Life is a journey... And every journey eventually leads to a Dark Souls 2 thread
Life is a journey... And every journey eventually leads to a Dark Souls 2 thread
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Dark Souls II is the worst game in the series
bawwwwwwwwwww adp bawwww iron keep bawwww soul memorrrry bawwww
i-its n-not 1:1 to das1 ;____;
Dark Souls II is the worst game in the series
>in which user, unable to actually defend his shitty game, tries to pretend like all criticisms are invalid just because
>Dark Souls 2 thread
No thanks.
>the state of nu/v/
simply pathetic
>Bonfire Ascetic
>Small White Soapstone
>Power Stance
Dark Souls 2 did a lot of good things that didn't carry over into BB and DaS3.
Agility is an absurdly shitty idea they had to compensate for with generous levelups because you had to pump an extra strat to make your rolls resemble something from a souls game. All it serves is to make the early game frustrating.
or you know just time your rolls or get better spacing
anyone want to pvp me right now? sl 145 SM 1.4mil african american crypt sword user
You're talking to DS1 and DS3 fags, they can't play without having 16+ frames of invincibility. (DaS1 DWGR) or low stamina cost rolling so you can roll 12 times in a row at full stamina (DaS3) They don't don how to adapt so of course they don't like adaptability as a stat.
Power stancing always seemed boring. It's pretty much just a more powerful version of 2 handing that requires higher stats and double the upgrades. Not to mention most of the animations for it look utterly moronic. DS3 at least gave you much faster attacking for 2 handing, which makes a lot more sense and is more interesting than just moar damage.
Also they shouldn't have let you do it with any weapon you please. 2 longswords is fine but 2 greatswords looks idiotic and damages the classic souls theme that your character isnt superhuman.
ds2 is difficult and simply has a higher skill floor than the rest of the ds series, thus Sup Forums hates it because its not super fast bb with all 12 of its trench coats, sailor hats and naruto speed!
>I hate diversity of styles
>I hate freedom of choice
>I hate unique builds and unusual looks
>classic souls theme that your character isn't super human
wow, DaS fags are utterly delusional
also having access to full movesets in the offhand was way better than powerstance and das3's garbage dual wields
Darks Souls 2 made me grind for a dumb item that tied my strength stat to my bare fists. Therefor no matter what anyone says it will always be my favorite of the series.
Also I thought the small soapstone was a great idea. I thought it made sense to use that when you were mid-area and needed to refresh your estus with short jaunt cooping.
fuck you and fuck this thread, there's nothing about this game to talk about.
Why is this shit show of a sequel so much better than DS3? Like I thought DS2 was the lowest of the low, but DS3 went even lower
>bad tasted shitnigger wnats a DaS2 thread
>gets shit on
>spergs out
Ig you lurked moar you'd know DaS2 is only liked to troll people
No one actually enjoys. No one who isn't retarded at least.
back to Sup Forums faggot
you're the only sperg here
go suck your eceleb cock more. i'm sure you've never even played the game
>No one actually enjoys
I enjoyed the abundant environments and huge amounts of weapon and armour selection.
never post again
I know for a fucking fact the real reason you faggots hate this game is because of the Mannequin Mask change.
I like Dark Souls 2
Me too, I like them all
What's the most broken build you can get in this game? My sorcery character ended up devolving into a crystal magic weapon rapier character, and I've never felt more broken in a souls game. I can't imagine anything more ridiculous, killed Elana whilst she was still mouthing off at me
This image is the absolute truth about DaS2. Anybody saying anything to the contrary is just a shitposter.
Same, dark souls 2 is in my top 5 of souls games
Rapier robflynn leo for enemies weak to thrust
Made robflynn stone for enemies weak to blunt
>2 greatswords looks idiotic and damages the classic souls theme that your character isnt superhuman.
Also, are we going to forget about the mace/axe in DS1 being so limited in its moveset?
>tfw I've maxed out every stat but faith, intelligence and attunement
>mfw somebody uses great magic barrier in arena
>Classic souls theme that your character isn't superhuman
You know you kill the equivalent of Gods on a regular basis, right?
Like you kill the embodiment of death in ds1
this desu
I appreciate that the game took risks at the end of the game. They genuinely tried to build on the souls formula instead of copying successful ideas like ds3 did
*At the end of the day
I literally just finished playing through Scholar. After playing this game for the first time in over a year, I'm struck by how much I love the beginning phases.You get access to tons of weapons, items, armor, and environments within the first few hours of the game. That rush of possibility in the beginning made me question why I didn't remember liking it more.
But then as I continued, it became apparent what soured the experience. The enemy and encounter designs and how they interface with the environment is just so unimaginative and predictable. A lot of areas have potential for interesting play, but they're bloated with repetitive design. The idea that encounter design consists generally of unremarkable mobs of enemies has merit. Too many areas are just too large as well. And so many bosses just plain suck.
This is a game that could be edited in half and would be DRAMATICALLY improved. The online and QoL mechanics are the best in the series, however. Shit like bonfire ascetics being absent in DaS3 is kind of baffling. And the quantity of viable builds is pretty impressive.
howd your find raime (fume knight)?
What degree of autism must you operate on to be this delusional.
Miyazaki fanboys manage to embarrass themselves even more with every thread.
He wasn't as bad as I remembered. Took me only two tries. Still fun, though. Alonne was better.
I don't think I died to any boss more than once, actually. Granted I was in full Havel with a tower shield and rapier for most of the game.
>only neo-Sup Forums disliked DaS2
Revisionist history at its finest
fags like you aren't even on the level of neo-Sup Forums, hence why you're nu/v/
If you seriously think only newfags disliked 2 you obviously haven't been here for long
>The enemy and encounter designs and how they interface with the environment is just so unimaginative and predictable
Is there anything in particular that makes you say that?
I can't think of very many enemy encounters that take advantage of an enemy's moveset and interfaces it with the environment in creative ways that emphasize that enemy's strengths. Stuff like cramped quarters or disadvantageous elevation or surprise traps. Lots of areas are just lots of guys that you fight in relatively open areas with little mechanical relevance. The thematic focus on men and anthropomorphic enemies doesn't help much with the blandness, either.
I think they could have done a lot better job with the enemy variety, there doesn't seem to be a lot of otherworldy or weird enemies in the game, and while dudes in armour are the bread and butter of the series, and done fairly well in DS2, there really needed to be more outlandish enemies. I would have loved to have at least seen more uniquely designed lads in armour if they had interesting weapons, like the guys with pairs of giant shields in the undead crypt.
I don't follow you so much when it comes to encounter design, I thought the way encounters were set up was usually handled pretty well, requiring you to strategise how you took on your enemies and use the environment as best you can, especially with areas like the Shaded Woods or Shrine of Amana. Some of them felt a little underdeveloped like Dragon's Aerie where it's pretty much just encounters lined up after each other
i absolutely hate the boring easy pve, but love the pvp. i get constant invasions PC SOTFS and duels with a variety of builds, i can punish heals, no infinite rolls, and no 3v1 ganks everytime i invade. feels good
Correct, but it's still fun.
I can think of lots of areas that are just series of encounters on unremarkable landscapes. Heide Tower, Pharros cave, the depths, aldia's house, eleum loyce.
Honestly I think the strongest areas in the game are some of the very first. Drangleic, Bastille, the Wharf, and the copse are probably my favorites.
I didn't mind DaS2 when it first came out, but, looking back on it now, Aesthetically at the least, it just feels 'off', it looks like the models are made of clay with odd lighting on them.
Saulden is unironically the best Crestfallen NPC, though.
May you find peace on your journey.
>Not even L3 jump settings carried over to BB
It's like the two teams don't talk to each other.
Dark Souls II is fucking alright
That's a perfectly reasonable position
Not so fast friend
I think it's just the consequence of the game being so big that it's really a quantity over quantity issue so it has become bloated with some sub-par areas, and plenty of sub-par bosses.
Also, how can you dislike Heide's Tower? The bosses are probably the worst in the game, but I just love the atmosphere it has, in the ruins of some ancient nearly forgotten civilisation being swept into the sea. I can forgive the simple enemy encounters for being so early in the game, but I like how open it is and how you can see each of the giant enemies from so far away and pull them if you want. Also, I liked Pharros Cave, but I can't really think of why on reflection, maybe I just like caves a bunch.
Aldia's mansion was really disappointing, I was expecting some weird rundown manor filled with warped abominations to fight, instead it was a corridor with enemies we've all seen before and that's about it.
this format of posting is fucking annoying
i love this game
Heide Tower looks cool, but it's too open for my tastes and not particularly interesting in level geometry. There is basically no element of verticality or surprise. EVERYTHING is immediately visible and flat.
Don't you just love how the first hit didn't even connect?
I miss the No Way and Pump Up emotes
you're the only sperg i see here polfag. get off my board
post DS2 characters. this is happy merchant.
It was just a muh air blast, we've gone through this before user. Totally intended and not a shit game
i've been playing DS2 with a friend and having a pretty good time. soul memory is hardly an issue with the named ring and i haven't encountered a mass of invincible invading trainer fags like i did playing through DS1.
some of the DS2 levels are a little unimaginative and the ending is pretty anticlimactic but the gameplay is fun. the 60 frames makes a huge difference in fluidity too. not sure why it gets so much hater other than this being Sup Forums.
also why is lucatiel so cute?
anime was a mistake, pic related
Lucatiel is awful, you should feel bad
>no one will miss me, heh heh...
i just want to protect her fragile smile.
>her hat in DS3 has her name
So the Bearer of the Curse did actually remember
Dark Souls serieas has become garbage. I realized this after beating Dark Souls 3.
Yes, I played them all. Bought all copies around their release date.
No, I'm not casul. I win 80% of all invasions.
How people, that have have been a fan of the series for a while still play this, is a mystery to me.
Grow up and play a real game.
>i got burned out on a franchise i used to enjoy and play religiously
>franchise sucks
the sole fact that you don't have to hunt for embers the entire fucking game makes Dark Souls 2 superior
pic unrelated
The only one of these I even liked was SWS.
Do Dark Souls 1 and 2 still have an active playerbase? I might like to get back into them, but it would feel quite lonely if there's nobody else playing them.
Dark Souls 2 is a half-broken shitpile with a lot of build variety that's masked by uninteresting bosses, uninteresting areas, gank bosses, and shit enemy placement/spam. Fuck Dark Souls 2.
>uninteresting bosses, uninteresting areas, gank bosses, and shit enemy placement/spam.
Only if you are a casual shiiter faggot.
>b-but m-muh pvp!!!!!!!
dks1 > dks2 on pvp always
inb4 kiddies crying that they got chained by a havelmom
Solid rebuttal, fag
>talking shit on DS2 for phantom range
Cmon asshat, this is a problem in literally every single one.
What else is there to say, you make a false claim and someone calls you out on it.
Airblasts are fun.
>1.4 mil
I am keeping my SM at 120k/40k with the agape ring so i can grief newbs.
>mfw somebody uses great magic barrier in arena
>i use a poison build
>2 Smelters
>4 Dragonriders
>3-person gank boss
>Throne Defender & Watcher
Must I go on? Fuck, if I must...
>The run to Blue Smelter
>All of CotSK
>All of CotIK
The claim's not false, retard.
cry moar bitchboi
Fuck off
>Dark Souls 2 thread
I don't think it works like that, bub.
It's okay to have shit taste, deary.
Sinh's alright. I actually like Sinh a lot. Everything before him looks cool but has some shitty and annoying enemy spam.
this thread is further proof, as if any more were needed, that only shitters, giantdad babbies and ninja flip roll spammers hated DaS2 because it was too difficult
acquire proficiency and ADP, noobs.
Magic is so overpowered in this it's the reason they made it shit in ds3 because of legit complains.
Buffs are very strong and casting very quick, while rolling costly and movement in general slow.
I like how rolling wasnt the invincibility button like it is in ds3 but in combination with the above the balance is broken.
I see a lot of idiots on both sides of the argument desu.
why is the bell tower the best pvp area of any souls game?
>Any of main ivory king
>Bad at all
Its like irithyl done right instead of a straight foward corridor. It also has some of the coolest items in the game.
Plus ivory king is the coolest boss in the series.
The coop part is shitty though.
its not difficult in the slightest lmao
Every boss is a pushover, only the levels are difficult. Fume Knight is only `hard' since he has million HP and never staggers, making the fight a boring poke-fest.
Why does ds2 threads are such warzones? Cant people who didnt like the game just dont go into the thread of a game they dont like?
I'm playing with a sorcerer right now, I rarely roll anymore after I've discovered that it's pointless. Enemies will still connect with you if are rolling and it consumes way too much stamina. It's easier to learn their patterns and locations and run around/under them to dodge. Very few bosses actually require you to roll.
This can be said about pretty much every boss in the series. The few considered "hard" are so because they never stagger and never stop attacking. Everything else is "stand behind it slashing its ass" tier.
Besides the pvp, what was the point of those bells?
>Enemies will still connect with you
Just learn the i-frames. Its during the start of the roll, you are vulnerable during the end of it.
no, they have to tell everyone how much they don't like DaS2 because they are insecure
Eh, I enjoyed it over 3, I also get more coop fun out of dsk2 as well