Who's the most op Overwatch character?
Who's the most op Overwatch character?
The whole fucking roster is OP you dirty stinking cunt
played perfectly with aimbot accuracy: Hanzo then Widowmaker
no skill: Roadhog
Even with aimbots, hanzo and windowmaker can be countered with shields. An aimbot windowmaker isn't even a guaranteed win like an aimbotter would be in a lot of other games. Roadhog likewise can be countered by a good team composition.
Overwatch is a heavily team focused game. The best character, therefor, is the one that helps their team the most and is useful in the most situations. That is Lucio. He's the only character that's so good that he's chosen in almost every single game in competitions, and his kit is so simple but he can be played almost optimally just by following the tank around with heal boost on.
fucking autocorrect betrayed me
muh dick
Lucio is picked because everybody have the same slow as molasses base movespeed. So any speed up give significant advantage.
A windowbotter that's also skilled as fuck would guarantee someone on the enemy team is being traded. Their options would be limited to almost nothing
That's another reason he's OP. The only character with faster-than-normal move speed, the only character that can make his team move faster (aside from Symmetra teleporter which is more situational), the only character that can effectively heal his entire team at once... truly an OP as fuck character.
If you're playing elimination mode then maybe, but Widowmaker is only really good at getting kills in situations where somebody is out of position. Even great widows rarely manage to capture a control point or block it effectively, and if the other team is under a shield (for example while defending or capturing a point with their tank) then they can't really do anything at all.
So ultimately Widowmaker, and also Hanzo, are held back from being OP specifically because Overwatch is a game about capture points and payloads
>only really good at getting kills in situations where somebody is out of position.
We're talking about a botter. That means if someone isn't behind a shield, they die instantly.
Watch any competitive game. If that happened, they'd obliterate the enemy in seconds.
You'll never see a game where people can maintain perfect behind the shield uptime.
>tfw I liked Mercy but Sup Forums has made pharrah my favorite
the one with the biggest dick
>those blue toes
I just wanna see her soles holy fuck
>not pic related
You better have an NSFW version hidden somewhere
nah I haven't found that one yet
you're welcome to donate some pics
I'm not home yet
use iqdb newfriends
Pharah's cuteness is OP desu
>what is image search
Seriously I found this in less than a minute. Stop making me spoonfeed you.
easterners dont have pink nipples, this is lame
theres a reason why nobody likes foreign chicks, they have shit colored labia
I originally played paladins and recently got overwatch. The gameplay in paladins is at least 2x better. It's actually pathetic how shitty overwatch is gameplay wise. They do everything else really well but paladins is a more fun game to play. More skills per hero, more customization in terms of build, etc.
>those nipple colors
Whoever did that is a fucking idiot.
>she will never be nervois and flustered giving you the first valentines gift she's ever given anyone
>I-I hope I put t-this on correctly...
>Do you like chocolates? I got t-these for...for y-you...
The hair looks too slimy
Otherwise, Nice
>Play nice, play Pharah"
What did she mean by this?
>google image search
why bother when I can get a sucker to do it for me?
Post lewd you mongols
no u
I want to breed Fareeha
By most OP you mean fattest character, right? In that case, we have a clear winner.
Stay in your fucking general
Not Roadhog anymore
I don't think there's an Overwatch general currently up.
ATM? Most likely Reaper with his new passive. %20 lifesteal on everything makes him a lot tankier, and makes him outdamage every tank at close range.
Since we're in a tank meta, it makes sense that the ultimate tankbuster would work.
You mean
>she will never forcefully rape and dominate you for your sperm
I want to fuck that belly button.
We postin em?
We postin' em. Also, Tracer best girl.
junkrat if you're not shit
Don't think she'll be moving anywhere near as fast with that blubber on her.
Perhaps she'll tank more hits that way.
For real, symmetra.
The only way to deal with a good sym who is being supported by her team is to play dive well, which is something 90% of players cannot do since it requires a winston, a genji, a tracer, a dva, a mercy, and a lucio to coordinate and call out what target they're going to focus down
Cant wait for his Persona 5 pack to get leaked
I think Zarya could do with some more bulking too.
You got it. ;)
Then walk me through how you would coordinate through that with those lineup.
Fuck, the idea of a ripped woman getting fat is so hot to me
Now I know who's your favourite~.
Reinhardt or Lucio, the entire game revolve around them right now.
You guessed it. I want to sabatoge Zarya's workout routine.
Fuck this unkillable shield cunt.
This. Everyone's abilities are all over the place. It's not focused. Like ___TF2
I can't believe I'm gonna considering breaking my no-fap this thread...
I'm guessing you would sabotage her routine like this~.
Nice to see patricians among us
Don't forget about me.
I'm into that too, honestly
Then you'll love this one~.
>tfw lost most of my placement matches despite being gold elims and damage almost every time
Ohh I haven't,just picking Pharah no matter the size is BASED.
Glad I could please you~.
>Pharah dance emote + Thunderbird
Yup, if its Zarya and big I'm gonna get hard
>tfw no PAIR of fat gfs
Gotta love those strech marks~.
Fat Phara is so rare and very underrated
I wish Pew would stop drawing furshit, his fatty artstyle is probably the best in the game
Symmetra. Her abilities are ten times more useful than most and her gun requires less skill than even a mercy main.
I want to tease her about getting unfit.
In case anyone is wondering, Tracer is my favourite so if you're looking for my approval, post Tracer pics, fat and/or regular. On topic, though, she's FAR from being overpowered but she can be useful in certain situations.
No womb tattoo, no fug
Just make sure you don't tease her too much or she might punch you with all the strength she has left in her flabby body.
so uh, why does Overwatch have so many fat pics?
clearly roadhog since his damage is being nerfed 33%
I want to see her try to sprint 300 pounds heavier!
It's expected for a game with such a large fanbase. It would EVENTUALLY have that one person who would think "Yeah she looks fine, but what if she was fatter."
I'd tease her, but I'd make sure to give her some bonafide loving afterwards. Gotta let her now I like a beefy, meaty fatty.
I want to give the BWC to this filthy nigger! I'll gladly betray my race fore her
Oh, you sweetheart~.
I want fat Zarya fapfics, shame she's so unpopular even as just the normal character.
How much would you think she could handle?
whoever happens to have killed me last
t. every diamond and below player
Well, you're in luck. Here's one where she's paired with Mei. borin23.deviantart.com
just delete this thread already you faggot mods
>tfw no huge, meaty, fat ex-weight lifter but still stronk gf to tease about her weight and constant bouts of gas that she's constantly bloated with, even though she could easily crush you with her thighs, hands or pure weight if she wanted
I've actually already read that one, its okay but I'd like something a bit longer maybe, more time for her fatness to develop.
Hmm. How about this one? aryion.com