop being a crybaby.

The hardcore fan would've preordered long ago. Everyone else may get fucked, but not them.

i just showed up at 6 am at my local store and got a switch on release

Store people were nice enough to just open up a hour early and warn the people in line who would get one (ie the 15th faggot was sad, but at least he didn't lose his time)

Nintendo doesn't gain anything from customers buying from scalpers over retailers. They'd much rather that hardcore fan buy a $300 Switch and two $60 games than a $420 Switch from a scalper who's pocketing the extra $120 for himself.

>decide I want one of the new amiibo coming out
>preorders went up a few days ago
>already sold out

Except when the preorders are limited.

You don't get it, the point is Nintendo and the Store profits from the scalper the same amount they profit from the fan. The same way Scalpers know when to buy, they know when to sell, so those precious products always reach the fan.

>Tracking & maintaining current data on all initial purchasers of inexpensive consumer products with production numbers reaching the millions, as well as all subsequent private sales of said products, and constantly comparing the two datasets to find people flipping the products while filtering out honest secondhand sales made for legit reasons


>Doing the same for a handful of exotic cars made for the wealthy and are already going to have complete detailed histories of all sales, price/mileage of all resales, and dealer service history. You know, like all fucking cars do unless they've been stolen.

Anyone who seriously needs the difference in cost & logistics between these two things explained to them is too dumb to understand how costs for shit like that are passed onto the customer anyway.

If I'm buying an exotic car I don't give a fuck if I'm paying a little extra for the manufacturer to protect the legitimacy of purchasing their product; part of what I'm paying for is the exclusivity of owning one.However, if I'm spending a couple hundred on a game console, you can suck my dick if you think I'm willing to pay a dime higher because you were too retarded to preorder one and had to wait a few months after release to buy one.

If you're only looking at how much money Nintendo and the retailer get from the Switch sale, yeah. It would be $300 all the same. But prohibitively high scalper prices limit the number of people who are willing to buy it, and Nintendo doesn't get any of that extra money people would be paying. Way fewer people are willing to pay a scalper price than a retail price, so it limits the potential audience for Nintendo's main source of profit, the games.

Giving companies free reign to ban people from purchasing things just for doing something they don't agree with is anti-consumer

Would you elaborate on that for me please?

>ITT: faggots complain about the free market

I'm not waking up early to buy a Switch. I will not pay above $299 for one. I will not restructure my day for finding a Switch.

I'm interested in the Switch, but until I can walk into a Target on a Sunday evening and buy one, I don't care and I'm not the only person that thinks like this. If Nintendo wants to actually get people to care about them, their stock shortages of literally everything needs to stop.

Don't you literally have to just place a reservation and maybe a small downpayment to ensure you get one on the next delivery?

It's just fucking stupid to think this will change anymore. Amiibo shortages. Discontinuing the NES classic. Switch shortages. Y'know, I'd be inclined to give Nintendo the benefit of the doubt - as I did with the Wii - if the console appeared to have momentum off the internet. But it doesn't. I've seen one in real life. I know no one aside from this individual who has one. Nobody I know wants one. This may be due in part to the fact that nobody I know has ever seen one, except for aforementioned friend, who pre-ordered on ANNOUNCEMENT day.

Nintendo gonna fucking Nintendo.

I called Target at work and asked if I could do so, no I can't and they don't even know when next shipments are in. I don't care.

They said they're stockpiling for Christmas. My bets are they run out in a matter of a few days at best and have none for the rest of November/December.

Apple, the one that sells you an iPad, contracted the same manufacturing company Nintendo did, and they both need equal (and not very mass produced) components, and since Apple products have higher priority or something, that company hogs all the components, making it impossible to produce enough Switch consoles.

No, letting people ruin the chances of other people enjoying their cars just so that person can make more money is anti-consumer

I'm glad these fucks are getting whats coming to them

You're a moron; conditions of sale are only anti-consumer if they aren't disclosed upfront so someone can make an informed purchase. I bet you also think product pricing is "anti-consumer" when it's higher than you feel like it should be for something.

Just because you think corporations are evil on an emotional level doesn't make it so; you'll have to find something more legit to feel victimized about.

Nintendo doesn't control the outlets that sell it's consoles.

OP you are fucking retarded.

Yeah, I mean, it's like there are businesses that dedicate themselves to selling cars? Like, some sort of "luxury car dealers"? lol!

>tfw my switch won't arrive until Monday
>tfw my Porsche won't arrive until next month


>Anti consumer
Scalpers are anti consumer. Fuck those niggers. Shitty Slav Scalpers used to come to my store and somehow had knowledge of our inventory that customers aren't supposed to know.

>Trying to let as many individuals enjoy your product is anti consumer
>Letting a handful of consumers buy up entire stocks at a time and keep others from enjoying a product is anti consumer
You're a fucking idiot
Scalpers are anti consumer