How much of a weeb are you?

How much of a weeb are you?

Other urls found in this thread:

I am a PC Gamer

>Japanese games made in Japan

I like Nioh, Tekken, JoJo and Yakuza. Thats about the extent to which I like Jap shit

>Persona 5
>not weebshit

What denial

I play actual good games. They're weeb but they're good. None of this casual tripe.

it's localized

I own NepV-II, Berseria JP and ENG, Nier Automatic, Persona5 and FF15
So I don't know

Low IQ tryhard!

>I am a PC Gamer
With the extremely rare autmata, the PC has the most cringe jap games out there.



7 weebs / 8. Clsoer to the dudebro side

I don't play any of these games.

Sup Forums has not been able to use the term weeb right in the the last 7 years. I'd bet my life anyone who unironically uses that word has no idea what the word "weaboo" is.

IQ is just a test. I can have a low IQ just by choosing to answer the wrong things

Weeb as fuck but SO5 isn't bad because its weeb its bad because its not even as good as SO4 which was mediocrity incarnate.

You're so Low IQ you need a catheter.

Farthest I would go is to Star Ocean 5

if I didn't know it was already shit.

I tried to tell you IQ doesn't stand for your actual intelligence but you didn't catch up on it because you're retarded and your insults are childish.

what is actual intelligence?

since when a mainstream thing cannot be weeb?

This response was as Low IQ as it gets.

I played Tales of Berseria with english dub.
Am I a weeb?

Nioh is probably the most I've done for weeb

If you had any taste you play any localized games in the English dub and not that Japanese voice """""""""""""""""acting"""""""""""""""""".

Speaking of english dubs
Azure Striker Gunvolt OVA english dub is fucking horrible

I have played Persona 3, 5, Q; SMT Nocturne, SMT Apocalypse, Xenoblade Chronicles, Xenoblade Chronicles X; FE 7, 8, 10, 13, 14, Rune Factory 4, and Bloodborne.

How weeb am I Sup Forums?

The meaning changed, it's been that way for a while.
It's usedd to refer to fans of japanese stuff now.

A weeaboo is someone who has an inappropriate obsession with Japan, such a person can be identified by an insistence on always listening to the original audio with subtitles rather than a dubbed version in spite of the language barrier rendering them unable to appreciate the voice actor's performance, only consuming Japanese media, or consuming low quality media such as Neptunia simply because it is Japanese in origin. Why do you believe the term is being used incorrectly here?

not weeb enough

>Persona 5

What exactly defines a weeb game?

True. I don't know why people keep shilling japanese voices so much. I use them only if the game itself is happening in Japan.

>Persona 5
>adds dudebro points

>implying persona 5 didn't get a lot of normies into the series
it sold 1.5 million. much more than your average weeb game

>english dub

persona 5 really is mainstream now huh?


Just because it's more popular than other Atlus titles doesn't mean it's dudebro. I guess P3/4 are dudebro too since they were also popular.

Going by OP's image, how cute it is.

>own everything on the right and nothing on the left

Same, minus Neps.

>muh sales
So what?
Its based on fucking nip highschool, the same kind of highscool tardy girls rush to with a fucking toast on their mouths. You literally cant get any more /jp/ than that.
Yes, I fucking mad.

if you play Neptunia and like it then you're a lost cause. Already way past the point of no return.

Where does Disgaea fall?

No dudebros play final fantasy. There should be a literal western game at the end like fallout because that is all dudebros play.


Don't kid yourself, it's all weeaboo shit.

lot of those sales were on hype marketing, have a normalfag friend that doesn't understand the baton pass mechanic

this is on top of the hand holdy tutorials


Didnt FO4 fail because it tried to cater to dudebros?

Still seems better than the MLG360NOSCOPEEPICCODKILLCAM alternative

The problem with ENG Berseria is that half of the party is voiced by newbies in VA industry, and in result quality is uneven.
Also Christina Vee can't sound on the more emotional spectrum at all.
But her screams are delicious.

Where would Xenoblade fall in?

Until Berseria
Fucking hate Star Ocean. Only Atelier I enjoyed was Mana Khemia. Downright hate nepshit.

It's literally not. CoD can be pretty fun sometimes, even if it is hyper casualized. You would have to have actual brain damage if you enjoy Neptunia

>inb4 "cute girls doing cute things"

+1 I guess cuz the rest of that shit on the left is fucking terrible.

>not dudebro

This plus yakuza, I guess I'm a dudebro even though I only consume Japanese media

I play Nep with English voices because I like the memes.

What does that make me?

I've played none of those.

I did buy Sleeping Dogs on steam when it was on sale for $5~. Does that count?

Someone that worked on the localization?

I've never played a single Final Fantasy game.

weeaboo is a word filter for retards
its only purpose was to make fun of people that went around writing wapanese

Welcome to Sup Forums!
By the way, they still don't know how to properly use "edgy" or "autism".

Only one of these I have played is nioh, so right about there.
I do intend to play nier automata though. Someday.

Is it less weeb if I'm playing Nep on PC?

if you like neptunia games, then there is no point in worrying. just get a dakimakura and let the years pass over you.

I'm too weeb to play 3D polygon games.
I need pure 2D.

>talk about Monster Hunter
>some retard calls it weebshit

Weeb has completely lost all meaning here. The only games I consider "weebshit" are shit VNs and low budget trash like Neptunia and Senran, as your standards would have to be continuously eroded by moeshit in order to enjoy those. Games like Nier, Nioh, FF, Persona 5, etc. all have things that would appeal to all audiences.



normal jrpg category. remember those? I do. they used to make them many moons ago.

All those games are super mainstream

Real weebs play unstranslated doujin games.

what a meaningless scale

If that's what you're going to insist on defining it as then I'll just have to say fuck you, weeaboo is a nonsense word people chanted during a paddling in a webcomic, the word filter came afterwards you dumb shit.

yes that is why it was used to make fun of retards
only the retards have kept trying to use it as an insult ever since

That list is completely wrong.

Nioh should be +4
FF should be +3
Nier Should be +2

Persona Should be +1 Red

Star Ocean and Tales of Beseria are equally weeb.

Neptunia and Atelier are equally weeb.

+4 red should be shit like Senran Kagura.

What about +3 and Visual Novels

nigga you got taken down in japan for unicorn gundam

If you're on Sup Forums, you're a weeaboo by default.

don't remind me

Final fantasy is the most widely known jrpg, thus the most dudebro one.

persona was always popular ever since 3

Still is a JRPG, its less dudebro than a grimdark action game like Nioh.

>my face I range from +100 red to +3 blue

Oh the irony.

Remember, people waited 10 years for FFXV/versus

also FFXV is the most casual one. If it wasn't dudebro, it wouldn't have sold the most either.

There's no scaling on what a weeb is, retard. Either you are or you aren't. Or are you another newfag who doesn't know what weeb means?

>P5 and FFXV less weeb than Nioh

How is Nioh weeb? It's just a samurai dude killing shit, not to mention you play as a grizzled white guy. It's really only slightly more weeb than Souls, and that's due to setting alone.

Well Nioh does have japanese themes and a guy with a katana.

>retards in this thread still don't know what weeb means
Then again, why am I expecting something from the cancer known as Sup Forums?

I always thought weebshit was more animeshit than just nip themes?

why do you keep coming here?
I don't know why I still come here ...

Maybe actually learn what a weeaboo is before posting your shitty, uninformed opinions?

Not so much as I want

>le weebshit meme

weeb games are fun. FUN!

Nobody in this thread knows what it means.

Stop projecting your ignorance into everyone else, faggot.

>definition of a made up word must mean what I say it means

Make me.

>All the games on the right are good
>All the ones on the left are bad
rly maeks u think