This motherfucker is the most lovable person in the industry

This motherfucker is the most lovable person in the industry

Other urls found in this thread:

more like the most literal who person in the industry >.>


How new are you?

>3 games based on his show
>literal who

truth is, everything is acting.
he won't go home and play vidya,
he have many things more other than vidya.
he's just a normie and he could care less about vidya
if he din't get famous due to his personae of a vidya loving guy, he would had stopped playing vidya.

He plays games in his free time all the time and talks about it a lot.

desu he has pretty good skills in vidya, better than a good majority of players, from here or elsewhere
So he might be acting but he clearly enjoys video games

Apperently he's a famous comedian in Japan outside of the show.

Allegedly it's quite common for Japanese celebs to be giant nerds on the side.

Can /jp/ weebs confirm? I got this info off my missus who is a nip.

>if he din't get famous due to his personae of a vidya loving guy
He was famous as a comedian for years before GCCX.

He's also doing a web series on Minecraft with his Yoiko partner. They said it would start releasing soon.

Reminder that tokimeki memorial will always be the best episode

You're like that secretary that was surprised when she saw him playing on a DS on his spare time

>You're surprised I'm gaming on my break? I actually like games!

>being in "the industry" has nothing to do with making games, just playing an ftalking about them

He was famous in Japan long before GCCX.

He likes video games, it's the whole reason the series exists at all. He's more of an arcade player though.

You can like games and still be utter shit at them.

>Season 21: Episode 4 (#240) Um Jammer Lammy {PlayStation} premieres on Thursday, June 1st.

>idol otaku
Pick one.


Retro Game Challenge was fucking amazing.

Robot Ninja Haggleman and its changes through the "years" is one of the best things in gaming.

Is the third game good? I heard it was pretty different.

Not him and I haven't played it, but I've heard it's not great. The developer of the first two games was busy making NES Remix at the time and wasn't available for the third game.

>tfw you're now as old as he was in season 1

Are you guys talking about the third DS game or the third Robot Ninja Haggleman?

The 3ds game

>.> go back to gaia faggot

I want to fuck Arino.

>chink pewdiepie
get out

>He plays games in his free time all the time and talks about it a lot.

>99% of the episodes start with "oh yeah i played this game like 25 years ago but i didnt care anymore"

Is it me or has his popularity faded a bit outside of Japan?

I'm sure he's doing fine there, but I have hardly heard of Arino this year

The subbing has slowed down a lot.

He sometimes talks about whatever new release he's playing. He also goes to gaming conventions and was at that Nintendo Switch Experience thing early this year.

>Nintendo Switch Experience
Those were fun threads.


>He also goes to gaming conventions and was at that Nintendo Switch Experience thing early this year.

he -probably- doesnt go because hes interested but because to make promotion. Not to mention, the show when from 70-80% nintendo games to 99.9% since he started to make ads to all the newer nintendo consoles. Might as well have a flyer of Miyamoto with Breath of the wild on the back of his show, damn shill.

It's there a place to watch the chapters online? I can't download shit at work.

Look up gamingcx in the recommendations in The gamingcx guy uses some shitty sites sometimes though.

>Apperently he's a famous comedian in Japan outside of the show.
He's not top tier but he had/has some shows. Maybe A-lite in hollywood celeb terms.
>Allegedly it's quite common for Japanese celebs to be giant nerds on the side.
GamecenterCX is a fluke. It was a 1 season pitch that only got season 2 because of Arino then it exploded in popularity.

Even Hollywood types have their hobbies.

You can say the same about AVGN my man

He's played a bunch of PS1, PC Engine, Mega Drive games in just the last year. It's not all Nintendo. Click on the episode list.

>Remember going to a site that constantly streamed GCCX episodes in a loop
>Just left it on and watched a Japanese man play badly at video games
>Other people in the chat there too as we all get hype for him for no reason
>Can't remember what site it was or even if it still exists

I wouldn't really say he's "in the industry" but I love him nonetheless.

I didn't know AVGN showed up weekly on TV.

I love this stuff but finding it is difficult. Luckily some people are dedicated to keeping it uploaded on Youtube.

He is
Here is a video of him with his partner doing a show with Downtown:

Not the same one I remember, but it fits the bill well enough.

Time to cozy up and watch some games.

>the show when from 70-80% nintendo games to 99.9% since he started to make ads to all the newer nintendo consoles.
Just by looking through an episode guide you can tell that's a huge lie.
And everyone knows Arino is a huge nerd, and not just for video games. But if you choose to believe that's just a character made for the show, no one's stopping you.

It's barely worth it if they have to distort and crop it to keep on youtube for more than a couple weeks at a time. You might as well download it.

Just keep gccx shit to yourself and enjoy it. Do not come to Sup Forums with this shit because it will eventually be ruined by these faggots.

This is something that no longer needs to be shared with this board because of how awful Sup Forums is now.

GCCX is an oasis on Sup Forums and has been here for years.

Post your Arinos

If there's anyone I can't get mad at, it's fucking Arino.

Arino will die in your lifetime.

Japs hage weird aging, he will be fine

>GCCX is an oasis on Sup Forums
Not anymore


I usually don't like japanese humor but Arino's cheekyness gets me
>that Sonic episode where the game starts and everybody is impressed by how well he is playing
>turns out it was the demo

It is whenever there's a thread, so make more threads on Sup Forums.

Sup Forumsmoderation.jpg



He pulled the demo trick again in the first part of Märchen Maze at the end of last season. Not subbed yet.

>That one ninja game everyone though Arino was going to take forever to beat
>He gets to the last stage with the hellish drop area
>Clears it all in one go and finishes really early

Still my favorite memory of what I've seen.

One thing i love about Arino is how inconsistent his vidya skills are, you can never really guess when he will peform well

Didn't the sub team changed?


>Legacy of the Wizard episode
>Arino is trying this really hard jump
>aid tells him its impossible
>right after he says that Arino manages to make the jump

>big ass PNG file
>it looks like shit anyway

Why? Just make it JPG and/or make it smaller.

Jesus i forgot how this show is a reaction image goldmine



I want fucking reddit to leave, god damn.

I don't like Kojima or his games

I made some of these a long time ago

Any of you felt awfully tempted by the gaming store segments? Seeing all those retro games lying around



What was the deal with the cooling pads again?


I'd imagine he just gets really hot when he plays games as intensely as he does


there was outtake footage where between shots of the show he pulled out his DS

he took a break from playing a game to play a different game


Quiz episodes are the best.

It's normalfag, not normie


games based on his show
Arino had at least 1 game outside of Gamecenter CX as part of Yoiko

pretty sure they also had GBA game...

>tfw to lazy 2 type



They keep his forehead cool

Arino wasn't wrong there

I am going to stop here

I gotta thank Arino. He reminds me of the days I would go to small arcades or laundromats and just play Metal Slug, MK, and Galaga. It was definitely a simple time.

Anyone got a link to a collection of subbed episodes?

Look in the downloads.

RIP thread

Thanks user.


>These filenames
You could probably find an Arino image for every board and make a big collage of it

Enjoy. That guide is a little messy in places but really packed with useful info.