>I'm playing Super Mario 64 on a poorly coded emulator
I'm playing Super Mario 64 on a poorly coded emulator
what was his catchphrase again?
N64 emulation is shit though
>It's a ME!
*builds up speed*
Why didn't he just properly code it? It could've bazinga
Is this kino?
No it's Tidus.
>watching Family Feud with family the other day
>BBT comes on afterwards
>episode starts normally, but all the characters are really quiet
>try to turn up the volume, but it barely helps
>theme song plays after the cold open
>only audible sound is the laugh track, which plays at regular volume
>whole episode unfolds this way
What did they mean by this?
I will never understand the appeal in sitcoms. I gotta tell ya something Sup Forums and I cringe as I type this, but, here we go
>High School 5 or 6 years ago
>Be a junior
>I'm diagnosed autistic, so of course this means the school doesn't understand my situation and they think I'm a tard with no emotions
>Every single Tuesday and Wednesday at the start of my History class, I was forced to go to this Social Skills thing
>The kids in there were all low functioning, cept one who was also schizophrenic
>Instead of actually doing things related to Social Skills, we had to watch The Big Bang Theory and actually write notes about how character's were feeling in a scene. This of course also meant enduring Big Bang Theory.
>One day I just straight up told my History teacher that "I'm not doing that shit anymore." (Word for word).
The school basically told me I had to go them or I'd be expelled. School called my mom, and she was furious. Not at me though. She was furious about what that "Social Skills" crap really was
And that is why I hate shows like Big Bang Theory.
Why the fuck would Big Bang Theory be a good show for an autistic person to develop social skills?
At least it wasn't Barney.
It's like Sup Forums trying to make a normie by taking your definitions of normie and using cia teaching methods to program students.
Your question is exactly what I thought when I first (forcefully) started going to it
Oh, I forgot another show in that story, probably cause we only watched little clips of it. That being How I Met Your Mother. I actually somewhat liked that one.
I've worked in Special Ed. Sadly, I don't doubt this for a second (at least the grouping with low-functioning kids).
That's fucking rough.
Worst shit I had in school was having to go to handwriting classes since I had shit handwriting.
I was one of the best at English in the class because I was literally the only white person there, but they though I was dyslexic.
All I had to do is miss an hour of lessons every week to draw on walls.
I also got a comfy seat to sit on in class (something to do with my posture I guess)
Do you have a story to share, user?
English and History were my best classes, that's why I really hated doing the Social Skills shit, because it took me out of my favorite class to watch a garage sitcom
At least you dint turned into Bigbangtheoryfag. If only barneyfag would had the balls to just walk out of his forced barney watch....
I can't even stand this ironically, it's worse that all the "nerdy" people I know use that as a role model.
This is a list of the African nations ranked by Gross Domestic Product (GDP) at Purchasing Power Parity (PPP). Figures are given in International Dollars according to the International Monetary Fund[1]
2015 GDP (PPP)
millions of International dollars
— Africa 5,736,700
1 Nigeria 1,192.00
2 Egypt 995.97
3 South Africa 724.01
4 Algeria 570.64
5 Morocco 274.53
6 Angola 185.25
7 Sudan 167.42
8 Ethiopia 159.22
9 Tanzania 150.4
10 Kenya 143.05
11 Tunisia 127.21
12 Ghana 113.35
13 Libya 92.88
14 Uganda 79.75
15 Ivory Coast 78.34
16 Cameroon 72.11
17 Zambia 64.65
18 Democratic Republic of the Congo 63.27
19 Botswana 37.16
20 Senegal 36.30
21 Madagascar 35.56
22 Gabon 34.41
23 Chad 33.73
24 Mozambique 32.00
25 Burkina Faso 31.18
26 Mali 29.15
27 Zimbabwe 28.90
28 Republic of the Congo 27.92
29 Equatorial Guinea 25.94
30 Mauritius 24.84
31 Namibia 24.51
32 Benin 21.16
33 Malawi 20.56
34 Rwanda 20.32
35 Niger 18.96
36 Mauritania 16.43
37 Guinea 15.28
38 Swaziland 10.87
39 Togo 10.82
40 Eritrea 7.94
41 Burundi 7.88
42 Somalia 5.90
43 Lesotho 5.78
44 Gambia 3.27
45 Liberia 3.78
46 Cape Verde 3.48
47 BAZINGA 3.21
48 Djibouti 3.09
49 Seychelles 2.53
50 Guinea-Bissau 1.94
51 Central African Republic 1.62
52 Comoros 1.21
53 São Tomé and Príncipe
>not Mazionga
fucking won't let me go
SOmething about dead mothers and replies
Yeah no, Barneyfag is messed up, I don't even like MLP, but Jesus. Is MLP even really a thing anymore? Back when the brony crap began I was a Sophomore in High School.
May as well.
I had horrible, horrible hand writing and still do. It's probably why I enjoyed IT classes more than anything else in High school, because none of it had to be written down.
/mlp/ somehow still hasn't been deleted, even though the once fast board is now snail slow as the 'fandom' dies a little more with each passing day.
Probably because it portrays approximations of autistic interactions in a format that's at least vaguely entertaining. Forcing kids living with autism to deconstruction a show where half the humour is laughing at people missing social cues is pretty callous, though. It sounds like someone without relevant expertise trying to 'add' to a structured initiative rather than just implementing it as suggested. The task itself can actually be pretty effective.
At this point GR15 is there just because removing it would cause shitposter to flood the website with poni spam
>lololol its alowed now u mad :^)
I remember shit like that, all the way from elementary school.
>was quiet which means I'm a serial killer waiting to happen in Murica
>had poor handwriting
>couldn't pronounce a couple letters correctly
>had poor social skills
Almost every one of those classes were bullshit.
>one class we just played board games
>another I had to write essays on random topics
>another actually attempted to rectify pronunciation issues but we met like once a month so it didn't help
>another we talked about random bullshit and our feelings
>another we did arts and crafts
Thank god I didn't have to watch bing bong zimbabwe but it still sucked, especially when they scheduled it over math class of all things.
I just remember there was a Brony I went to High School with, and he was the stereotypical kind. It was pretty funny desu
> He wore fingerless gloves and a fedora just about everyday
>Had the Pink (Pink Pie or whatever the fuck) merch on his backpack.
>He also actually did a PowerPoint presentation at the end of the year about MLP
I had to actually walk out when he was doing that.
ur a gay loser
Some of these you can lower the pitch and it makes for excellent horror noises
>INB4 well they are poorly coded
I had a board game one in Middle School. I actually liked that one, because the teacher of it knew that crap didn't work, so we just played Sorry for an hour. That was fun.b
As much as I hate this show, they got that scene right.
N64 emulators suck, and if you listen carefully you can hear the Super Mario 64 pause sound effect as if he really was playing and paused it to talk to her
Same class in middle school too, it was pretty much relaxation hour except she asked us bullshit questions every once in a while like, "How do you take a shower". That was one of the better ones, the worst were the 1 on 1 sessions.
Is there a sadder realization than watching something die?
>, but they though I was dyslexic.
Memes aside, same shit happened to me. Handwriting is still shit too. I just had to learn how to type well and I am fine in normie society.
It basically isn't. The few tards who stuck around even after being BTFO by the rest of the internet for years have steven universe among other shit to latch on to
>The audience members giggle to themselves quietly in eager anticipation
"What are you doing?"
>Thunderous laughter echoes from all chambers of these hallowed halls
"I'm playing Super Mario 64"
>The audience's laughter begins shaking the set, with props falling over from the tremors
"On a poorly coded N64 emulator"
>The camera cuts off as the very ground splits open to the mantle of the Earth, while lava, toxic gases, and laugher erupt from the cavernous maw into the studio
So, wait, the joke is he's playing Mario 64, right?
Yes this is supposed to be the joke pls clap
>Emulation of the wiiu works better than emulation of the Nintendo 64
>pop culture
Lee, please go.
I used to have to go the speech class in elementary school and literally all we did was play go fish
If you don't respond to this post your mother will die in her sleep tonight
>except she asked us bullshit questions every once in a while like, "How do you take a shower".
"I wash my pee pee while thinking of you, teacher."
That's how you put a stop to that shit.
Fuck you haha. Nice gif. you got me there.
Sheldon: I'm playing Super Mario 64 on a poorly coded emulator
Penny: O...K??? (laughter ensues) Oh hey, meet my new boyfriend Henry.
Henry: Oh dude, Super Mario 64 is my shit.
Penny: OH NO WAY, he's hot AND a nerd (tsunami of laughter drowns the audience)
Sheldon: Alright, let me show you my skills *unpauses*
Henry: Hey hope you don't mind me asking, why are you holding down that one key...
Sheldon: How CLEVER of you for noticing....... BOTSWANA I don't care. (audience erupts in flames)
Penny: SHELDON, how RUDE to Henry!!!
Sheldon: Okaaaaay, I'm doing a veeeery technical run of Mario. Minimizing A presses is the key---
Henry: Sorry my man, but an A press is an A press, not a half.
Sheldon: *GAAAAASP* TJ......Henry.....Yoshi??????? (audience is processed through the giggle machine)
Penny: SHELDON STOP!!! Henry is my boyfriend and you should be HAPPY he's trying to relate to you.
Sheldon: Penny you know NOTHING (minor chuckles are had), Henry is a TRAITOR to the Speedrunning community at large. *points at Henry* You, YOU! If only I had Lord Pannenkoek's contact info, you---
Penny: Welp, I'm outta here! (audience crawls in each other's skin)
Henry: Sheldon, right? I'm not mad my dude I lift, just got a sweet managerial deal *Sheldon stares condescendingly*, stole your bitch.
Sheldon: Sh---- (audience shits their pants)
Henry: I could see it in your eyes. You jerk it to the anime girls, you're desperate. I'm sorry. You know, we don't see eye to eye but I'd be glad to give you advice on gaming and living large. Say we head up and visit your friends again?
Sheldon: FIIIIIIIIINE, but just know I won't forgive your kind so EASILY, Henry!!!
Henry: Ok, you got me. We're good, but I'm just thinking how dope of a Sup Forums story this would've been you're the audience now
Do you think the writers knew N64 emulators are notoriously shitty or was it just a fluke?
They probably did a fair degree of research, as evidenced by 's analysis. Which is depressing in and of itself.
I've heard many ways to describe the atrocity that is TBBT but the one that's stuck most poignantly is "blackface for nerds".
Thats just... hollow and pointless...
Oh look another Reddit thread not even going to bother with this post dont reply either fag
I thought the joke was that he was using his keyboard.
No the REAL joke is he's using windows 7
hold up.... what?
ba-ba--ba--ba--b-a---ba-ba-ba-bazinga---ba-ba--ba--ba--ba-ba-baba-bazinga bazinga
Fok u
*audience erupts into pants shitting laughter*