How about a Spongebob Online thread? Haven't seen one of these in a while and I fear the game will die soon even with the recent update.
Speaking of which, what was the best update and why is it Rock Bottom?
How about a Spongebob Online thread...
>let's make shit hard and confusing
Wow, i bet you like the toilets or the bullshit buses.
I admit, it was done as a ruse. My actual favorite is the Wet Painters update, which was a true skill test.
>can't git gud
>he doesn't know the bus schedules
Lol, they take away ground indicators and babies like you can't get through content. I'm sure they'll patch it in next raid cycle so you can get it done.
>not purchasing the ability to speak their language using Goober Dollars.
C'mon man.
>Be me
>Love the game
>Friend wants to join in
>Wants to main a DPS
>Tell him to main Flatts
>Watch him try and kill a Spongebob main
This was the best thing I've ever done.
>bus reads my inputs as I'm grabbing my food from the vending machine
Beginner's trap much? This shit is peak artificial difficulty.
How am I supposed to defeat the diver titan? The only way to even knick him is to cheese him with a full party of Sandies but its wipe every time
>He doesn't think Band Geeks was the best update
You gotta find a way to set off the fire alarm. You see, he's a gimmick boss.
I'm not to that stage of the raid yet, I'm stuck on the first phase in that green area
Shell City Update was the peak of this game.
All other updates afterwards have been shit except for maybe the post-apocalypse and Superhero update.
>Squilliam main
>E3 comes
>Update happens
>Rock Bottom
this fucking board hit rock bottom
>Not liking the Krusty Sponge update
Such pleb taste.
I get it, but it only makes me sad
>tfw got the hasslehoff mount during the first week it was out
>When you pull off the Squid Chain Tentacle Grab Combo on a Patrick main
Despite celebrating spongebob, that update destroyed him until the next one. Squidward players were also being punished. Hell, the only class not being punished was Max Jew Krabs
What's the best 1v1 map, and why is it Texas?
So what was the best event?
Frycook games may have had the best mini games, but all the time travel events had THE best gear.
>playing the tea party event as a spongebob main
>get dehydration debuff almost instantly every time
>only skill in my kit that helps is Pinky Out but it has a fucking 30s cooldown
I'm gonna start maining king neptune in the next update. Which one should I pick? movie or tv series original?
TV series. Movie one is exactly the same but you get debuffed to the fucking ground if you lose your crown.
I would say that "Planktopolis" was the best update. Mostly because of the difficulty (which was fucking hard) and the boss, Neptune.
I also liked how you could unlock him afterwards, he replaced my old main, which was Sandy.
>tfw the devs ruined the game by letting people spam the "MY LEG" taunt without a cooldown
>devs make babby-tier instance because pub players STILL can't get into the Salty Spitoon
>fucking retards still complain
you take your sundaes with extra nuts too, faggot?
>Making another shitpost thread within hours of the last one
Will you give it a rest already?
what's the best way to farm these bad boys?
t. Ed, Edd & Eddy player
lol still upset your shitty themepark game went F2P??
Shut the fuck up you vapid twat
I honestly can't get pass the quest to get out of Glove World.. Who the fuck do I talk to? I've talked to Ms. Puff, Mr. Krabs, and even fucking Patrick
You talk to Pearl, by the Glove Love or whatever it's called. However you have to go to the chess board first, then you'll initiate a chess minigame with Patrick. After you win then the path to Pearl will open
>tfw you still haven't run out of money from the Pretty Patty gold rush back in beta
Did you get it yet, user?
you're not still wearing a weenie, are you?
>giving half a barnacle's ass about bragging rights equipment
Yeah man you REALLY need that shitty stat hat. Be real, it's only good for skin transfer and it's literally bullshit to get, it's just a badge showcasing your willingness to waste your fuckin time.
>he didn't get a free one back when the dev's accidentally made them droppable in Bikini Bottom
>he didn't get the special skin the devs made to apologize to the crustaceans who actually sunk booty to run through that unholy series of fights and puzzles at release
Don't worry, it only drops once every 7,500 runs or so now. If you want, I'll give you a -HAND- running it
I got it.
this is a video games board, and you need to be 18+ to post here. This is not a video game. You people are idiots
>B-but it's fun
No, you're all just children
please help im stuck here too
Uh oh, who called the fun police? Listen, I think I hear a waifu thread you can whine in instead.
>he hasnt played spongbob online
laffing @ u
Post best mounts.
This is an 18+ board kiddos
haha this thread is so meta guys ;)))
Go back to your shut down King of the Hill online if you're gonna talk with that attitude.
It's an application of gaming knowledge and common tropes using another work as inspiration. Just like those Life: The MMO threads we used to have.
video game culture is not against the rules, nerd
No wait, you're still a fucking nigger faggot
Spongebob is 18 years old.
>life mmo threads
they weren't funny either.
>tfw time limited unlock
I wish I was playing this when the movie came out
>they weren't funny
Nice goalposts. It's not against the rules.
>Order a pizza
>Delivery takes 11 minutes
>Pizza finally comes
>No drink that always comes with the pizza
>I tell them to fuck off and they shit on me for it
How am I supposed to eat this pizza without my drink?
Dude are you okay? Did you pull a muscle when you reached that far?
>Dirty Dan username has already been taken
fuck this game
>muh board culture
No excuse for this irrelevant garbage.
That's because I'm the only Dirty Dan main, Pinhead.
>Be Dirty Dan
>Game glitches and I argo any Sandy player nearby
Hey dude this is much fresher than weeaboo waifu thread No. 7576363628
It's stale memes/thinly disguised Sup Forums thread
Fuck off already