Fuck up and die

>fuck up and die
>teammates yell abuse at me non-stop

What the heck is wrong with gamers?

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The shitty ones don't kill themselves like they're told

>don't play online
>never get bullied
I sometimes wish I were

The internet is toxic as hell
Kids haven't grown thicker skin yet

grow some balls for fuck sake. or dont play online games

>teammates yell abuse at me non-stop

That means you're playing with children. Stop playing with children.

Don't play online, then. Stop asking the world to act the way you think it should.

Coming from someone that almost never plays online (last time I did, Warhawk was new).

It's not even possible to grow thick skin with this much hostility.

Blizzard PVP is the worst. No matter what your rank or skill, people will criticize.

Too many just fucking suck these days. Stop fucking up and dying.

>people give a shit about internet insults
Kek, normalfags need to grow a thicker skin.

You gotta be tough to play games these days kid. Pshhh just don't take it personally.


>play rising storm 2 vietnam
>teamkilling is pretty common
>game even notices with "write np in chat to forgive" after getting teamkilled
>never write np, niggas should just stop teamkilling
>teammate actually writes "prople who don't write np should be banned"

>playing soccer with the lads
>fuck up like a retard and give them the ball, they score
>teammates yell at me

>add bully to friends list
>report him
>invite him to play
>i..i can'it, i'm banned

This, way to many coddled faggots taking every insult by a stranger, seriously.


What are they classifying as online bullying?

>play rocket league
>disble chat
>live the comfy life

the only time Ive experienced little shithead kids getting bullied is when they complain with their high pitched voices

>The thicker skin argument
>Your own teammate is shitting on you
Or you can not be a retard and flame your team, because that is how you get spiteful game throwing faggots

Pssssshhh...Nothin' personnel, kiddo

>>fuck up and die
>>teammates yell abuse at me non-stop

Either go in with friends who don't care about "what you need to do", or stop playing with random strangers altogether.

It's not that hard of a problem, really.

>b-b-but how will I learn to beat it then

Try harder. Get better. Don't take unconstructive nonsense to heart. Pay attention to constructive criticisms.

>b-b-but I just want to have fun

Enjoy your earned berating. Or go back to the first bullet point I mentioned.

This isn't your reddit hugbox, you little bitch.

or just play and don't give a shit, it's of no consequence to me what anybody says online at all

How autistic do you have to be to get angry about losing a video game? It's just a fucking game. It isn't real.

Kinda like "fart rape"?

Anything at this point, simple criticism can be taken as "abuse" to some people

>someone talks shit to me
>don't react to it at all and report them

What? If I don't want to listen to a teammate with anger issues, I'm just going to mute them.

>get told by people irl that I have a silky radio host voice
>too scared to speak on a mic

Honestly, this is what I always do. Some fucker annoying me I would either mute and play the fucking game

>try sniper in a friendly game of TF2
>round starts, enemy sniper runs to the usual sniper spot and starts sniping (the window in cp_powerhouse)
>knowing snipers always use this window, I run to a different spot and get an easy snipe on him (the garage near mid)
>since he wasn't looking in my direction and didn't notice me at all, decide to taunt after this kill
>in my mind the sniper's waving taunt is just a friendly reminder like "hey, remember to check this spot too next time!"
>he goes on a rant about how I'm a "toxic" player for taunting and eventually leaves the server

Why can't millennial gamers handle a little banter?

Whenever I listen to my recorded voice I sound like a cock slurping homo, is that how my voice sound to people?

literally nobody imagines that when a sniper taunts after a kill, in like 100% of scenarios the sniper is just trying to get a rise out of the player

>What the heck is wrong with gamers?
Honestly? The problem is us. They only do that shit because it works. If we just started slapping their shit down and ignoring them, the autistic strategy would basically go away save one or two edge cases.

I thought it was going to say more than half of young online gamers are gay.

>act like an asshole



>Tell teammate to stop making a dumb mistake
>no wait bro i just

people need to stop being pussies. I use to get called shit all the time when I was 14 and then I'd shit talk back. It was hilarious most of the time

Fucking entitled little shits.

In some countries they don't tell you to kill yourself; they kill you. Or you starve to death. You know, real problems.


no no no only women are harassed

i heard that at the UN

gamers are assholes.Fucking bitches telling me to kill myself while they fuck my mom.

Depends a lot on the mic and other shit.
Closest thing to hearing your own voice without any high stuff equipment is grabbing two sheets of semi strong paper or something like that and holding them in front of your ears, facing in the same way as your face and then speak.

Legit though if you're 'that guy' you should shut the fuck up, nobody on your team wants to hear you bitch to some faggot about not using the right tool or whatever.

>teammates yell abuse at me non-stop

Tell the niggers to fuck off and swallow a bullet. Stop being a whiny little crybaby faggot.

It's a fucking wave. It's not like I did the schadenfreude.

>play as australian class
>can't handle banter

>in a pool of shit 5 feet deep
>hurr durr don't complain, the guys in the other pool are in 6 feet of shit

kill yourself

My only regret is I might miss out on some cool people. I made one good friend through the chat, but admittedly that was one person out of 200 hours.

>I am fine, I am a healthy engineer
think he tells himself this every night before he goes to bed after contemplating dropping a toaster in his bathtub?

serious business.

I sound like a gigantic tool

Why do people let shit get to them? Whenever somebody was annoying or an ass I would just mute their ass.

poor people literally aren't people

That is the other half of this entire situation, yes.

But as many times as we've told these asshats "stop listening to dumb shit said during online matches", they keep asking whining about 'muh online bullying'.

I'm sick of hearing about it, to be honest. If they can't handle being online because 'muh feels' then should just fucking get offline already. Stop ruining it for the rest of the people who actually don't give a shit.

He's the one that REE'd though.

>play game that has the ability to taunt in it

it doesn't matter which taunt it is, especially before they added alternative taunts. if you do a taunt after a kill, everyone will figure your intention is to annoy somebody

I'm 30 and only play some vidya when I get back home from work. I don't have the time nor the desire to deal with your autistic ranks. Shut the fuck up and act like adults or I'll report your ass.

or you know, recording yourself saying something

People want to play for fun. It doesn't matter how nice you sound, you will always sound like a dick taking the game too seriously when you call someone out.

>It's a fucking wave
It's a taunt. Everyone sees it as "haha I killed you"

Nah, he blocks out the rest of the thought.

Legit though if you're the one holding the team back for any reason, you should be corrected.

>2002, 12 years old
>get old family PC handed down to me
>go into an AOL chatroom expecting to talk to people with similar interests
>it's full of bitter twenty something year old neckbeards
>they immediately start shitting on my screen name
>they tear apart my online lingo and call me a retard
>kept coming back anyway
>my English improved dramatically
>became less of an obnoxious faggot

It's a hazing ritual, and it's not done enough nowadays IMO.

You rationally made yourself look like an idiot accidentally. Good work.

>don't complain
Correct, no one gives a shit about your little world... ever.

>he really is that sort of autistic faggot

>if somebody fucks up
>you aren't allowed to correct them

Your life was a mistake

I agree. But calling someone a faggot is not "correction". If anything, it's more likely to make them not want to listen out of spite.

>git gud
>0 results

I am ashamed of this Sup Forums

>i take online games very seriously

I know my voice needs more base,but fuck it when life hands you lemons squeeze the fuckers back in the bitchs eyes. I had to learn to grow a pair what makes this pussy exempt from real life.

I don't bully anyone but I heard this spicy get dropping the word nigger everywhere in a session, so I had to call him wetback

>mfw he didn't even now what it meant

>my English improved dramatically
Haha, I was above average at writing in high-school/college because of arguing with you faggots from twelve and up.

>losing all the time is fun

>people who point down in DaS after killing you

I'll bully you

Online games wouldn't be the same without some 70 IQed Peruvian flaming you in Spanish.

>Situation: boss battle
>objective: slay boss
>hinderance: boss only weak to magic, and weak point only visible when his shield is dropped
>team leader: "alright team fan out, stay alive, stay healed, his shield will drop after he raises his head. don't physically attack him until then or we'll all die"
>asshat: "I don't belive you I'm swinging sward nao"
>Team: "Dude what the fuck did he just say?! What is wrong with you??"

That is exactly what's happening here, even if my example is from a non-existent game.

Are you beginning to see the problem yet?

>people that react negatively to criticism
>people that give criticism

Both are just as bad. Use the mute if you don't want to hear someone and just play the fucking games.

Did I trigger any PTSD

Annoying somebody isn't the same as being an asshole or being "toxic". It's part of the game. Don't play multiplayer games if you can't handle it since taunting is in basically every one.

>giving criticism is bad
Ok. I'll bite. Why.

People ask me why is your nose crooked,well it's because i was taught comback ninjutsu online.

>don't play online
>get bullied

I'm just saying that's how people perceive taunts, period.

i'm not saying it's bad to taunt somebody, but you're retarded if you don't think it'll annoy somebody if you do it

like, only slightly. still recovering from League, m8

>people actually think being yelled at and insulted in a non playful manner when doing fun activities with your friends is normal

Most cases it causes the other person to get angry and play worse.
If someone on my team is playing bad, I just don't say anything. Someone else decides to say something and the whole game gets thrown.
It's very rare someone takes criticism seriously.

With your friends that's one thing.

With people you don't know?


get better friends

Okay. I don't think it won't annoy them, but I do not expect that it will cause them to ragequit the server and it doesn't make me or anyone else who does it an asshole, and that was my only point.

That said, there is actually even an achievement to get someone to ragequit the server, so even that could be considered "part of the game".

I was playing MvM not more than a few minutes ago and nobody peed their pants when I suggested the scout use mad milk if they had it. They didn't. That was the end of it.

What if I kill WITH a taunt?

That falls into the "people that react negatively to criticism" category though.

>being the one pointing down

My nose is crooked in real life. It's great for those rare moments when other dudes want to front and bow up on me.