This game is so fucking hard
This game is so fucking hard
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Thats why its bad bro. Dont play it. I know i aint.
You mean real fucking easy just like Bloodborne and Dark Souls 3 and the Surge.
Fucking no one knows what made Demon Souls good, just try to get by with DUDE ATMOSPHERE AND YOU'LL DIE A LOT LMAO.
Just ban everyone from making """atmoespheric"""" action RPGs for a decade. Getting bored of this genre.
I just got it yesterday and i'm having trouble with bat bitch of paralyze
seriously? just use the sloth talisman, makes every boss a breeze.
get slow talismans, win game
Fuck that crutch
then you have no option but to git gud
It's brutal at first but as you get more tools and get gear from revenants, it becomes much easier later on. Then it gets hard again in NG++
>game was the perfect amount of challenge all the way up until the endgame
>DLC and post-credits missions are so brutally difficult that I have no choice but to grind my ass of for amrita and elixirs
I was having fun and now I'm not.
Not same guy as guy having trouble with Enma cunt, I already got good enough
only had to use sloth on side missions boss gangbangs
Low stance Master race
you WILLL summon on maria. mark thine words
>summoned on maria
>guy spams atlas bear to slam her down then hit while she's down
>maria dies doing fuck all
Sloth is shit now. The real crutch is discord.
I find sloth useless as shit on way of the strong, kunai storm on the other hand makes everything a joke
Nah spin to win + phoenix
*casually swings at you for 3/4 of your health*
I wish the abundant one shots weren't a thing. Have enemies and bosses do high damage sure, but one shots are just lazy and blatantly annoying. It makes leveling and armor upgrading feel fucking useless and its not even that uncommon honestly
negro I don't think I ever got one shot in all the time I played until I started the new difficulty introduced with the DLC, stop wearing shitty armor
My armor is fine, its counter hits and grabs from bosses that do the most one shotting
The new DLC for example is just obnoxious
Th first centipede boss for example has a bunch of moves that if you get hit, theres nothing that you can do because you can't block or dodge without getting fucked
Its not even full one shots a lot of the time but it might as well be because if you get hit once you'll also get hit twice and boom you're fucked
lol just don't get hit
lmao just take shitty design up the ass lmao
I'm sure it'll fit, you must have plenty of room thanks to all the dicks you've taken lmao
dude defending garbage game design with shitposting lmao
christ lighten up you salty bitch
>equip bear buddy and some kunai
>stunlock her to death and killing strike her 4 times till she's dead
Heh nothing personell kid.
get some omnyo and ninjutsu. You'll find the game gets real easy around mid game, provided you do side quests to level and get decent gear.
I'm curious, what made Demon's good for you that no-one else could capture?
Why do the three different stances feel so unnecessary?
I keep trying to play Nioh like it's a souls game but something about the combat just feels unnecessarily complex and it kinda loses me with how the world isn't interconnected
Also it feels like a chore dealing with the endless amounts of similar equipment the game shoves on you
It just isn't clicking with me
my friend let me borrow his ps3 to play demons souls. as soon as i got soul ray i started beating all the bosses first try. big let down because i didnt think it could get easier than Ds2 bosses. i fucking loved tower of latria's atmosphere tho. still got 1-4, all of 5, and everything beyond adjucator archtone in 4 to go
>farming elixirs
When you get all the Kodama in a region the eight elixirs come free
it was the first game in the series he played and he has nostalgia goggles.
Game seems heavily focused on the stamina bar with adding another feature to regain it
>I keep trying to play Nioh like it's a souls game
Don't. That's your mistake
Don't treat it like a Souls game, but it's own thing
Having to browse through Diablo tier equipment is a pain, though
>Why do the three different stances feel so unnecessary?
Because you're not utilizing them properly, due to
>I keep trying to play Nioh like it's a souls game
It's not a Souls game, don't try to play it like one. Play the game on its terms, not the terms of a completely different series.
> something about the combat just feels unnecessarily complex
It offers variety. Don't use it if you don't want to, but you'll get a lot more out of the game if you stop trying to ignore the options available to you.
>and it kinda loses me with how the world isn't interconnected
That's a you thing, not a game thing. Your preference though.
>Also it feels like a chore dealing with the endless amounts of similar equipment the game shoves on you
Yeah, that's a thing.
>It just isn't clicking with me
Also a you thing. Try playing it as Nioh instead of Nippon Souls, and if that doesn't work for you, it's just not for you.
I'm only as far as the village early on where it's rainy and you knock the trees over to make a shortcut and I just beat the lightning spirit thing.
I feel like the combat would be a bit more fun if it was shaved down a bit and so far the levels have been kinda boring too. Bosses have been fun though.
Also I have no idea what the tone of this game even is or what's actually happening in the plot but that's probably my fault mostly. I haven't been reading item descriptions or anything
Don't worry if the ending taught me anything nobody cares about the plot, especially the writers. The only good thing about the plot is the engrish.
You're definitely approaching it from the Dark Souls angle far too heavily. Think of it more like Ninja Gaiden meets Onimusha with a lick of Dark Souls and a Diablo glaze.
The plot is pretty straightforward and is told through cutscenes, not item descriptions. Spooky sorcerer man has stolen your fairy waifu and run off to Japan to make war happen, go save your waifu.
Let yourself play with the combat instead of trying to fight against it. Look at the skill trees, look at your skill customization table, have a fiddle around. You'll enjoy it a lot more when you start actually playing the game as it is instead of wishing it was a different game.
nerfed to hell
you're better off with using attack debuffs like wind + reduce melee damage mod
dude you just dodge forward right lmao
>nerfed to hell
When? Because if it wasn't yesterday then you're wrong.
its highly ineffective in WoTD and there are better things you can be using with your limited onmyo slots
It's only shit on the hardest mode. Stop being a fag.
I rolled a Skillfag for 2kats and so far just sticking with High Stance on everything has worked out fine. I haven't found or at least can't realize when it's actually worth it to change to the other two stances.
A lot of skills are stance dependent, and learning to use them will make things a lot easier in some of the more frustrating parts of the game. High stance is fine for pure damage, but awful for dodging and can't proc status effects for shit.
Seriously, don't be afraid to play around. You can get by sticking to one stance, sure, but you've got the option to do so much more, so why waste it?
its like how high stance 2swords doesnt have access to god of wind combo which is pretty deadly KI damage when timed correctly
and its not even hard to get the quad slash
remember kids, never go into PVP until you've reached the current equipment limit level cap and have gone through most of WoTD
>latest patch made axe 1 shot bosses on the hardest difficulty
>3 builds in game now that can decimate bosses completely
pretty cool instead of going the nerf it all route like fromsoft
This so much. Played Demon's Souls after Dark Souls 1 and 2 and it is extremely bland. The castle is just a gray castle, the second world is a boring mine, the third world is actually memorable and cool, the fourth world somehow managed to be even grayer and more colorless than first, and pre-Blighttown is just poison bogs and wood. The nostalgia people have for this game is strong.
So team ninja don't know what scaling is?
>there's PvP
well shit
there is SOME scaling in PVP but you still need to be at a decent level, with decent augs/items/jutsu set up to compete
the only real problems of pvp balance right now is Sign of the cross's damage and ability to land a grapple at the right distance, and bow Saika builds
Was Latria 3 or 4?
I played it after 1, and I liked it a lot. The game was very experimental and it tried a lot of different things, some worked and some didn't, but it was still a very enjoyable ride overall, even if I ended up preferring DaS
PvP was a mistake, can't stress it enough
The game wasn't built for it and it shows
Damn Soulsfags demanding PvP in everything
its been balanced at least once, and PVP balance has various effects that differ from general gameplay
they did not want to make it completely sterile by forcing set gear and skills.
the test of samurai skill also includes gear preparation
>mfw people try to give Bloodborne, the most perfect single player experience ever, shit for not having super in depth PvP
It's hard but easily cheesable. Yokai bosses just use two elements on them until they are confused, then rape them, repeat if necessary.
Human bosses can generally be cheesed by weapon skills.
But Demon Souls is easier than all 3 of those games
latria is 3. my favourite atmosphere of the souls games. i love the colours and shadows. too bad the gargoyles are fucking retarded
>nostalgia for a game I first played last year
>Use chain and sickle weapon
>Spam High Triangle forever
>Never die
Listen user, we all love Demon Souls for what it is, but in the end it's just sort of an unrefined Dark Souls
God that weapon is so fucking BORING. ITS SO BORING
and some enemies can at least retaliate pretty fast during one of those attacks
>can't play PvP until you beat the game twice
Dumb japs can't make a simple matchmaking system or a gear neutral mode.
I killed maria using water sword, the dual sword skill.
It was not easy, she could dodge out of it 90% of the time, but somehow I got her in a position she couldn't get out of, used all my buffs while going from 100%ki to none, kekkai talisman regen100% ki in half a second, repeated, then she was like 10% hp and hadn't put amrita on her weapon yet.
It was pure luck saved me a lot more deaths.
Its boring yes, but its literally EZModo the weapon. You can run through the whole game spamming High Triangle and NEVER die
>Dumb japs can't make a simple matchmaking system or a gear neutral mode.
its not as simple as detecting or modifying numbers
you'd also have to consider the incredible amount of game changing gear mods that go into gameplay like this one
and gear neutral just makes combat sterile and makes more work for balance in this mode
they nerfed it in the last patch
now you chain and sickle fags have to use the rest of the moveset in general
The true partician Kusarigama cheese its that one move where you roll forward and swing the thing around you. Unless it got fixed, the AI is so shit that they'll block the first hit and NEVER block the second
Already beat the game with platinum trophy. Aint gotta do shit
you aint got that DLC boi
and you aint gonna get that 100% until you finish WoTD 100%
I wouldnt call it unneccessarily complex. its pretty simple. though i would call it unnecessary since you can go through the whole game in one stance. i only swap to do stylish shit
problem with the difficulty is that you have so many tools at your disposal to trivialize the game and youre fast as shit at nearly all agility levels. so they just make enemies hit you super hard to compensate is what it feels like
Blade Spin?
I tried to get into Kusari but I couldn't because it feels like you have so little variety
Thats the one, and it seems it has been rightfully nerfed.
>This game is so fucking hard
Hard to remember for sure.
yeah not enough memes kek
Maria herself is a possible wall of difficulty they've should've had in the main game itself
Nips arent using their amrita well enough I suppose
half way through WotD. This game is a chore, I regret getting the DLC. Who even thought a third round would be fun?
that game is shit
Just don't play WotD then
Im retarded, I cant help it. not getting the next DLC though, that's for sure.
how is it even a chore?
its easier then WoTS and you get cool gear effectsto play with