The wrong kid died bros

the wrong kid died bros

why do you keep forcing this meme

Sega deserved to die for its stupidity and literally eating itself from within

Shit, look at how piss poor their output has been since the DC died. Go fuck yourself and I say this as a Genesisfag.

>look at how piss poor their output has been since the DC died

they have published and or developed 100 good games since then.

Jesus autismo stop its your 4th Nintendo hate thread in a couple of minutes

Keep forcing it, you're only hurting yourself.

list them. Go.

Only post dreamcast output

And only in 16 years!

I think I would have preferred if nintendo died before sm4sh releases but after w101 released, thats when they really shit the bed and started having a negative impact on videogames imo

Their fanbase wasnt half as awful at that time either

>if i keep saying their fanbase is awfull then maybe people will believe me

It's sad, at this point

keep the thread alive for me ;)

No, the right kid died. Nintendo are stupid, Sega was clinically retarded.

Nintendo makes the shittiest hardware and imo, games now too. If sega would continue making normal consoles and not do exactly what nintendo does then yes, the wrong kid died.

>he doesn't know about sage

We told you in your other shitposting thread. That should be basic knowledge to anybody who has been here for a few years.

wrong kid still died.

Why do you think nintendo's fanbase isn't awful? It consists of absolutionist and egotistical manchildren who are attached to a corporation like it's their cold and uncaring mother, and they tend to hate on anyone who criticizes their games. In addition to that, they treat non-nintendo fans like theyre also egotistical corporate cocksuckers and call everyone who doesnt like Federation Force or Starfox Zero a hypocrite because, in their mind, the non-nintendo fan probably likes Knack. No, dipshit, both Knack and Federation Force are shovelware tier garbage.

Maybe you should stop being an autist. It's not a good look on you

went back tonight and played some sonic 2. it was terrible.

then went to mega man x. amazing.

with this anecdotal evidence i can say definitively you are wrong. and i was a huge sega fan as a kid. they were ahead of their time with some stuff, but they fucked up and nintendo prospered for a reason.

Where's my list, kiddo.

I thought you had 100 good game from sega

wrong kid died

sonic colors
sonic rush
sonic unleashed
sonic riders
sonic generations
sonic adventure 2
sonic advanced 1
sonic advanced 2
sonic advanced 3
shadow the hedgehog
super monkey ball
super monkey ball 2
billy hatcher
sonic heroes
yakuza 0
yakuza 5
the house of the dead
alien vs predator
the 2 sega racing games and many many more im to lazy to list

So, you can't actually list 100

Man, sega truly is shit. Glad they died.

Notable Sega titles Post-Dreamcast
>Sonic Generations
>Sega & Sonic All-Star Racing Transformed
>Yakuza franchise
>Shinobi PS2
>Jet Set Radio Future (note this is originally a DC game)

Bad Sega Sequels Post-Dreamcast
>Almost the entirety of Sonic
>Crazy Taxi 3-5
>Altered Beast
>Golden Axe

Wow, 10 or so genuinely good games in the last 17 years, a couple of which weren't even developed by Sega. Amazing.

i wasnt even the original user you were talking to boy

You are right about the wrong kid dying.
However, Nintendo isn't the one that should've never been in the business.

so, we got 2 sega autist and none are able to post 100 good games. Woops

All the hype around Sega is when Sup Forums played their first Yakuza game and PCfags of ports of 7+ year old games and a new retro Sonic which is good

I don't see how people think Sega is good. They're still a corporation that only cares about money now. It's not like the 80s or 90s where they try to make innovative games

no one is gonna spend a half hour typing out 100 games just for you to be like huehuehue those are all bad

poor sega

>ow the edge