What are your expectations? have you played the beta?

What are your expectations? have you played the beta?


Also, any similar game?


I tried the alpha from a while back, and tried a version where there was combat, which was pretty cool.

There's nothing really comparable at all. M&B is sort of similar, but by the same standards with which the word similar would be applied to other games.

thanks, the game's pretty old but it looks great

if you havent played it then definitely pick it up. it's a fantastic game. get ready for the sequel, which is coming out soon(tm)

>all the effort going into varying levels of clothing/armor customization
>no 3rd person camera, not even for horse riding

put it in the fucking bin

I don't play SJW games so I have to not play th1t one if I want to be fair.


the bare minimum i expect from this game is m&b levels of freedom

It probably has a woman doing something.

look at this falseflagging cuck

quite the contrary

holy shit he's literally /ourguy/

I think what he is saying is that because he doesn't play SJW games, he must not play an alt-right one because otherwise he would be unfair.


Check out his twitter. He's absolutely based

does he really have that shirt wow


I promise you, even though it looks great, and as much as I want it to be great, and as based as the developer is, it will still be shit.

Yeah it's shit.

Bannerlord + Mordhau is the true way.

the fact that there is zero visual damage left from hits makes my dick limp, all of the gameplay - even recent stuff - looks like a tech demo, voice acting in it is also pretty bad

another kickstarter