Has this fat fuck gone to far? Is he finally finished?

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Kill youself.

>Boogie 2988, the obese Youtuber and Twitch Streamer


The proper term is a lago
>Boogie a lago

I'm not gonna click on your website gimme a tl:dr or a pastebin.


Pastebin that shit.

Also who gives a fuck about Boogie "PAY FOR MY HEALTHCARE" 2988?


Fuck, I got baited into clicking. Don't look anons it's just fatty bitching about his internet bill going $10 over.

>Apparently Cox has capped his internet data after going over his limit
>Boogie's bitching about having to pay $10 extra

Amerifat gets ripped off by data cap jewery, complains on twitter

>Sup Forums defending data caps
>Sup Forums praising Trump for getting rid of net neutrality

Could Sup Forums be the most retarded website on the internet?

Make this shit go viral, it can destroy this fat fuck #boogiegate

ooger is disgusting
>he got to lazy to go to the toilet and diapers in his size were too expensive in the long run so he just shat himself wherever he sat
>wife begged him to stop but he didn´t care
>wife forced him to get a colostomy bag installed so she didn´t have to scoop up his runny, greenish shits every 20 minutes
>he didn´t empty it himself, said it was "too depressing" for him
>went to a con a day after he filmed one of his "lol I eat lots of food" clips
>colostomy bag imploded, shit ran down his leg, terrible smell everywhere
>he tried to play it off by acting like Francis and quickly waddled away
>his wife had to clean him up in the con bathroom while he was crying and shouting insults
>was seen and hour later, laughing and wolfing down a 50-piece nugget meal

hell be fine

Stop promoting your shitty website

You cant just slap gate on the end of a word and make it a thing.

Do you underage fuckwads even know what Watergate was?
Hit: it had nothing to do with water

Somebody has to be the bad guy, user

>Data caps
>in 2017
I don't know how you burgers put up with that shit.

Shill your website again. I dare you.

god damn i fucking hate boogie and fat people in general

Data caps are completely arbitrary and exist for no reason than to Jew consumers.

>he's bitching about ISP jewery, a real issue

I expected something noteworthy, no wonder there's no foxdick post about it

I've seen some of this guys vids, I had no idea he was that disgusting. Shitting your pants is fucked up


>complaining about something that is a real problem
I don't like Boogie either but come on.

holy fuck, who is enabling him?


he only plays francis as an excuse to eat that much shit, it's a convenient cover for him

when will this fat fuck finally die?

What's up! Ladies and gentlemen of Youtube, Boogie2988 comin' at ya live once again, though the power of the internet!

>*slurps chemically concentrated transfat*
>*punches chest to restart heart*


*obliterates asscrack on chair cylinder*
*lisping* Hoy gjaoys it's me Francis annd ay hav somethin I want off my chest, THOUSE REPOBLICANS ARENT PAYIN' MY HEALTHCARE 'R DEY STOPID OR SOMETHING?

*Gets 10000 likes*

I don't usually make these kinda videos but today is an exception, so if you're new, maybe you just clicked the thumbnail, you've never been to my channel before, I don't usually go political or anything like that, I like talking about pokemons, or about my favorite youtubers, *desperately tries to inhale air through football shaped nostrils* but today is different, because this affects me so so much, and hope you guys will understand my view of the issue, those DAMN REPUBLICANS ARENT PAYING MY HEALTHCARE!

*smears mayonnaise on upperbody*
*skin obsorbs mayonnaise*

Don't forget to subscribe. I love you guys!

Stop promoting your shitty website

What if Boogie was actually a really skinny guy wearing a fat suit this whole time?

No one loves you.

Why do people hate Boogie? I know nothing about him other then he's a big guy


>his wife is still with him
She's either a saint or an idiot.

what if memes were real?

damn, phil really let himself go

>that dildo in the background

why don't we enact universal healthcare, but actively punish people for being this fat, so that they are forced to slim down?

or better yet, tax them extra for having a preventable risk

oh wow you are really desperate to drum up e celeb drama that is about the most calm and reasoned "twitter rampage" i have ever seen

and i agree data caps are horseshit and should be against the law


It's not real you newfags. Don't get me wrong, boogie is a disgusting fat fuck, but this pasta is stale as fuck, lurk more.


Because he's fat and complains that he can die from being a fucking fat ass piece of shit.

He doesn't deserve respect.


I'm fairly certain there's some law that would prevent that.
It's not a bad idea, though.

>tfw there's people who get cancer and die for literally nothing while this fucker eat so much shit and still manages to stay alive

life really isn't fair

Well his wife needs something to ride.

this is a fucking video

As someone that uses Cox, this kind of pisses me off too since I pay for their 70mb/s service.

I still don't understand why people post shit like this online for the world to see forever.

This shit makes me furious

Also, >>>trash

how the fuck did this happen to his disgusting ass?

A lot of people just don't have a choice in the matter. There's a lot of fucking psuedo monopolies going on with internet in the US. We pay out the ass for shit internet because there's not enough competition or the companies are in bed with each other and getting a cut regardless.

>data caps on non-mobile internet

what the fuck?

Wife was too rough pegging him.

if he goes through with the surgery he is talkng about he wont be able to do any of that anymore without risking an infection

>why don't we enact universal healthcare, but actively punish people for being this fat, so that they are forced to slim down?

It's a good idea.


The worst part about that "article" is basically saying that's a bad thing to do because it's Boogie. If I bitched to my friends about paying $10 more for internet in any situation, or they did it to me, it's petty, but that's what people do. But it's a whole new magnitude of bad to bitch to a large amount of people?

tl;dr What's more pathetic than bitching about $10? Bitching about bitching.

Lollolloo sumn

Americans have a huge problem with ISP's basically charging them for more data because they're greedy jews

boogie is a tangled mess of complex entitlement issues, without the actual onus of acknowledging his shortcomings

he's a fat piece of shit milking people for all their worth, because he's a complete psychopath

But I live in America and not in a big city. The place he lives at is a lot bigger than where I am. Cox is just shit I guess.

im suddenly 900 percent less worried about my recliner breaking out from under my 265 pound lard ass

Does he acknowledge his weight is from his lack of self control or is he one of these "muh thyroid" types? If he's blaming it on his thyroid why does he think his only salvation is a surgery that only works by limiting food intake (temporarily)? What is the relapse rate for bypass anyways?

it makes sense, boogie is in no position to complain

Because that's fat shaming and is wrong. Obese people are disgusting and more mentally fucked up than the most psychotic nu-gender made up pronoun tumblrina. They have no self control or self respect coupled with victim complexes almost as big as they are. I'm not typically an extremist on any matters but obese people, not fat or chubby, are a strain on everything they come in contact with. No pun intended. They don;t deserve a chance to change, they'll never lose the weight as has been demonstrated before. Even if they undergo a "magic fix" surgery the habits that brought them to obesity can not be fixed. The only real answer is euthanization. Also Boogey was never funny.

So, his wife is his mom and he is her sweetpea.

>he went over his data
>sounds fair right
literally a COX shill

>what if memes were real?


Hol up
I live in Vegas
Cox has data caps? I never noticed at all unless they don't have them here

From my understanding, his position is "On twitter". Is that not what it's for?


They charge certain geographic areas them for no reason other than to collect more money. Comcast is the worst offender of it

I've been using the internet since the 90s. In that time I've lived in 7 different states, and I had internet service in every single one.

I've never, ever had an ISP that capped my data.

Just make them pay more for health care or insurance.

i gonna puke ...
what a disgusting fuck...
pls stop.

You've probably never lived outside a metropolitan city or by Comcast or both

its the principal of the matter if people dont bitch about data caps they will never go away


What shithole does he live in where his internet is capped? I literally live in a federally run area of the country and I can download of the country and I don't have caps.

I thought only UKucks and leafs had caps.

I ask myself that nearly every single day.

It's like America's Funniest Home Videos except they're doing it for free.

It's like for decades people took their habit of taking photos of everything and never looking at them again and transformed that drive by thinking now that with the Internet they can just put it there for any of their "friends" to see.

I know we're all attention whores to some degree, but some people act on it hard. I spent a couple days trying to find some sort of study on such things but it just doesn't exist as the field of psychology has been spent on useless bullshit like misdiagnosing mental disorders or trying to name every non-problem as a problem that requires medication.

>he got popular by just making up shitty characters and working the youtube game
>meanwhile you sit here beyond salty and cry like a fucking pathetic pussy because you'll never EVER be as successful as he is

Not saying I like him but at least he's got money

Sup Forums are a bunch of mass murderers.

>This old ass pasta
>Niggas still fall for it

Probably lives anywhere in the midwest

Boogie is an ugly bandwagoner with no original thoughts. He just repeats whatever the popular opinion is around here and sticks his face everywhere to do it while teasing promises on losing weight.

No wonder Sup Forums likes him.

The only time the term /ourguy/ is permited is when this video comes up and only then.


Leaf internet isn't as bad anymore

i don't give a shit about your link or whatever message you're trying to convey
i'm just here to say
boogie is a disgusting piece of shit and he is living on borrowed time

So what is this article about anyway? I'm not clicking that shit.

it would cost too much to euthanize them. sorry, but it's true. they're simply too big.

It's a fake story of course. But funny that every one that see it think its real.

Also to answer your question. She is neither. She's with him for his money, the fame from being an e-celebs wife, and waiting for him to kick the bucket for all of his youtube money.
She probably does whatever the fuck she wants all day since Boogie can't move much to do anything about it. Easiest money ever.

Hide and report all shill e-celeb threads

Basically Cox/comcast and other ISP's will charge certain large geographic areas data caps that are completely made up and only there to charge more money. Its a scummy business practice that only goes on in America and Canada

>dude lets add -gate at the end of every controversy to ensure that it will be forgettable dogshit
Fucking faggot.