Guilty Gear Xrd


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She's fine
Sin on the other hand

>make a character in guilty gear
>they can mash one button and take out 15% of HP on any character in the game

yeah, she's solely for the dumb nu-gg players xrd has.

How about you learn to play?

>not Sin


Elphelt is honestly too honest now. She doesn't have the juice to win an event now.

>tfw playing chipp


>tfw no one plays Bedman


Here's buffs


>tfw got buffed

No point. Thread is more dead than Elphelt's marriage prospects.

I want to get married to Elphelt.

I bought the game and I kinda like Jam. What's a good easy bnb to start off with?


some starters to try


>Baiken is finally released
>She's utter dogshit

So much for that

See my Baiken online RIGHT NOW kid

Huh? Shes fine.

Just dont get overzealous with Azami and figure out her neutral and youll be fine.

No. People just don't understand that she has to be played defensively and isn't rush down 50/50 into super crazy 50% damage.

Not having rushdown 50/50 into super crazy 50% damage sounds like a really good way to be a bad character in Xrd

I want to nerf all over her cute little tits.

Not in this case since she has more defensive options than other characters.

I do, user. He needs more love.


How do you guys even play Bedman? He is too weird.

>tfw they removed her meme super
Why bother

I don't play GG but ram is the most erotic vidya character ever created. She hits all the right spots.

Which one?

Why not buy GG and play her then?

Not really. She has a pretty shit parry stance that is either high or low and only 1-3 frames active out of blockstun and she still has one of the worst defense modifiers in the game so she gets blown up for even a single misuse of it. Jam gets just as much reward from her parry albeit in less situations, and Raven gets a shit ton more use out of his stance, and it's much easier to use, and he's got the best guts in the game.
Baiken's got a couple good buttons and good damage in the corner but azami sucks, she's slow as shit, she's meter hungry and that really hurts her oki game since she's really only getting a high/low with yrc or spending 50% for her instant overhead. I mean it's still Xrd and you can use anyone and do ok but I'd definitely peg her as low mid for now.

Which do you think?

I'm not a fan of fitan gaems.

h-hows jack-o, kum and may

All pretty good.

I'm sure if you spent some time with it and learned to play Ram, you'd discover what makes fighting games so great!

>Bought this for my PC
>runs slow as shit

So much for that

Is Jack-O a puppetmaster character?

Zato is the puppet character. Jack-O does not directly control her minions.


hold up is that a

It's a Hokuto no Ken reference, she even yells out ATATATATATA

>$44.99 USD
>For a fighting game that will die in like 2 months

How do we fix modern fighting games?


>Remove esports and do more general advertising
>Make all characters require difficult execution
>Proper netcode
>Prioritize art style and load times over graphics
>Plenty of arcade, score attack and challenge modes
>Regular free updates to maintain community

These probably contradict one another so a perfect fighting game is impossible.

NRS work on story mode and extra BS
Arcs work on Visuals
Killer Instinct Netcode
(Your favorite dev) to work on gameplay
Namco work on Music

I've never played KI

Is it nearly as good Skullgirls netcode?

Praise GGPO

>too good for beginner lobbies
>too shit for normal lobbies

>Instead of buying and supporting it, force a stigma that it's dead before it even comes out
>No one buys it because they think it's going to be dead within a month
>Pretty much exactly what happens
>Good games get killed because people are too lazy and prideful to support them for absolutely retarded reasons
This is why PC doesn't deserve games. A few months ago this exact same shit happened and it's literally people like you who think this shit's fault.

Yes we need to remove the stigma. Just because the PC community is shit at fighting games and won't stick with them doesn't mean that people shouldn't spend money to play online with them!

>too good for normal lobbies
>too shit for private lobbies

the cycle never ends user, get used to it

You can say that for SF, doesn't really work for GG.

The top players overwhelmingly play on the PC version because it has less input delay and marginally better netcode.

So it's a jojo reference

It's not just fighting games, even shooters. Titanfall 2 is the best example of this. PC gamers would rather play another thousand more hours of Team Fortress 2, CSGO, etc. than devote even a fraction of that time to learning and playing a new game.

Which is a jojo reference.

how do i ky

ok so guilty gear

Stun Edge -> YRC -> Win neutral for free

If they start jumping over it, AA them with 6P or 2H

Also learn his CSE / Grinder mixup

Do that and you'll shit on everyone except the people who actually know how to play

It's the best online I've had with a fighter.

how to 6P

I feel like it won't hit and I do something stupid instead

depends on what kind of 6p
most of the time you have to aim to trade even if it doesnt look safe

Time it right. Go to dojo and use recording to make the npc air dash or jump in by command then practice your 6p.

However, some air to ground will clash or cleanly beat 6p so you have to use other anti air method too

Someone please give me some Answer tech

Except it doesn't have a large enough community.

Is Rev 2 PC gonna be dead in a week again?

It's the fate of any small fighting game. Pretty sure only games like Street Fighter and Tekken will ever be able to retain a decently sized playerbase outside Japan. If you're interested in a game like Guilty Gear, the only way is to play, support and be part of the small playerbase that exists. Anime games will never have the same broad appeal.

I don't know much myself since I only touched him a bit for the trials and episode, but the general idea seems to be doing set ups with the scrolls.
Your best bet would to watch footage of good japanese players from the arcade release and see what you can get from them like so:

This guy's channel has plenty of these for a variety of characters so I recommend checking it out for anyone else as well.

Only if you let it be.

Even if it's dead, I'll always be there to play with you user

Speaking of GG and speaking of trials.
How tight is the Sacred Edge after Split Ciel in Ky's Advanced 10.
I keep trying and trying and trying and it never connects.

I don't get how I'm supposed to even get in as Jam.

She's shit tier

>Love animu fighters and tittyfall 2
>Sup Forums keeps spouting ded games
>Low pop due to ded memes
I fucking hate this place sometimes

There's something special about playing with a small dedicated group of players regularly and getting your ass kicked by them over and over. They are supportive as you slowly improve in hopes for more competition.

The tier lists only take into consideration top level play. Since most players aren't playing at top level, the tier list doesn't apply to them.

Baiken is fun. Practiced her dustloops for 4 hours, starting to get the hang of it. How are you guys doing?


Out of all the supers in the game they translated, they did a horrible job with this one.

Learning El's new unblockable routes. Seems pretty impracticable in most instances. Better to go for mixups than raw unblockable. Even Fumo isn't going for them anymore.

Is it possible to defeat Japan?

practiced my (5k -c.S-5H-2D-22 (k)) with Jam and I think I'm ready to go online now.

Its funny to me that Japan dominates the fuck out of this game, yet does so poorly with SFV. Is it the game, or is it the fact that Japan didn't get it a year earlier for once?

No arcade version. Japan isn't including 5 in a lot of their tournaments because there is no arcade version.

Japan doesn't have a year headstart in SFV this time.

Poor elvenshadow. This is the second time he's been utterly btfo on stream with an IK.

was there any way he could have gotten out of that with burst?

He didn't have burst. But it's not like burst will save you from japs anyway.

Look at the burst meter and ask again. Unless you are asking about some what-if theoretical situation.

I'm asking a hypothetical, I don't know GG that well. I'm not sure what he could do without burst OR with burst

He could have bursted at any point so long as there wasn't an opportunity that Dogura could have baited it.

>stylish mode

I don't understand

Makes it easier to do shit. Doesn't matter since mother fuckers will still dunk on you.

Messin around with Johnny mist changes.

More useful then i thought it would be so im happy.

>MF stance

Mist Finer

You can't burst after being (command)thrown, burst wouldn't have saved him.

>360 motion grab super
>accidentally jump

I love fighting games