RE4 Fans Are Fucking Retards

>RE4 comes out
>RE7 comes out

I'm gonna repost this everyday until RE4 fans admit they were always wrong

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Based Simple Jack

They're both good games, what's the problem here?

fatties fart 3 when

> Game needing to change it up every once in a while to for market demands is retarded

I'm not even an RE fan. I liked 1 and 5 and that was it.

Are you implying that long-term series don't need to change more than once?

Except Resident Evil 4 is actually good. After 4 came 5, which botched the whole concept of making an action game with a pooly implemented co-op partner.

6 then went balls to the wall, and was actually so insane it was amazing.

Then 7 went back to the survival horror, roaming around a mansion/hillbillyshack concept. And changed perspective.

If you're gonna compartmentalize Resident Evil 4 fans into only that category then i think the only simple person here is you.

OP is a faggot.

>Except Resident Evil 4 is actually good

>Resident evil series had been going on for nearly 10 years as survival horror
Need a shake up

>Resident evil series had been doing action for over 10 years
Need a shakeup

Like, if RE4 tanked in the critic ratings and sales and RE5 was a return to survival horror form...maybe you'd have a point.

Every 10 years they mix it up, try something new to keep the series mildly fresh

>Except Resident Evil 4 is actually good.
it's actually shit
>b-but muh over the shoulder perspective!
another thing to absolutely despise it for. over the shoulder 3rd person is cancerous and not a single good game uses it

I bet you're hyped for the new World War 2 COD you fucking dope.

The RE fans are multiple individuals with multiple opinions and such.
It goes from someone that loved RE4, to someone that hated RE4 to someone that don't actually care about actually playing the games but have a weird fetish for opening the resident evil game boxes for the first time while masturbating, and he buys several copies of the game to satisfy his needs.

I mean, I'm interested to see what they'll do with it...other than the fact it isn't made by Treyarch. It's still a retarded fucking name.

>Says game is bad
>Only mentions camera perspective as reason

Autism unleashed!

The weirdest RE fans from my very casual RE fan's perspective are the ones who are super into the 4-6 gameplay style and got so angry at 7 for changing things so drastically. I can obviously get not liking the change, but to decrying the entire attempt to go more horror focused again and shake things up seems hypocritical considering where those fans came into the series, that being a shake up in itself.

I'm pretty sure the people who liked RE7 for going back to horror are also the same people who hated RE4 for going more into an action direction. There were tons of people here on Sup Forums who shit on RE4 for starting the trend of action-oriented Resident Evil games. The people who liked RE4 were people who liked it despite the more action-y aproach to things.

I really don't understand why you group individual fans together like that. Just kidding of course i know why, you do it because you're simple Jack. And it's easier for your tiny brain to wrap around something if you group things together.

OP did this same thread at least 50 times like 1 month ago, are you coming back from a ban faggot ? this is still not funny and nobody cares about RE anymore retard

I ain't no rocket scientist but I bet the new COD will have small maps and twitch controls, featuring some big name actor that's only relevant because he has/had a TV show he was the center of.

That being said, Advance Warfare was dope, and the campaign for Infinite was legitimately good. BlOPs 3 had a trash ending but I miss playing it with my buddies from work

People don't like change. I mean RE1-CV fans screeched when RE4 came out. I knew one guy in my friend group who considered it a bastardization (he was also a drop out)

Same thing happened with these fans for RE4-6 style.

Then there's people like me: Is it good?

Like, I enjoy RE survival horror like the GCN/PC remaster of game one. I also loved 4. (I guilty pleasure 6)

7 was very promising.

fanboys/girls will screech though

The worst RE fans are the ones obsessed with RE4 to the point where they literally just want RE4.5 or RE4 2 and don't even like RE5 or RE6 or the Revelations games because it's not "muh re4"

Yeah Call of Duty's worst sin isn't necessarily even being's just EVERYFUCKINGYEAR

Different times demand different things
Simple as that

5 was clumsy as all hell, Revelations couldn't decide between classic RE and RE4 and 6 was sublime over the top beautiful bs

You already made this fucking thread. Same exact fucking thread.

>not a single good game uses it
RE4 does

RE4 is the only good Resident Evil game. Prove me wrong faggot.

I like all RE games including Revelations 1 and 2. Haven't played 7 though

Please explain how RE6 isn't absolute trash.

>Except Resident Evil 4 is actually good
its terrible and killed the franchise, we had to endure the next few games in the series because of that shit


I'm a Resident Evil 4 fan and never said or thought this. I was always a fan of classic Resident Evil and wished the series continued to be made that way, but RE4 is also coincidentally a great game on its own.

RE4 was a game worth paying that price for. I would gladly send all the classic games to hell for another perfect game like RE4.

The only good RE games are 1 - 4, and 7 but only in comparison to the awful games surrounding it. None of the fucking subtitle games are good, 5 and 6 are terrible, and even 7 is spoiled by awful movement speed and other VR/console quirks.

What about 0, CV and Rev 1,2? Also, name a better coop game than 5.

Not him but 5 should have been a co-op spin-off like the Revelation games. It should have kept the ambiance of 4, as well. BSAA is some crap that I don't even follow.

The plot of the games are good when everyone stays in one area code for the duration of the game.

>Older Sherry Birkin

If that's your favorite Sherry, I don't even want to talk to you.

This is the most reasonable RE4 fan I've seen post.


Are you trying to say Max Payne is bad?

Oh boy, one of those generic fags that think RE4 killed classic Resident Evil calls anyone else cringy. Classic Resident Evil sold like shit and that's why the genre died.

Funny thing is that Rev games don't have an online coop. Also "Lost in Nightmares" DLC for 5 was better than the actual game.

Max Payne 1 and 2 are not over the shoulder because you can actually see the game

Not sure about Max Payne 3 because I don't play bad games.

RE0 sucks and REmake sold badly on the game cube, if RE4 didn't sell well the series would have been dead already.

>pcfag playing the entire game with a buddy loved RE6
Shocker, remember when FFXIII got a pc release?

Forgetting the fact that RE4 sold poorly until it got its PS2 port

the genre isn't dead if RE7 sold millions and is basically Resident Evil 1 in first person.

Personally, I bought RE4 on multiple platforms. I played it the other day. But I'm also a shitters that's never beat 1

RE4 was really good though.

Yeah! That's the Sup Forums we all know and love! Haven't played Max Payne 3 and calls it bad. You know why? Because cool guys on Sup Forums that play Nier Automata say so. Eat shit and die, human scum

I play Nier and Max Payne 3 is pretty good.

You're all not seeing the big picture here.

Resident Evil 1, 2, 3: Fixed Camera Survival Horror
Resident Evil 4, 5, 6: Third-Person Action Horror
Resident Evil 7, 8, 9: First Person Survival Horror
Resident Evil 10: All of the above combined

It's a brilliant strategy on Capcom's part. Helps keep the franchise fresh, too.

Mp3 was the shit, are you saying don't get Nier? I tried the demo and it was just okay.

Except that RE7 is nothing like RE1. Tank controls and the unique camera perspective made up the entire game.

Don't talk logic to me. Get away.

Except that would be a terrible idea. Changing gameplay mid game would immediately create preferences and distaste for sections of the game.

RE4fags are just underage faggot whose first RE (or even one of their first games) was 4. 4 ruined the franchise and sent it on the path that led to 5 and 6. Thankfully 7 was a success so it's fair to say it has been more or less saved.

I remember when 4 came out, RE was absolutely FLOODED with newfags and retards who hated everything that had made RE good up until that point. Very very few of them had played previous REs.

Who said anything about mid-game? There's been multiple campaigns in almost every single Resident Evil game.

Didn't it sell like 1,7 mil units on gc?

To all those talking about RE7 and comparing it to other RE games:

What makes a fucking franchise? Right, characters and relevance to the plot. Oh wait it's a horror game and it has a guy that shares the same surname with Chris that literally appears for 5 seconds. DEFINITELY A RESIDENT EVIL GAME. "Yeah uhm it actdtdtchually it says Resident Evil on the game cover so shut up retard"

RE7 feels more like a proper sequel to Outlast than Outlast 2 does.

>more f-bombs than in the "Fuck" -documentary
>explicit mutilation and violence instead of extravagant body horror
>playing as Average Joe with no character and in 1st person to immerse the player in his stead


Which apparently to RE7 cocksuckers means any of the Amnesia games could be a Resident Evil game.

I swear Sup Forums is literally the only place in the internet where there are people praising RE6.

Capcom will keep releasing RE4 for years cause they know its the best one, they don't give a shit about old school RE and are jumping on the new wave of first person horror games until the bubble bursts, but RE4 will still be there.

Everyone agreed Resident Evil 4 was a great game but not Resident Evil when it first came out.

People got sick of the action RE format and wanted horror back. That's not being inconsistent since the problems were quality and identity.

Yeah dude you like uhm shut the fuck up 7 is the only good game after code veronica because uh uhm it is like you know a survival horror game and 4 is action

Oh yeah that must be why Resident Evil 2 is being remade.

The people who think RE4 was the best in the series will never admit they were wrong because they'll never believe they were wrong. RE4 was their first game in the series and they were too young to appreciate the older games for what they were. These are the people who think 5 and 6 are worth playing and yet think 7 killed the series.

RE4 fans weren't wrong

RE4 is a better game than RE7

some day I'm sure we will all be capable of coming to terms with this

I never used to believe the New Coke conspiracy until I saw you RE4/RE7 cocksuckers.

This and COD World War 2 (look at this fresh setting... World War 2...) you idiots are easy to dupe.

>Sup Forums hates RE4 now

What happened? We /shit taste/ now?

>turning atmospheric horror game into big dumb third person shooter
but it's okay this time because of my nostalgia

>literally still making this thread with the same image every time

I think Outlast 2's problem is that Outlast 1's finale wasn't well received. To me, it was the best part of the game. But reviewers hated the sci-fi angle, so for Outlast 2 they put the sci-fi stuff more in the background, and focused purely on the supernatural and religious stuff. I feel that was a mistake. All the supernatural stuff in Outlast 2 is explained by a couple of documents in the Outlast 1 Whistleblower DLC, but it's information that REALLY should've been in Outlast 2 itself. The fact that the Lucid Dreamers (individuals discovered by Murkoff that are capable of MINDHACKING people within a certain range) have such a massive influence over the plot in Outlast 2 but are never actually shown or even mentioned in-game (save for a document or two talking about the relay towers), was a really, really bad idea. They're the true antagonists of the story, and you never meet them.

Still, the reason it was made was because the classic RE games weren't selling well. Though it's more to do with Capcom being retarded than old RE going out of style.

Go beat 1, then go beat REmake. REmake is a god tier game.

I feel like there is some Sup Forums comparison here like of an artist or bands who changes music styles a lot while their autistic fanbase screeches at them, like maybe Bowie.

>Considers CoD games worthy of attention
>Calls anyone else an idiot



-what defines the survival horror genre?

You really think it'll be an actual remake, fixed camera and all?

RE4 fans are right
When was the last time a mainstream development studio has made horror game that justified a full price tag?

>RE4fags are underage
>RE4 came out in 2005
>12 fucking years ago
Are you actually fucking stupid or are you just pretending?

I just said I was a shitters. Give me pro strats. When do I need to aim the gun up to hit their heads? When do I aim down to hit the dogs, when they are right beside me or can it be a few feet.

I'm turning 29 next month and I loved RE4 on launch. This whole "fan base change" had no real effect on the "community" at the time. The only reason RE still exists is because of 4.

90's Bowie sucked ass so that perfectly describes RE4

It's still midgame if you start another chapter. Also this is an even worse idea since there is a chance of playing your favorite campaign first.

4 was always hated by anyone who played the previous ones. Only people that came in with 4 thought otherwise.

Rank the series, faggots.

4 > 2 > 3 > REmake > CVX > RE1 > RE6 > RE5 > Dead Aim > Revelations > Gun Survivor

Haven't played 0 and only got a chance to play the first hour of RE7. Based on that first hour of 7 I played, it might end up in the top 5. I loved the sense of tension.

Just because you aren't according to Sup Forums doesn't mean it's fine to be a faggot born in 1999 who missed all the good games and who got into RE with 4.

Came in with 1,2. And for me RE 4 is a 9/10 game.

Oh relax, it'd be fine.
As long as the players is aware that there's multiple genres, and isn't suddenly surprised by a genre shift, they'll be comfortable with it.

Or capcom is smart and just makes them all into seperate games, well, except for classic resident evil since there is no market for it anymore.


Haven't played 7.

The only reason Sup Forums likes RE4 is because it came out on a Nintendo console and it was Sup Forumstendos first RE game. It's just a mediocre third-person zombie shooter and the downfall of the series.

So Farcry isn't a franchise?

It's a pretty shit franchise, senpai. Like I'd lol if people played them for the stories.

But they were right. Times change user.

I always thought that the end of 7 felt like what was supposed to be resident evil 7 but when Konami "cancelled" silent hills was cancelled they wanted to cash in on void it created and changed direction. But instead of scrapping it they worked out into the game to save money.

Is there more dlc coming outside of not a hero or whatever it's called? I thought there was supposed to be one more paid dlc as well

Who takes RE's story seriously? It was always trying to get as cheesy as possible using horror movie tropes since the first one.

Should play Silent Hill for the story.

t. screeching autist

If you have at least 2-3 games that are somewhat connected it is a series. The other games that share a name with this franchise but are like DmC or RE7 can't be considered part of it.

It doesn't really matter all that much, just don't kill what you don't have to.

Played 1 and 2 as a kid, still loved 4.