What did they mean by this?

What did they mean by this?

Other urls found in this thread:


it's ok when nintendo does it

That it's a good thing Iwata died and Reggie isn't far behind

That Shitoddledrones will defend every single time that Shitendo shits down their throats

This. Shitendo is rapidly evolving into Sup Forums's hated company with recent revelations surrounding the Shitch. Shitenbankruptcy is inevitable now.

>recent revelations surrounding the Shitch

What's this about?
I guess I'm behind on Nintendo news.

Shitch is well on its way to being a Virtual Boy tier disaster with buggy units and literally no fucking games. The launch defects should tell you more than enough about the quality of this 'console'

>b-but it's okay when Nintendo makes you pay for hard mode

>"Gamers" buy DLC like crazy
>Dota 2, Leagfue and Heartstone make billions of dollars with fucking skins because neckbeards are stupid
>Blame Nintendo that they add DLC

Nintendo DLC ( for example Mario Kart 8 ) were extremly good compared to competition.
I paid 12 bucks and got 50% more content in Mario Kart 8

nintendo actually ruined botw speedrunning because of all the amiibo bullshit

>Nintendo was the last to fall for the DLC and paid online cancer
>People try to revise history as if their the ones to majorly blame
>About 3 threads about similar "Nintendo is cancer topics"
Really activates the almonds...




Fucking ESL toddler faggot get fucking killed

>and literally no fucking games
It's been two months

It means that every game that they release is a full game for the price paid. Any additional dlc is completely optional and very affordable. BotW is a perfect example of this.

Wtf am I watching nig-a-d

>Being this mad that I told the truth
It's a good thing I'm out of sorts atm, or else I would have cared about anything you just said

Iwata died so it was inevitable. Not like I buy any of their games anyway

Oh no, what ever will the literal no-life NEET autists do?

Yes they only went with the industry standard because Iwata died. I hope you don't believe that.

Ahahahahahahah imagine being this much of desulsional salty cry baby.

There will always be issues with new hardware but, as always, these usually only affect a insignificant number of people. A video showing about 20 defective Switches against the MILLIONS which are absolutely fine.


I guess you must really desperately want to on a video game for some irrational reason. Top kek.


and now they are locking out 50% to a 100% of the gameplay behind paid online, meaning you cannot get the complete experience of the game without paying extra.

I absolutely fucking love how Nintendo exists as an unfathomable enigma to the clueless kiddies of Sup Forums.

Watching the faces of the young shitstains here contort in anger and rage as Nintendo stand resolute as an unshakeable behemoth in the video game landscape. It fills me with an endless joy.

Honestly, most of the DLC I've bothered to get from Nintendo has been okay. I mean I'm not really one to buy much DLC anyway, but I haven't been burned by it at least.

>virtual boy tier disaster

Toads have no biological sex.
Because they are plants.

Toadette does identify as female gender.
And Toad does identify as male gender.

I still don't get this image, BotW has beaten out Horizon in all regards with sales and scores and 90% of people who have played BotW don't even care about Horizon in the slightest.
It just seems like the guy who made this image is really deluded.

I don't think you know this but the virtual boy was discontinued in less than a year, half in Japan.

Nintendo is right, all dlc except large expansion packs are a cancer

>you will never be as assblasted as that nigga OP

feels pretty fuckign good.

He's dead user.
That's why.

Horizon outsold BOTW retard, try again.

Read the DLC part again. They never said no DLC ever, they said they wouldn't cut pieces of the main game out to focus it into DLC. Whether or not they've already done the same thing with amiibos is arguable, but the MK8 DLC was a great deal when it released. 12 dollars for 16 new tracks, 8 new vehicles, 4 new characters, and 8 cosmetic swaps for two of the existing ones. That content is a sizable percentage of base game content at a fraction of the price.


Check the calander, it's not march anymore. Nice try boyo.

How about BOTW then? Guess what fucktard, Nintendo is now selling you hard mode. Even Atlus gave Persona 5 merciless mode away gor free and they have gone balls out on paid DLC for that game. The Nintendo of old is dead.

Not anymore no. As all the trash game you generally get on the PS4, it had a strong week then dropped off.

Don't worry, nobody actually care about that trash

Just how outdated is your info? Last I checked BOTW had outsold Horizon 2:1 and was climbing

New Fire Emblem game
Base price $39.99
Expansion pass $44.99

>new IP managed to outsell one of Nintendo's biggest and oldest franchises in opening week



But it didn't mongoloid-kun

I thought that autist were supposed to be good with numbers.

That's without Amiibo right? Need to tack on another $25+

I never thought DLC was a bad thing, but it's pretty funny to watch nintenbros start to waffle on the topic.

You also forgot to tack on rent, a TV, electricity, and a console, so that's at least another $500 bucks.

Idiots. That's why their company was almost run out of business.

Fuck I forgot about that. I don't even have the 3ds that has the reader

>can't deny the facts
>so attacks the formatting


Don't worry goyim, you can buy an amiibo reader for $27 on Amazon!

>Can't deny the conclusion

it keeps happening. Man am i glad I'm not mentally defective.

Just post the source, man.


>threads get deleted for shitposting
>repost his image in his other shitposting thread

Poor jannies gonna earn those hotpockets tonight


NX was already prototyping and announced nearly a year before this thing debuted.

Nobody gives a fuck because they're targeting different markets. Not even the Aikun guy. HE FUCKING WELCOMES IT BECAUSE HE KNOWS.

>Kind of interested in Stellaris
>but I know damn well it'll feel incomplete incomplete and stay that way for 3-4 more major DLC
I want a different timeline.

Imagine being this wrong. Oh dear.

we did warn his kind

the whole western shit selling huge swath of lifetime numbers in the first week is nothing new, yet they fell for it anyway

>PS4 exclusive has strong opening week because sonyfriends are thirsty
>immediately dies shortly after
How high was the attachement rate for Bloodborne again?

>BOTW is a complete and/or full game
>runs at 30 FPS and doesn't even have a hard mode

No thank you. I wouldn't call that cinematic experience a good game.

>cinematic experience
ACfag what's your fucking problem?

It has nothing to do with Western games, every PS4 release of yet another soon-to-be-abandoned IP is like that.

DLC is a cancer in the industry, and if you buy even 1 bit, you're part of the problem.

Times change. If everyone else is making mad hunnids with dlc it's stupid for one company not to. Dlc is shitty thing but people have accepted it. Companys purpose is to make money not to be the nice guy

Bwahahahahaha you would love to believe that wouldn't you?

Oh my, Nintendo really rustles the jimmies of the salty masses on here, don't they? I love it. Keep crying. Your tears sustain me.

>cinematic experience

Top kek. Wut?

DLC is a good way for developers to generate revenue streams from old games, which then justifies long term support.

Shitty cashgrab DLC is bad, DLC when done right is good.

My problem is when a huge company, as old as Nintendo, doesn't understand the fundamentals or priorities of a video game, opting for graphics and voice acting instead of stable performance or content.

Was Iwata assassinated by greedy Nintendo shareholders?

So nintendo should limit the playability so that few lifeless nerds could speedrun? Ok...

Iwata underestimated how Nintendo fans can accept anything, like paying for hard mode.

There is nothing wrong with DLC in and of itself, the usual suspects just perverted it by nickle and diming consumers. DLC is a perfectly fine concept that Nintendo seems to executing well in their major titles. I didn't feel skimped on content in vanilla MK8 or BotW so I'm perfectly happy to purchase additional content. I was particularly impressed with Mario Kart 8's DLC, I feel like I got my money's worth.

DLC done right is called expansion packs, user.

As much as I don't want to defend the Switch, virtually all 'defects' are a result of retards not taking care of their shit. The only exception to this are the Joycon connection issues, with which Nintendo have offered free replacement Joycons, anyway.

Like I said, no game should ever run at 30 FPS, and the only games that do are made by incompetent developers who mask it by saying "it was an artistic choice".

> Putting a difficulty mode behind DLC is executing DLC well.

So you just love shitposting games you haven't played? Good to know
Also stop frogposting you fucking redditor.

>Nintendo, doesn't understand the fundamentals or priorities of a video game

You are fucking beyond deluded. You just exposed yourself as a salty, assblasted child with that silly statement.

Indeed. It's not even a new thing, Sup Forums just likes to bitch about literally anything, while talking about the "good old days."

>DLC is a good way for developers to generate revenue streams from old games

DLC is a good way to jew the consumer as much as possible.

Someone post the Shitch barneyfag picture.



>237 results found. + even more with his renamed file

>So you just love shitposting games you haven't played?
So I'm wrong you say? Please, do show me where Zelda runs at a crisp 60 FPS and DOESN'T lock important features behind a DLC paywall, like oh say, a hard mode.

>Nintendo are an incompetent developer

Just stop embarrassing yourself. You're upset because Nintendo made a good game. How immature can you get?

>hurr I haven't played it but here are more shitposts about the game
Do you have any self awareness, dumb frogposter?

You know wii u was out by then and the original idea for wii u was the one switch ended up being?

You know, you keep saying Zelda is good, but I don't see any facts supporting it. I don't see it running at 60 FPS, I see no free DLC that I'm entitled to because I bought the game at full price already, I see not a single bit of support. Woe be onto the poor WiiU owners who had gamepad functionality removed just so the Switch version would be better. Some company.

That's what businesses do, user

>if I keep making shit up maybe someday after years of shitposting a single human being might admit that Zelda is not as good as he thought it was before
Keep trying kid, I'll keep playing the game of the decade.
Last (you) for (you)

And that's why business being in the video game industry is what ruined it to begin with.

>if I keep making shit up
>fails to mention a single thing that was supposedly "made up"

>you need to point exactly what of my post filled with lies was a lie
What did she mean by this?

>you keep saying Zelda is good, but I don't see any facts supporting it.

You can't have FACTs supporting an elusive quality based on taste and education you fucking dunce, you can only have OPINION.

And the OPINION on BotW is that it's one of the best games ever made. It received more perfect scores than any other game ever released. That is now a historical FACT. So cry some more.

Why would you be entitled to free stuff?

>it's made up, but I'm not gonna say what exactly, le spoonfeeding

What did he mean by this?

>It received more perfect scores than any other game ever released

Oh, okay. So we're gonna listen to critics now, despite them being unreliable, corrupt sellouts for the latter half of 30 years. Gotcha.

It also sold less than horizon. That's a historical fact.

No it didn't. Oh dear. How's it feel being wrong?

Not that sales have any kind of bearing over QUALITY you silly child.

>People from a company said something 10 years ago
>The company is now bound to follow these statements for eternity
Not how business works, kiddo. Companies need to adapt to what their market wants, and the market has clearly shown that people want DLC for their games. Nintendo would be stupid to ignore that.

McDonalds also sold more than some high quality food

this is true. I can understand scratching screens from the dock is from the dock being a shitty shit but even then people should take precautions. The crashing and the glitching of the systems is most certainly due to people blocking the vent on the back. When the system overheats it usually gives white screen and can sometimes get fucky and make noise.