How the fuck is Blizzard doing it? LoL and Dota 2 are declining and HotS is just beginning. It's going to be mainstream and shilled by Ozzy and Mr T like WoW was by next year.
This was supposed to be a joke game. How do we stop it?
How the fuck is Blizzard doing it? LoL and Dota 2 are declining and HotS is just beginning. It's going to be mainstream and shilled by Ozzy and Mr T like WoW was by next year.
This was supposed to be a joke game. How do we stop it?
Other urls found in this thread:
>HotS makes better overwatch skins than overwatch
Who cares, all three are cancer
It's almost like people are getting bored of farming minions for 20 minutes before having 1 team fight to end the game
Mobas need to be more about fighting and not boring last hitting and playing safe
is that a evangelion skin?
>wow its just like my ebin jellions :---DDDDDD
>Hi. I am a massive dipshit and have never played dota 2 before.
Not even subtle with that last skin.
haha you posted it again. epic Sup Forumsro!
They aren't. Maybe if they released actually player statistics people would realize people barely play it. Also I love seeing HotS tournaments on Twitch.... oh wait they barely register on the front page, because the game is shit.
>Rebuild suit
eh, you're mostly right. I was mainly talking about LoL. I don't have any friends who play Dota 2.
haha yeah my fellow activision blizzard fan they've really knocked it out of the park with the two point oh update and everyone that came to unlock the sweet skins for overwatch™* really are sticking around with heroes of the storm™: two point oh™
*oni genji and police dva are now available in overwatch™ loot boxes play overwatch™ today
Asuka is best girl.
Dyrus pretty much said that he prefer HotS to LoL and if both were released today, HotS would dominate the moba genre. So yeah.
Source? Reddit Dyrus AMA. Google it.
they're both shit
>$.02 has been deposited into your Riot account.
>Thank you for shilling Riot Games.
With Blizzard's name recognition and appeal to the lowest common denominator by making it as simple and braindead as possible, it can't be stopped.
ASSFAGGOTS are a cancer on gaming.
Played it for 2 weeks. Had fun, but wouldn't play it any more. The reason being that the game just devolves into who can spam more spells and more damage. There were a couple of interesting gimmics and mechanics that I like but overall it's shit.
Not to mention, Blizzard has no idea how to design a character. For example Butcher: A big fat arse and he deals more damage than your team combined at some point. Valve might have a problem maintaining aesthetics, but blizzard has a problem in creating them.
You say that like anyone knows who or what that is.
The entire genre is shit.
Fuck you.
So it's a better version of Dota and LoL, got it.
>don't have to spend an hour or half an hour on a game
>talents have been balanced so much they are now superior to items
>they game shits high rarity cosmetics at you and you can reroll your drops for even higher chances of drops instead of maybe having a very small chance of getting a single common item at the end of a game
>all the characters are unique because they were original characters beforehand
No other moba has abathur or cho gall or probius or generally anything close to most of the unique heros. the best part is nobody can refute it except to say le blizz shill. Feels good man.
fuk off moot you runt cunt
Is it really getting that relevant? Former Diamond 3 Smite player and im completely tired of that fuckshit game. I've tried moving to LoL since it's the game most of my friends play but it's complete dog shit too, i only play because i have a very cute friend and i like to play with him.
It's free give it a go
I'll guess anything is better than Smite, so i think you should at least try it.
I have 3700 games played on LoL
400 hours on Dota 2
900 games played on HoTS
And he's right, farming minions for 20 minutes is just boring
Having never watched a single episode of Evangelion, I agree. At least better than Rei. I don't know if there's a third option.
All your complaints are that of a bronze tier shitter.
git gud
It already beat Smite (specially after 2.0) by even triple the audience on twitch. Go ahead, is a great time to start user. Bring your cute friend too, the community will make him feel welcome.
A lot of skins have an Evangelion tint.
I played for about 15 hours and found it incredibly boring and unrewarding, also the characters are worse than in lol/dota.
This is all ironic shilling right?
meant for
>How the fuck is Blizzard doing it?
They tried to actually improve on the genre and succeeded.
Dota 2 is a competition. HotS and League are just videogames
Thanks Doc.
>he didnt played Abathur
>Dota 2 is shit
Nothing new here
>My game is better because I said so!!!!!!
Well my game is better because it doesn't have WC3 limitations or gold grinding, and it has maps that change how the game is played.
I like the game very much but the better I get at it the more boring it becomes. This is because of how the game is supposed to be played. 5 man deathballs vs 5 man deathballs with 3 kills inbetween for 15 minutes isn't that fun.
>This is because of how the game is supposed to be played.
>5 man deathballs vs 5 man deathballs with 3 kills inbetween for 15 minutes
You're thinking of dota2
Dude what. At least say League.
Dota 2 is a videogame
and your shit game basically ruined valve, as anyone who played Dota in WC3 knew was going to happen.
Mari is a valid choice user. If anything she is literally my pick, and I watched Eva on VHS.
Looking back, all my gf''s kinda look like her...
>has to have big bright sound effects to tell him where to go
>is capable of understanding health and mana, but gold and farming is way too complex of a topic to manage
>probably thinks laning is "boring minion farming"
League, dota2, it doesn't matter, they're just different flavors of the same shit.
You have no idea what you're talking about.
As someone who isn't a 3rd world huehue that actually has the choice to play something besides f2p mobas HoTS is easily the only bearable moba out there. Shorter matches are key, sure if you lose there is some steamrolling but at least your not sitting there for half an hour waiting to lose when the match was already decided long ago.
Also I'd take streamlined builds to micromanaging a bunch of fucking items any day, but then again out of all the "esport" videogame genres out there mobas are the last fucking thing I'd want to sink my life into.
And none of what you just said has anything to do with that post Good job, dotard.
I'm surprised you were able to find the right posts without bright pinging, Blizzcuck
For 10-15 minutes every hero on the team farms gold either from lane or jungle minions, occasionally trying to kill an enemy player if they get the chance
At 20 minutes the game is basically decided unless the other team has a major fuckup that allows the losing team to make a comeback.
Which game am I describing? League of Legends or Dota2?
I played all 3 (not taking into account HoN, Demigod, the thing made by EA etc) for around 4-5k hours combined and they're all fine. It all depends on what you want. That said I'd rather watch professional matches from DoTA than LoL or HotS.
>knows he posted completely irrelevant information
>instead of just letting this be, he replies in a furious rage, letting everyone know he's pissed
That's a very basic and surface level understanding of things.
I haven't had any interest in LoL for years now and I really don't see that ever changing so long as the game refuses to change. One map, 40+ min games, and last hitting were always 3 of my top complaints about LoL, and hots solves all of them. Doesn't matter to me if people think those things are what makes a moba great, I don't like them and I'm not gonna waste my time playing a game like that.
Yeah, I know what you posted, user.
Why do people care so much about esport
Don't dodge the question. Which game is it?
In League at 20 minutes the losing team starts a surrender vote
>At 20 minutes the game is basically decided
So not DOTA.
>"maybe if I pretend he's the idiot he'll go away"
not how it works
asuka is best girl. how can reifags even compete
You're right, at 20 minutes in DOTA2 the game is so decided that any attempt at a comeback is met with the entire losing team dying again.
But I answered your question. You thought it would be clever. Your insistence reveals your simplicity though.
>calling out other people for using the same argument that he is
that's a laugh and a half
>DoTA and LoL
>Dance around towers for 30 minutes
>Click on creeps and buy items
>Wait until someone gets out of position
>Keep dancing
>Game is already decided about 20 minutes in but can last over 45 anyways
>Game is finally over
>Repeat the chinkclick grinding
Wow that sure seems fun.
Correction. It doesn't reveal but confirms it.
You answered nothing, you're dodging the question because you're scared of the truth
its not supposed to be subtle you fucking autistic faggot.
Watch any of singsing's clips from Youtube and then tell me you know what you're talking about.
Do you get paid to shill for Blizzard or do you do it for free?
You are simply describing LoL and this is a huge reason why Dota 2 is much better than it. Dota being played properly is much more fast paced and dynamic than league. A lot of lineups will only have 1 or 2 at MOST ricing farmer carries. Hots has no pve really while dota 2 has some for people who like that so I still consider it much more fun. Sometimes I wanna hit creeps and other times I wanna make stuff happen on the map
I like the character in blizzard that has a key to mash for healing and a key to mash that is the same as the healing except it damages enemies. really tactically involved gameplay.
what are you even talking about
Does Eva still hold up today? I didn't pay attention to anime when Sup Forums used to post it regularly but by that time it was already 10-15 years old
Are you just going to keep making these threads over and over you unbearable faggot? /r/ing tails
If you follow the reply chain you will see that I agreed I haven't played much Dota to really say and was mainly describing LoL
I'm willing to give it a shot but I don't have any friends who play and playing mobas by yourself seems like a recipe for a bad time
Fuck Tails. Post Ito.
Why do people care so much about sports?
Am I a huge faggot for liking Alarak's voice? It sounds v. good
>Acti-zard is complete utter shit and getting worse
Is like they can't stop shitting a bigger turd each new year. I am honestly grossed out.
Oh baby
>Ozzy and Mr T
No one cares about washed up stars anymore. Dio lives on.
It's fucking John de Lancie, if anything I'd call you a faggot for not liking him.
no ur not
ur just shitposting
ppls attenion span is dogshit these days , and hots is best for impatient shitters like that
I called it back in 2014
Blizzard always wins
And the fact that they didn't start out as #1 on release (hearthstone, overwatch) means they actually have thought put into updates.
yes. but watch the original 26 episode series then the end of evangelion movie before ever touching the rebuild movies.
>Overwatch and HotS are both bleeding players
>Shilling for both games on Sup Forums intensifies
Simply unreal that we're an advertisement page for large companies now boys
Or he can just skip rebuild. They're pretentious garbage.
>LoL and Dota 2
>predictable farm->teamfight->snowball structure
>boring as shit
>not really an ASSFAGGOTS, more a brawler
>with certain hero combinations you can just start teamfighting from the getgo
>laning and map objectives are choices not boring necessities, dependent on the particular heroes and map in play
>some heroes even turn the laning system on its head by being able to quadruple a minion wave's potential, allowing for sneaky solo pushes
>and yet people still cry about HotS being "dumbed down"
Just because you don't have to memorise every fucking item and ever fucking hero doesn't mean it's dumbed down. Low entry level sure, but pretty damn high skill ceiling.
LoL and Dota community think fighting minions require more skill than fighting the enemy team